The Origins Of The Term “Section-8”
It began with Black soldiers in the military and included a mental health diagnosis
My “fictive father” taught me about the origin of the term “Section-8” in 1982 after torturing me so much that I had a stroke. I was only seven years old, that was the first, the other came in 2006, the same year he was fired and many of his assets attacked and some killed.
I have yet to receive adequate medical care, in fact my medical records continue to be manipulated, altered, even quashed, just like my social media. ALL of my medical records have been hacked, the companies having to report the hacks publicly and even offer compensation to victims. Not for me of course, Black people are most often left out of compensation for crimes. Of all the abuse I have experienced, when there are law suits, I have been left out every time even when I pressed for representation. There is no protection for Black people ever, and the government continues not to care. “Vote” is all we are told. Black men have been voting for almost two hundred years, even before White women were given the rights. So obviously that is not the solution, the problems persist. Just like White women would not have been given the right to vote if not for the Black women activists who pushed for Women’s Suffrage, Democrats would never win a major public office without our vote. Yet we NEVER have our rights protected, ever. Voting is not the answer, how many elections need to happen before this “game” is no longer played at the expense of mass death and suffering? Why does the world offer nothing but excuses for this holocaust but never solutions?
My handlers used tactics from South Africa, nazi Germany, The Congo Holocaust, Genghis Khan, and other prolific holocaust initiators to create The Monarch Program. It was a sub-project of MKUltra, and it was the largest, most well funded program in global history. There were parallel programs all over the world. All “super-powers” ran similar programs. Most of humanity is totally unaware of the happenings of the Cold War because it never ended, and continues to be covered up by global leaders and the wealthy elite. MKUltra never ended, but neither did WW2.
All modern technology, the Industrial Military Complex, Big Pharma, For Profit EVERTYHING, defund, militarized police, institutionalization of schools, the school to prison pipeline, Defense Contracting, COINTELPro2.0, the Industrial Military Complex, expansion of global trafficking networks, the drug trade, the expansion of nazi control, propaganda, the expansion of dark money in politics, the removal of oversight, transparency and accountability, the implementation of immunity, the pay for play industry, the nations
My handler, along with several of the men who molested and trafficked me were the architects of The Patriot Act. It was specifically designed to be used against anyone who wasn’t white, and that is precisely how it has been utilized. “Why can’t you apply it to White Domestic Terrorist Extremists the way that you apply it to Black, Brown, and other marginalized Americans?” I asked my handler in 1982 when he explained what they were crafting. “It’s not writing for that purpose” he said. “Can’t yo modify it” I asked. He grimaced, hesitated, and said “that’s not what it was designed for”. The only time he ever hesitated to say anything to me is when the thought I may get angry for his racist behavior. This agenda was planned in those torture sites. The same people protecting the shadow dockets and preventing testimony, as well as evidence from coming forth are the same people selected by my handlers decades ago to do precisely what they are doing right now. EVERY extremist was chosen then, they are simply doing what THEY were programmed to do and profiting from it. In plain sight, all day, every day, at the expense of ALL, but mostly Black America.
Asia was forever changed by Khan, “I want THAT kind of power” my “fictive father” used to say. When he was begging me to help him do something sick, that’s when he was at his most vulnerable. He would say it like a child whining for a toy, I don’t think he realized he behaved that way.
It wasn’t Hitler that he admired, “it was his scientist that was the genius” he said. He was a KEY figure in Project Paperclip. He admired ANYONE with power, even men such as Idi Amin. All he cared about was power, all any of them care about is power. The same tactics they deployed in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and 90s are the same tactics from genocidal leaders throughout history globally.
South Africa has reverted back to a state of pre-Democratic conditions for Black people, on their own land. The Congo has NEVER recovered from the holocaust that happened at the hands of Leopold, most don’t even know it ever even happened. My handler was heavily involved in actions in that region all throughout the 70s,80s, and 90s. The country has been raped and pillaged for so long yet people STILL believe that Western abuses are fake. The entire Diaspora suffers for it.
My internet connection has been interrupted again as type this, my post is being hacked. Now there is a helicopter flyover, THIS is what a fascist state looks like.
