The Forest
In the garden of brighter days
In the garden
the innocents played
With light
and love
and energy frequencies
their love remained
From some dangers
their hearts were
kept at bay
When the day came
for awareness to rise
and for new souls to awake
They took the forbidden fruit
and began to realize
what a terrible mess they made
Not all that glitters is gold
The box they learned
also holds
all that is good
and bad
It ensures life can remain
So that an awakening
can advance ALL
who want a bright day
When tapped too soon
then dangers loom
and THIS is the mistake
that people continue
to replay
There is a divine order
if we see
or don’t see
If we hear
or don’t hear
If we want
or don’t want
The truth still remains
The fruit is within
no one controls this
But when accessed
the true healing
Make wise choices
not to do so
is true sin