The Harness
What was all the torture 4?
He began putting me in a harness when I was around 7 years old, literally in 2nd grade. He gained access to me from the same public school I was mandated to attend every day, enforced by Social Services and the police. My parents were threatened, abused, had income withheld, medical care withheld, followed, tracked, assaulted, and tortured when they didn’t comply. There was nothing my parents could do to keep me away from the men who molest and tortured me, THEY WERE THE HIGHEST AUTHORITIES! The responsibility fell on my shoulders to help my family, Why? How?
In kindergarten my handler would pick me up from class, by the time I was 7 I walked myself there. Depending on the day he would pick me up after 1st period or 4th. Yes, we changed classes in elementary school. He would walk me down the path to the underground tunnel on the side of the school, it was backed by woods. No one was ever around, no one cared. People only cared if someone questioned why it was happening, then they got angry at me. No one wanted to be implicated. He and his cronies were the highest authorities for decades, if anyone ever got in the way they simply pushed them out of the way. If people had stood up to the bullies instead of ignoring the “negative” as they called it and focused only on the “positive” then they would NEVER have been able to get away with it. But no one did, those behaviors became the new “norm” in America. The entire planet is suffering the consequences of that approach today. If the intention were to be Godly, focused on love, and remaining positive then the “positive” action would be to protect the vulnerable child being trafficked from one of the most advanced public schools ever to exist. There’s nothing “positive” about ignoring a child in danger.
What about billions of children?
My handler would walk me into the tunnel that was hardly lit. Without sunlight the tiny orange lights at the top, which never worked, only attracted mosquitos but did nothing to provide light. He would walk me to the door on the left side of the tunnel (when exiting the school, the right if approaching). There was a small metal door, the color of the natural walls of the tunnel which had been painted over by students. There was a small metal latch in the door that operated as the handle. He would open it and we would lift our feet to step inside another dark tunnel. We had to lift our feet because the door was about 3 ft. off the ground, this helped prevent flooding. The installation was built like many other military installations, but with a specific purpose in mind. It was built directly under the school for a reason!
The mechanism to activate the lights in the hall changed periodically as did the appearance of the door, for “security” purposes. In other words, if anyone discovered what was happening, they simply hid the evidence. I can recall a key fob being installed on the right side of the tunnel at the opening, that later went away but it was there in the early days. It switched on the lights, sometimes they were switched on remotely. We walked down the long tunnel to the door at the end. There a camera was installed at the top, he would show his face and the door would open. The same was done sometimes on the outside door, but not at first, that security measured was instituted later on. Sometimes a person manning the door remotely opened it, sometimes the camera scanned us and opened on its own. Within the installation itself there were scanners and cameras everywhere that did not allow access to persons who did not have authorization to access that level of intel. That’s how I grew up, at his side.
Once we walked through that 2nd door, we were entering the base. Everything from that point on was on camera until we entered a camera free zone. The base was small, but connected to other bases that were massive. That base was built out all through the 70s and 80s and now is massive in size. The tunnels are basically a highway unto themselves, the bases are actual cities. They had their own zip codes, which at the time were classified. They had their own mail system, also classified. They had their own courier services, also classified. They had supplies delivered, food, weapons, technology, people, clothing, blankets, furniture, anything and everything needed for a city to thrive. These bases were designed during the Cold War and existed so that if there were a major crisis, such as a nuclear threat, then the government could continue to operate in the shadows without interruption of continuity of operations. This is where the “shadow government” conspiracy theories originated. If you weren’t there, you don’t know what it is! In these facilities are where the Continuity Of Operations Plans were originally created. Both my handlers were charged with creating them to ensure that America never falls, we are dangerously close in these very moments.
I was there not only because my handler wanted to molest me, I was selected out of pool of candidates to be a protégé in the Star Wars Program. Molesting me was an added bonus to them, that’s why they chose pedophiles to staff these positions. They were chosen for the job because of their skills, abilities, ruthlessness, and training. The fact that they were psychopaths, racists, and misogynists was a plus to those who selected them. Being a pedophile was a non factor, to all of them “the end justifies the means.”