But I am the one who is the threat for telling the truth about the abuses I have experienced, not the people who are guilty of the abuses? I have lived this daily for 46 years. UN Human Rights Yet my humanity, along with that of my entire community, Black Descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, continues to be questioned. We continue to be told that every consequence of our oppression is “self-created”. The fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Social Work all adopted this racist myth and institutionalized the belief systems so that every time one of us raises an issue of concern, “we throw it back on them”. America doesn’t address systemic oppression because it doesn’t have to. It must be dismantled, not coddled as every single administration has done with the exception of the Obama Administration. But people still think the hate directed at them was about everything except the truth.
This is the result of scapegoating and this is TRUE cancel culture yet it continues to be called “fake news”. UN Women I applaud the A.P.A. for telling the truth about the history of systemic oppression and the role the organization has played in it since it’s inception. I hope they follow through with changes, but it’s highly unlikely given the fact that America is still a very volatile fascist state that is actively targeting Black, Brown, and marginalized populations with absolute impunity. My handlers created the agenda, deployed it, used tax dollars to recruit and train operatives, assets, and anyone loyal to the cause of white supremacy. The entire planet is living the consequences today and even eleven months into the new administration, after the Capital attack, there have been only extremely negative changes for Black America as the White people “get back to normal”. UN Human Rights
So here we are, 11.4.21 and the insurgency thrives as Black people continue to die at apocalyptic rates. We’re tired of being told to wait for recognition of our human rights. My own nazi mentor, O.P., admitted that the insurgency is a continuation of the WW2 Holocaust. He was brought over via Operation Paperclip, and my handler was instrumental in making it all happen. There is no difference other than more advanced tech, more money, more support, and the cover of the U.S. intelligence apparatus which is clearly compromised by extremists.
“Havana Syndrome” is only unknown to newer politicians, the technology and methods were both studied and deployed in the 1980s MKUltra program that I was tortured in. The Monarch Project. The name was later intentionally given to the program that now rescues monarch butterflies, but this is symbolic, the victims of the program were always referred to as “butterflies”. It’s not for the reason that people think. It’s because when DMT is released in large quantities from the pineal gland, the result of this energy transference looks like tiny butterflies floating out of the brain when observed with certain technology. “We want to study the pineal and the DMT release that takes place upon death.” That’s why most people die, I survived, repeatedly. Even when sent on multiple suicided missions, one of which included putting me in the head of a retrofitted missile and shooting me into space to observe the dark side of the moon. “Why can’t you get a monkey” I complained. “We need someone who can report what they see. We need someone trained, is ready now, small enough, and has the clearance. If you do this you will never have to do another suicide mission. You will be too valuable.” That was my last “suicide” mission, but not the last time attempts were made on my life. No one expected me to survive that, it was amazing that I did. The vessel had to be retrieved from the ocean. I had to be revived, but I made it. I was about six years old, maybe seven. I don’t recall the precise year, only the terror. But honestly, I never would have turned down the opportunity. I was another one of my amazing firsts, that I never get recognized for but the White world takes credit for it and builds wealth on up on my achievements. After that, he was given full immunity.
What they learned, from pushing me either to the brink of or to death, and reviving me, is that I get stronger each time. It’s true of A LOT of people who have had near death experiences, I was just one of many they experimented on him different ways. I imagine that all of our stories are unique in some ways and common in others, but I haven’t met many like myself.
All the technology that is now used by the Industrial Military Complex, including the technology of Project Pegasus was developed under these MkUltra programs run at various classified bases globally, including the prison torture sites. There were so many experiments that I was subjected to throughout the years that I can’t possibly remember them all. I’m too busy trying to process all the trauma and survive more attacks. Barack Obama Al Gore NO LIFE SHOULD EVER BE SUBJECTED TO SUCH CRUELTY. It’s only leaders like yourselves who will be able to give voice to the realities that so many globally have had to endure at the hands of these extremists who always get away without accountability. They must be stopped, the planet can’t take anymore. Neither can the Black Community. I’m directly calling on your leadership in our darkest hour to help us survive. It’s great that so many are thriving, but not everyone is. Those of us left behind enemy lines to die alone, deserve better than this. We always did. We need your help! We need truth. We need your honesty and leadership, we can't take anymore death toll and trauma and we shouldn’t have to. Things only spiral from here unless there is immediate action. We matter!
All of the the technology developed since the 1960 was tested on us and developed in the programs we were forced to endure? It was tested on us, but we were kids. There were other victims who were adults, but in the cohort that I was forced to be enslaved in, we were all children.
