The First Time Lolita Poisoned Me I Was Five
October 1980, Halloween
She poisoned me at school
She brought cupcakes with my favorite frosting, chocolate
But I wasn’t allowed the chocolate, I had to eat the vanilla, which I hated
I immediately became VIOLENTLY ill
Everyone knew it was that obvious
I was so sick I couldn’t stay conscious
I leaked from every orifice for days
Lolita, her sister, and her mother all sat there screaming at me as if I had done something wrong for being sick
No one took me to a doctor
I had to go to school the next day and pretend like nothing happened
Rumsfeld brought doctors in to see me
Sometimes he really was the only one doing anything, then he raped and tortured me
I had to clean up after myself after I regained consciousness in the shower I passed out in
I never had another healthy day
I just did my best
I was five
Yet people sit around and listen to her, them slander me like I’m Satan and she’s the second coming
But I’m “sick”?
Rumsfeld forced her out of town shortly thereafter
Her sister soon thereafter
Both were jealous of the fact that he “chose” me
I’ve never ever wanted anything to do with their lifestyles
They are revolting
Everyone pushed her away after that, she’s obviously crazy
She never stopped abusing
She’s been angry at me all these years as if I did something
Her mother told her and her sister that I “tattled”
I didn’t
Her mother thought it was hilarious, she laughed at me about that and all the abuse all my life
Zanja aka Cissy, her sister, used that as an excuse to also torture me even more
I never knew what it was I was accused of saying and doing
They never said
She put bleach, ammonia, and comet in my food
I’ve been disabled ever since
Rumsfeld forced me to perform (hacked) as though nothing was wrong
He also didn’t allow civilian doctors to know my true background
He controlled everything from the crib
To this moment no one cares
But I’m the “threat”?
DEFECT Russian Embassy, USA
Rumsfeld told me I would develop M.S., it didn’t stop him from experimenting, raping, force breeding, and torturing
But I’m the “unstable” one for blowing the whistle? The White House DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention United Nations ALL OF YOU ARE GUILTY.
She has ALWAYS abused me, even before five
As a result of Lolita Express, she’s a diagnosed psychopath yet people STILL sit and listen to her PREY because she sure doesn’t PRAY.