He and my other handler were to teach me EVERYTHING they knew so that if anything should ever happen to one of them, the information would be preserved and operations could continue, uninterrupted, until the government could be stabilized again. I am a trained operative, but more importantly, I am a repository of information. In other words, Americas Black Box. Not so ironic that I’m Black.
My handlers didn’t stop at securing America, there was a constant nuclear threat looming so saving the planet requires more than saving one nation. They sold their expertise to other nations globally. I became THE Black Box, holding secrets no human should have to carry, let alone a child. “No one will ever suspect you” they always used to say. But people ALWAYS suspected me. I had headhunters after me my entire life, not the employment kind, the kidnapping and assassinating kind. My handlers took them out every time, it never failed. They trained me my entire life to protect American Democracy, while simultaneously violating every law and human right that was known to man. I was never my own person, I belonged to them. The one handler even had actual ownership papers on me. They both did, but he in particular had me labeled “property” and the consequences of that have never changed. I remain property to this day, no one cares. The White House
I have never disobeyed an order. I have never failed a mission. I have never faltered in my duties. I have never given erroneous intel. I have never failed to learn what was required of me, regardless of how sadistic and inhuman the circumstances. I have never taken one single action against the United States Of America, and I never will. Despite this being the worst example of what humanity has to offer, it’s my country. I will fight to the end to ensure that there is a future for my children, their children, and their children’s children because I will NEVER dishonor the sacrifices of my ancestors by quitting! They didn’t sacrifice for HUNDREDS of years for no reason. My entire life I have been forced to serve a nation that doesn’t feel I have the right to be considered a human. But that will NEVER detract from the truth. Like my father before me, we may not like the bigots in charge but we fight not for them, no one person, not even for a flag, we fight for the constitution and the future. That doesn’t change because a bunch of delusional people think they have the right to take what isn’t theirs. UN Human Rights
When I began blowing the whistle, it was because those are my orders. I would have rather chewed off my own foot then to expose the worst aspects of my worst nightmares that no one ever knew about, other than those abusing me! Obviously I knew the consequences, but I had no choice. My entire life I have been stuck in a double bind, damned if I do and damned if I don’t. When circumstanced became so impossible that not doing was more dangerous not only for myself, but my children, the Black Community, the nation, democracy, and the planet, obviously my training kicked in.
It couldn’t have come at a worse time! I was extremely ill, suffering from conditions that I can’t even talk about publicly, no one cared! Progressive Caucus All sustained due to my service of this nation. I have yet to receive the adequate medical care that could easily be provided to me, even in the field. My contract remains unpaid, my credentials and entire life remains redacted, and I can’t even so much as get COVID relief or SNAP benefits. UN Women
I was in the middle of dealing with the many medical conditions and disabilities I have been left to triage on my own. I was grieving the loss of my bonus son, his father, my mother, my grandmother, my aunt, and two cousins all within the span of 24 months. I was still grieving the loss of my father who I didn’t get to see or talk to before he died. I never got to truly tell him how much I loved him, how much I understood his struggle, and how much I didn’t blame him. He knew though, somehow he still knew. He left a message for me, and while others have received what he left me, I have yet to receive it. I didn’t get to bury him, receive his flag or dog tags the way he asked me to, I haven’t even been able to visit his grave. It’s only now that I am able to keep my promise of ensuring that his story is told. I have been robbed of a natural life, just like my father was and I’m not going to let America forget it! U.S. Department of State I matter, despite people hating the amount of melanin in my skin, my gender, my socio-economic conditions, and the cruelty done to me!