All of us were cordoned off into “training tracks” that benefited white supremacy and we could do nothing to stop it because just as everyone ignores it now, that’s is what they did then. If they weren’t ignoring it, they were scapegoating the children rather than the engineers of these atrocities. While the White children were trained in the most advanced technology 100 years ahead of mainstream society, Black and Brown children were forced to be tortured, raped, and programmed for “missions”. I was “selected” for “breeding” and sentenced to enslavement as an unpaid operative after I reached the age of 18. I was bred to pedophiles, so I aged out. The constant torture of being enslaved kept my reeling in trauma and trying to fight of demons externally and internally. It was the murder of George Floyd, the protests, and the attacks against my family along with the extreme conditions were are living that snapped me out of an amnesiac state and my PTSD kicked in with fierceness. I’ve been speaking out ever since. This is the best way for me to process trauma. I wouldn't’ have done it publicly if I didn’t have to, but here we are.
Most never made it past the torture. I did. “I expect you to side with the winners” my handlers told me. If you were a kid, what would you say? Do you know how strong a child has to be to manipulate the men raping and torturing her???? That child is me. I made a promise to myself when I was four and five years old that one day I would escape, tell the truth, and hold every abuser accountable. So I do.
I began this process in May 2020 and I haven't stopped. Attacks continue to come, but I remain unchanged. Extremists declared war, attacked my entire family and community, even going so far as using military personnel, war tactics, and energy weapons against. Even my family. So of course I’m fighting back! Wouldn't’ you? People are use angry that it turns out not only am I telling the truth, but I know WAAAAAAAAAAY more than anyone thought possible. Plus I have the nerve to continue to survive, getting stronger, healing myself, under these conditions, AND STILL “fighting the good fight”! Yeah, I makes extremists angry, ask me if I care.
I can’t and I won’t stop. I like holding abusers accountable, but I hate how I have to do it. I’m soul weary, I want rest and relaxation. My entire life, I have never been given a moment to find it. As long as I suffer, my family, my community, our humanity, our rights, Democracy, women, children, the marginalized, I will continue the public purge. What else are we to do?
Unlike most, I see the truth of what is happening in the world and I will not keep silent to protect those who created the chaos. Even when I do “obey” I am abused, so what exactly is the incentive for me to follow the people who are trafficking me? There is none, I push on.
After everything that has transpired over the past two years, people still say that systemic oppression is fake. Meanwhile the most vulnerable of us are forced into extreme conditions that aren’t even seen in underdeveloped nations. All in plain sight, even live streamed, and the entire planetary leadership has ignored our collective cries for help even after the entire globe rose to protest with us telegraphing to the all humanity “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. For this, we are all punished. This is in no way an American problem, it’s a Western, Colonizing, Capitalist problem. THE MOST MARGINALIZED OF US, ME INCLUDED, SUFFERING THE MOST. Instead of leaders protecting the people who have helped them gain status, money, prosperity, affluence, we are abandoned to “pull ourselves up” every time as “white passing allies” are prioritized over our human rights. This is our fault how?
1982 was one of the worst years of my life. I still have flashbacks about the torture, so along with those memories come great detail. I already had an excellent memory, the trauma made it better when triggered. He had abused, raped, modified, experimented on, and tortured me almost daily for two years. During developmental years, this shapes a child’s thinking for a lifetime, “it makes them more malleable” he said. It was the technology being used that made it worst, energy weapons. I’ve spent my life getting sick from them, “YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF DANIELLE” he used to scream at me. “IT’S NOT FAIR THAT YOU HAVE ALL THESE ABILITIES, WE ARE THE ONES AT A DISADVANTAGE! WE’RE LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD FOR WHITE PEOPLE!” They don’t know how delusional they are! We are human, but they NEVER see us that way so even very human instincts, reactions, and adaptations are perceived as some kind of “threat” even to the extent of labeling us “animals”, “machines”, or “aliens”. “HUMANS DON’T ACT THE WAY YOU DO!” That’s what he told me. Then he learned that I was different because I am an empath, he simply didn't understand my emotions and how they empower me, even to the extent of helping me heal. Compassion is THAT powerful, it heals. “WELL IF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ALL THESE ABILITIES THEN THEY NEED TO BE STOPPED!” A Congressman from the oversight committee screamed, looking at me, as he approved MORE funding. It’s always been about dehumanizing marginalized people and using fear, hate, xenophobia, and any means necessary to do so. But why should my family and I be punished for it? Is this a DEMOCRACY?
