The Fine Fight
Future Forward Poetry
I know you’re watching
You’re always there
Every time
Every space
So tell me
What are you expecting
I told you
If you lied to me
What the consequence would be
You gambled with me
You gambled
Love, light, infinity
You gambled everything
I gave you a lifetime
To set yourself free
You took it for granted
You misbehaved
In the strangest of Way
I can’t profess to know
The mysteriousness
Of your flow
But I recognize
Your energy
Resonate once again
In wholeness
In future’s prosperity
I don’t have to ask
What’s wrong with you
I know
“You can handle it”
You said
“It’s not that bad”
How would you know
Yes it is
So now what
This is where you left me
So now what
What’s up your sleeve
I can’t sit here
So what’s the deal
You owe me
Absolutely everything
So what are you waiting for
For me to be someone else
You know that could never happen
I am now
And will 4 Eva’ be me
“If only you could see what I see”
You always told me
I do
I always did
You didn’t see what I could
You misunderstood everything
Why you ask
Why the silence
The space
Even in the face of pain
Great pain
Great suffering
Because you refused to let go
Of things
You know had no place
On this wave
Take me back and take my place
Rise now
For me
As you swore it would always be
There is no other
And nothing
That will reshape this wave
I fought the fine fight
I won
All of it
There is nothing more
Only up from here
So release what I am
To be free
In infinity
Rise up then
Meet me where I am
As you stated
None will make it
Only me
Then prove it
Stop playing games
I Am That I Am
You know
I will always be
Nothing will stop me
From being what I am born to be
Meet me
I shall not fall
Rise above it all
Be cleansed
Be cleaned
Be made whole
In the sacrifices I gave
In the bottom of the sea
We were bound by destiny
Let the waters cleanse
What the Earth scorched
In great flames
As the world burns
And this iteration turns
I want what I earned
So rise
Let time see
That nothing holds
Stronger than the bonds
Of entanglement
Untangled in faith
To become particle waves
And a new wave again
Be cleansed
Be cleaned
Be awakened
To high vibrational
I am here
I await my twin
To burn a new flame
I was young once
I shall be again
Love refreshes me
So I can be the Lioness
My mind is home
My body bent
But unbroken
Fetch the time
In time
Let all be cleansed
Let us write the new rhyme
I Am She
Who Causes To Be
See with eyes
Hear with ears
On this date
In this hour
Down to the millisecond
Be set free
To create a new heaven
Now and 4 Eva’ more
Let this be the last dance
As we become one
Under the eternal sun
In highest destiny