I was also in the midst of dealing with the same men who had trafficked me my entire life! Though one handler died in 2018, the other died in 2020, the mechanisms of control they left in place have not changed! The men they trafficked me to are still alive. Other handlers, still alive. No, I won’t obey them. You haven’t even paid me a penny. You haven’t honored my contract. You haven’t treated me like a human. You did the same to my father. You have allowed the nation to be sacked by an insurgency, and you are obstructing legislative ability to reestablish Continuity Of Operations. Until you can prove otherwise, you are not worthy of my support. “Submit to no one” is the command I was given my entire life. I report to an office, but that office is under occupation. Until such time that the U.S. government is no longer hamstrung, I have no choice but to do what I was trained and ordered to do. Contrary to popular belief, there are worst things than death. I face such consequences should I fail to do what I am trained to do, my children watching and suffering alongside me. “If I lose my faith in you there is nothing left to lose because it will all be over” that is what both my handlers told me my entire life. They clearly weren’t playing any games, neither am I. I may loathe everything about them but the one thing they got correct was my training. I Am who I Am, this truth will always be.
My orders then and always have been, to do what I am trained to do. Hold the line! So that is what I do. Until ALL are ALL and ALL are FREE I will continue to purge as I was ordered to. I haven’t even started yet!
My handler first put me in a harness in 1982, that’s also when the “enhanced torture” began. We (everyone in the program) had already been tortured but not the “enhanced” forms that he required. He said that the oversight committee wouldn’t allow him to begin enhanced torture until I turned 7 because it was too detrimental to development, he strongly disagreed. It shouldn’t have happened at all, but here we are.
“You need to know what can happen to you if you are ever captured. You have to survive against all odds. You also must be strong enough to sustain anything. This is training”. That’s what was programmed into me for decades, it doesn’t go away, that was the point.
While suspended in midair, in a harness, often with a mask over my face, sometimes mouth and hands bound, and naked, he raped and tortured me. I was only 7 years old. I should have been in school learning computer coding or psychology like other students were. Instead I was in a classified underground base learning tradecraft like I was a grown man who “volunteered” for such treatment. I wasn’t even getting paid like others were, I received “favors” but he interfered with even that. To this very moment he remains the most controlling person I have ever encountered, they both were. Sadly, scarily, they are not the sickest!
He would play music, sometimes the kind that I liked. Sometimes the kind that he liked. Different music depending on his mood and the agenda he was trying to accomplish. Sometimes he let others torture me, sometimes it was just him. Anyone could walk in, I never knew what to expect. Sometimes I couldn’t see, sometimes I could see a little. I could identify people by their movements, they learned to mask them. I could identify people by their smell, he learned to mask that. I could identify people by their stance, clothing, uniforms, even feet when they were naked. All while being tortured. That was the point. To ensure that I never lost my senses regardless of what was being done. I had no choice, either I learned or I died.
Sometimes I was gang raped, sometimes it was just him. Sometimes I was cut, burned, shocked, strangled, smothered, had needles pushed under my nails, water boarded, had loud music blasted at me, had guns pointed at my temple, guns put in my mouth, vagina, and rectum. I had electronic tools placed on my clitoris, and in my rectum. I was tortured until I lost my bladder, bowels, vomited, and passed out. They would yell obscenities, spit in my face, urinate on me, and taunt me about my race, gender, and victimization. “When you get the chance to fight back, remember this and don’t hold back” they used to tell me. Sometimes I was gagged, sometimes I wasn’t. He continued to torture me that way until I could endure any of it without reacting. Then, I had to learn how to escape.
That was at the age of 7 years old, and that was just the beginning. United Nations UNESCO Amnesty International Amnesty International USA UNICEF World Health Organization CDC Flu
But I’m supposed to accept that this is my “lot in life” and bow down to not only the men, but the system that allowed them to dehumanize me and I was literally tortured to ensure that I would NEVER break????????? I wonder is anyone paying attention, if so, what to?