“HEAL YOURSELF!” That’s what he and his cronies would yell at me as they shocked me, ran trains on me, burned me, beat me, restrained me to cold metal tables naked and shivering, put needles in my eyes and under my finger nails, threatened my family, starved me, used technology to manipulate my bodily functions, left me in my own soil for hours, used energy weapons, and often forced me to watch disturbing images with my eyes forced open. Not just any disturbing images, extremely vile images of every kind of torture and pain, rapidly flashing images that looked like an old fashioned movie real from the 50s or 60s. It was often in black and white but they would add color at certain points, in the end it usually ended with someone being beheaded and red blood splashing everywhere. They even used rituals because “it usually has the most terrifying affect on human consciousness and it has been utilized so long that when it happens, it has a stronger impact.” This I was told in 1980. I don’t have to tell you what that sort of imagery does to a child’s mind, my nightmares were off the charts. My anxiety and depression were ever present. My PTSD was debilitating, but I still had to perform. “We like to keep ’em busy so they can’t heal” both my handlers told me. That is how I lived for 46 years. Obviously that much trauma is damaging to the mind, body, and soul, that was ALWAYS the intention. How is any of this not worthy of the “genocide” label UNICEF
Those are just SOME of the ways they tortured us, in classified bases paid for with U.S. tax dollars, performed by U.S. personnel, during the middle of the school day where I had been removed and transported to off site locations almost daily for a decade and no one intervened. My family and I are still suffering the consequences leadership has done NOTHING but ignore cries for aid.
When anyone starts talking about “mandates” of children being forced to go places that adults tell them to, or to accept any kind of forced anything because society says it the right thing to do, I am triggered for obvious reasons. It would be different if they stopped the programs, held the abusers accountable, acknowledged the wrongdoing, and put safety measures into place to ensure that NONE of it ever happens again. Instead, leadership in government continues to protect the programs, the abusers, and buries people and information to further the agenda. The current administration is expanding it, but THIS was the plan all along. My handlers instructed me on it back then. People always say that both political parties in America are the same, and in 46 years I have seen no evidence that this is untrue. Their approach to the public is different, it’s literally “good cop bad cop” strategy, basic AF, but that’s all it takes for most minds to be manipulated. But they both support the same toxic system that maintains oppression. So it must be dismantled. World Health Organization
Because Black American descendants of slaves are so strong, at a genetic level, from being hunted and tortured generation after generation for hundreds of years, our genes are amazingly powerful regenerators. So many populations who have had similar experiences are the same, even among White populations. All of us are marginalized, even the Whites.
WE ARE the “holy grail”, it’s in our blood. THIS truth that gets buried is so terrifying to white supremacists that it feeds their xenophobia like blood to a vampire. EVERY defense tactic they invent is to protect themselves from possible retaliation due to all of the harm they have caused us for so long. “The Sum Of All Fears” being the consequence. It was a white paper written LONG before it became a book or movie. In the 1970s it wasn’t even classified, it was public knowledge but it’s difficult to even find information on it’s existence now. The man who wrote it was commissioned by military and intel to analyze Americas’ vulnerabilities. It became the basis for creating America’s Military Industrial Complex. My handlers were instrumental in the entire process. The greatest fear, not actual threat, but FEAR was a Black uprising triggered by a “Black Messiah.” Everyone thought it was Barack Obama and while his election certainly triggered mass changes, the uprising came as a result of martyring George Floyd. Not only did I watch all of this planned at the side of the men creating it, I lived it, tortured the whole way, enslaved. I then had to suffer the added torture of watching it unfold as my people are slaughtered decade after decade. My handlers and their cronies are all psychopaths, so they enjoy watching me suffer. It turns them on, energizes them. Being as offensive as possible toward them is literally a reaction, but also strategy.
Sometimes, amnesia was is relief.
After having my nervous system hyper stimulated for so long, under the most extreme conditions, my mind had to find a way to survive it all. So I did. My handlers trained me in human analysis, I used the skills to help myself. “YOU’RE INTERFETING WITH THE PROGRAMMING” he would scream. Expecting me to comply. They just kept increasing the trauma and torture. I pushed forward, finding ways to hide any and everything. He usually found out the truth, but not always.
