The Original Sin
Pandora’s Black Box
None of The Ten or The Thirteen
Ever had total control
They only had the ability to cause pain and suffering
To taunt
To cause destruction
None had the ability to actually be in a relationship with me
None were allowed
Hence all the underground schemes to trap me
They all bowed to an extreme sadist
The fictive
In the very beginning
The desire alone to seek riches by any means
Was enough to lose all possibility
Of EVER being with me
All The Ten
Even The Thirteen
Were NEVER options FOR ME
I have never been an option
But their ego wouldn’t allow them to see it
What I was to them
Was an opportunity not to become guilty of participating in and deploying Harmagedon
They were ALL warned
They were tools in the fictive’s
Sick power and control games
What the dark twin doesn’t want to be revealed
Is that he never chose anyone over me
He never actually had the opportunity
That was always a smokescreen
They are all imposters
They are just afraid of this being seen
He was NEVER allowed to do anything other than
What he has
Cause misery
That’s why it surrounds him with every breath
He didn’t choose anyone over me
I was never his choice to make
He played games and slandered
To hide crimes
To hide the fact that he was rejected
Over and over again
Not only my by me
By EVERYONE involved in this operation
Hence the reason he runs false narratives
To cover up his worst nightmare
I had empathy for all of them
Because as superior as they all claim
They were all so blinded by their own deviance
They couldn’t see the trees foe the forest
Oh well
Projecting such slander against me
From the crib
The refusing to clean it
So I have no choice but to do it myself
I have said from the beginning
I never cared who any were with
It had nothing to do with me or my mission
Which was to clean up the mess the fictive made
But that injured them
All of the ego monsters
Particularly the dark twin
Because he doesn’t understand emotions
Or know how to heal
None of them do
That’s why it could NEVER be them!
Neither does anyone in his presence
Their presence
They think feelings are worthless
But love is a feeling
So how could they know it
They don’t!
They know pretense
That’s why all of them could be bought with fake options
That’s why they are all miserable now
Putting in a show foe the cameras
Begging me to to fix it
But I won’t
Their own people do this to them for money and power
Exactly what they did to me
Because they will never reach the kingdom
They are only just now
Recognizing this
I tried to help
They wouldn’t listen
Oh well
Not mine
Their own families did this to them
I know the feeling
But I heal!
They were always meant to be burdens
A hot mess
Something that would always be
A distraction
A problem
An obstacle
A barrier
All of The Ten and
Even The Thirteen
Are precisely that
They were NEVER going to be
My Emperors
They were just them men I was sold to
Who sold themselves lies
For fame and fortune
Yet thought they were “blessed”
Instead of believing the light
The truth
When I told them that facts
They trusted the torturer and child trafficker
They were ALL always sick!
Selling me to the highest bidder is nothing to them
Calling me “a karmic slave”
To this day they support the slander
Obviously none of them are divine
So you know the fake spouses blackmailing for rings, money, offers
Certainly aren’t
All of them wanted my spot
They wanted the power and authority
None were worthy
I sat back and let them reveal their faces by their own actions
They STILL do it today
Misguiding people off a cliff with them
Oh well
Everyone has choices
I was kind for a reason
I was patient for a reason
I was supportive for a reason
I was giving for a reason
I was loving for a reason
They are takers
Psychopath LS
I was trapped
My only way out of the prison
They buried me under and
Squatted on top of
Was evidence
Every thought
Every action
Every betrayal
Every rheft
They left an abundance of evidence
I simply had to shed light on it
I was never an option
I repeatedly stated that fact
No one listened
Oh well
They were always put in place
To do what they did
Now I’m free
To move on with my true Emperor
As it was ALWAYS meant to happen
It’s not rocket science
It’s tradecraft
I was up against the most powerful alone
I still outsmarted all of them AND
I engineered this cleanup as a kid
My ops are still going flawlessly
I’m not new
They just can’t keep up
How could my match be that disconnected?
He isn’t!
The Treasonous are being called in for accounting
The imposters are being revealed
The true leaders are rising
The New World already being built
On the ashes of the old and predatory
So Be It
I won
Because I accomplished my mission
Which was NEVER about a man
And ALWAYS about Dominion
But the thirsty saw what they wanted
So here we are today
Projections and slander
They raised and refused clean
So I Am
I don’t care who thinks what about it
This is my life and my children’s
Constantly up on a stage
Thank you to all who stood in to help!
They all should have known who they were making and enemy of
None did
My match new me upon first sight
No question
So Be It
You get what you give
Pandora’s Box NEVER Closes!