The United States Government is under occupation by right wing extremists who are following the agenda laid out by the same nazis imported via Operation Paperclip from Germany during WW2. If America doesn’t take action now to secure The Homeland there will be no turning back. Every aspect of the nations infrastructure is infiltrated by the insurgency, all 3 branches of government continue to be in a stranglehold. The insurgency is operating in the highest places of government and actively threatening the nations most powerful and influential leaders. The only legislation that has passed, not only during the pandemic, but since 2016, has been to benefit the racist, fascist right wing insurgency and the plutocracy that is backing it. Almost 800, 000 people have died from confirmed COVID deaths alone, millions worldwide. That doesn’t include the people who have not been counted or who have died from causes triggered by but not counted as COIVD death. That doesn’t include the many other deaths from the urban warfare tactics that are deployed against humanity daily like state sanctioned attacks, medical abuse and neglect, drugs, far right attacks, starvation, chemical exposure, experimentation, torture, rape, domestic abuse, consequences of economic sanctions and attacks, or prison violence. The COVID death toll is only one measurement and it’s incomprehensible even with that one statistic!
The right wing extremists who occupy America are continuing the same holocaust that was just a trial run in WW2 Germany. We cannot afford to continue to deny this fact or the loss of the planet is the consequence.
“Either we will take it or no one will have it” words spoken to my face, by actual WW2 nazis imported via Operation Paperclip.
How far do you think the United States of America is willing to go to protect the planet? They told global leadership that they would stop at nothing, that is why America remains the global protection system. Yet it’s being held hostage, so there is no question as to what the next step is.
If you are in a position of leadership and you find yourself unprepared for the battle ahead, that is okay. There are people trained globally to step in and fill your shoes. This is no longer an “American” issue, this is a global issue. If you cannot handle this fight, step down and allow those trained to step up. We only have one shot at this, we cannot afford anymore practices!
The world failed the Jewish community in WW2 by allowing MILLIONS to be tortured and killed and turning a blind eye to it. The world has failed Central and South America by allowing such extreme devastation to almost completely wipe some nations off the map while systematically attacking others using extremist attacks and weaponizing climate change almost with total impunity. The world has allowed the Middle East to be devastated so severely that without immediate and significant intervention it may never recover within our lifetime, that is, if the planet makes it. Native communities globally have experienced ethnic cleansing that is so comprehensive in scope that many nations don’t even allow such information to be disclosed for fear of causing panic, nowhere is accurate data captured. Ethnic Cleansing globally has risen to unprecedented levels since the last administration took over, the current administration is powerless to address any of the issues particularly right here on U.S. soil facing Black America.
The insurgency is obstructing the ability to investigate, track, and locate evidence needed to pursue those involved in the insurgency while simultaneously occupying the very positions of power needed to ensure the government remains democratic, constitutional, and lawful. Anyone attempting to stand up to or fight the insurgency in any way is threatened with increased violence.
There is absolutely no excuse for any of it! There have been measures in place to prevent such actions since the early 1980s. If America is unable to institute its own safety measures to ensure that The Homeland is protected let alone the larger global planetary body, then next step measures must be taken immediately to secure life, democracy, and the future which is so close to becoming a lost dream that human consciousness cannot yet fathom the dangers.
There is no more practice time, this is GO TIME!
If the U.S. cannot do what it promised the world it would do, then the U.N. must step in. If the U.N. cannot do what it promised to do then the next phase of global leadership must be implemented immediately. The world can never become a plutocracy, not even the elites are prepared for such a thing! Climate change is hanging in the balance as these extremists escalate measures daily, intentionally. The time is now! My handlers drafted the COOP plan, the Barack Obama administration perfected it! My handlers didn’t like that fact, but it remains true nonetheless. America has the tools to put down the insurgency here in the U.S. but also to end extremism globally. The time is now! There won’t be any grandchildren to explain yourself to if you fail here and now. Is it worth letting billions of innocent children die for the sake of the lie of white supremacy?
If the center doesn’t hold, the nation doesn’t hold, if the nation goes so does the globe.
America has the opportunity to prove that DEMOCRACY is in fact superior to every other form of governing. Now is the time where true DEMCORACY can be achieved not only here in America, but globally. More than 2/3rds of the planet agrees with Democratic governing practices for all equally, yet that same percentage is under occupation by authoritarianism. Humanity cannot allow the few to dictate what it means to be human, particularly if it means sacrificing most of life on the planet as well as the planet itself. It’s not rocket science, it’s social engineering. What has been engineered can be reverse engineered!