During these times my ACTUAL father was hunted by them constantly. He himself was trying to find a way to survive it all, and maintain not only his sanity but to keep his actual self without having the ideologies for racists invade his psychic space as they constantly tried to do to us. Internalization of racist ideologies happens to every human in some way, but for those who are tortured, it’s almost impossible to avoid. People talk all the time about spiritual warfare, but THIS is how it plays out in 3D. My actual father and I were both there from the very beginning. People always wonder how we managed to bond under such extreme and limited circumstances, it was because only HE understood my suffering and he did not intentionally add to it. That is rare.
My father served in the military in Vietnam yet he was NEVER given his full military benefits. Why? “Section-8”. It was a legal term developed to further marginalize Black soldiers. After WW2 legislation was created to help the country build back better, it’s not a new concept. The same soldiers who helped deliver the world from it’s nazi stranglehold were punished for existing at home on U.S. soil. Murdered, scapegoated, stripped of titles, ranking, benefits, and stability. It was very much a racist strategy. White rage at the site of the Black male soldier caused many “riots” to break out that ALWAYS ended in mass death for Black people while White people scapegoated us for the consequences. Those same activities still serve as “proof” of our “potential for violence” and the excuse to “abuse with impunity” yet no one see THEM as being the orchestrators of the violence as we attempt to protect ourselves from it’s constant presence in our lives, generation after generation, for hundreds of years.
To prevent Black people from purchasing homes, the U.S. government didn’t just employ redlining, they deployed “any means necessary” to ensure that those same soldier who served faithfully had no access to the very benefits promised to them for “serving their country.” The “Section -8” program was developed to strip Black soldiers of any possibility of utilizing the benefits they earned, while simultaneously ensuring that White counterparts thrived on them. “White flight” was occurring at the same time, as the suburbs were being created to ensure that white supremacy would dominate. “We’re taking over the world” they told me in 1979. “The White American man will be the dominant species on this planet and we will stop any and every one that get in the way. If you side with us, you can be saved, otherwise you will be wiped out.” THIS I was told in 1980, in the middle of the school day, classified location. I should have been studying and playing like my classmates. Instead, I was being experimented on by nazis. But this is my fault how exactly? The worst part, the two Black people who knew, both from the “right”, both revered, both treated me like a scourge on society.
This woman even had the nerve to state such disgusting statements in judgement of ME, not the abusers, as she observed me in the very environment her lover’s family was raping me in. At the time it was the father, head of the program. I was six year old. When my handler introduced me he did it with a smile on his face and said, “that’s your replacement”, she rolled her eyes and bullied. I can’t fathom being that dissociated from reality that you could look a child in the eyes of a child asking you for help to get free from enslavement and her response is to dehumanize as though you are less than an animal. That’s not something you forget.
Later he bequeathed me to his son, her lover, who gained one of the highest offices in the land just like his father. I wasn't even out of elementary school. He was angry, very, about how young I was because he preferred teens. But he didn’t stop. She was right there at his side the whole time, as long as she played along, she was rewarded. You can’t ever forget being dehumanized by a Black woman when asking for help, particularly as a child being tortured. I was NOTHING to them. One just died, months after my handler, with the same rare condition. No such thing as coincidence. But I’m the one who let it happen? I’m the “threat”? I’m the bully” I’m the unstable one? Never did I ever say one derogatory thing against either of them ever, until I asked for help, in a genocide, and they ignored my cries. But they aren’t complicit UN Human Rights Why are their firsts celebrated and mine remain hidden? They supported MULTIPLE genocides, BECAUSE THEY OPENLY SUPPORT THE FOR RIGHT AGENDA TO OCCUPY AND DOMINATE ALL. But they are worthy of respect and affluence, still influencing the global community? But I’m the one who is mentally ill? Anyone who supports any aspect of this is sick, I don’t care how many labels you slap on me. I’ll maintain my integrity, period.
During this same time my handler was teaching me about the Section-8 program and how effective it was at destabilizing the Black Community because those who are suppose to help don’t. When he introduced them to me it was to show me how EVERYONE would treat me the rest of my life. They acted like I was some kind of rat begging for food. But I am the inferior one? That’s an interesting “alternative fact”.
The explained how section-8 was a designation given to soldiers who were declared mentally unstable. It was ALWAYS assigned to Black soldiers and to strip them of their benefits. Most of the soldiers who served in the military until the 1990s were never able to acquire the military benefits that would allow them to go to college, buy homes, gain specialized training, and even more highly classified benefits that would have allowed the ENTIRE Black community to thrive. It was intentional.
My actual father was integral in fighting for the rights of all who served, were injured, and never received justice, all while having their rights stripped from them for racist and stigmatizing labels. The “Section-8” followed those with the designations like violent crime convictions follow Black civilians, and evictions follow Black women. All socially engineered though all of this is public information, it’s still called fake. My handler engineered it all.
As the government built up the suburbs with “white flight” adherents who also called themselves “Dreamers”, the racist social engineers (commissioned by the military) were searching for a way to prevent Black people from rebuilding communities like Black Wall Street, Bronzeville, Sweet Auburn, West Ninth Street, and Farish St. Thank you TIME for highlighting the history of these cities in an article published in May of this year. Xenophobia is very much the reason for the oppressive strategies and policies that created abundance, leading to affluence for White America and all they chose to embrace as allies while simultaneously sentencing Black America to actual “ghettos”. People often believe that America followed Hitler’s queues, in truth, even he said himself that he was following Americas blueprint for oppressing Black Americans.
The “Section-8” label of “mental instability” was a key factor in ensuring that “white fear” was protected while the human rights of not only the entire Black American community but specifically Black veterans were suppressed in the most severe ways. My handler was instrumental in this entire process. He was always the man paid to “debunk”, “defund”, “destabilize”, and “institutionalize” on behalf of the White racist ruling elite not only here in America, but globally. “When we identify the potential rise of a Messiah, we go to the grandparents. We figure out how to kill them in the crib before the idea of them can ever be born.” That was what he said to me as he explained that not only had he and his cronies given my ACTUAL father the “section-8” label, but that hey had also given it to me. “No one will ever help you. No one will ever believe you. No one will ever listen to you. You will NEVER get your money, you don’t deserve it!” He told me. What was I guilty of? Being Black. They were the only other Black people that I ever saw, and that was how they treated me.
My handler and his cronies hunted my father his entire life, even until his death. I grew up under those conditions, abused, tortured, and raped by them the entire time. “We used the Section-8 label to attach to Black women” who like White women, were trying to gain independence, stability, access to life sustaining supports and aid during war torn times. It was his pet project, instituted in 1974. I was born a year later. He hadn’t just infected this program with instability, EVERY social safety net program was infiltrated, “debunked”, destabilized, and defunded in many ways. The damage that my handler himself did to these programs that have been used to help White women thrive, have literally systematically torn apart the Black community. These are all strategies and polices supported by the right, this is what they support. Dehumanization as a policy. He was a sadist, a master of espionage, and megalomaniacal. He didn’t just have serial killer tendencies, he was one. He bragged about his kills, he got off on it. His face would glow, his eyes would light up, he would get aroused and often after telling me these sick things, he would rape me. What went through my mind was not what he was physically doing to me, it was the words he said before. The meaning behind them. The extent of the evil and the paralyzed state that it triggered within me as a tiny child, abused and abandoned by every adult in authority, enslaved to a psychopath who was almost 50 years old. “I can do what I want” he used to say, and he did. Yet I was the one declared “unstable” not only for being Black but for what he did to me. “YOU LET HIM DO IT” they screamed at me as I was strapped to a metal table, naked, bleeding, beaten and raped. It was MY fault for “letting” him bind and rape me? But I’m the “mentally unstable one?”
None of these people were EVER held accountable. In fact the opposite is true. They were given classified tech, funding both private and public, the most prestigious positions in society, political positions, promotions, basically anything that would ensure they were never caught, even full or partial immunity. ALL of what they established remains to this day yet the truth remains hidden. The programs never ended, they expanded and evolved. They aren’t going to hold themselves accountable now are they? The White House Human Rights Watch Amnesty International
Section 8 programs are like magic, it allows people to gain stability. My mother was NEVER allowed to have it. She was heavily oppressed just like my father and I. “We control the entire family of everyone in all of our programs. We have to” that’s what my handler told me in 1980. This is what the MASSIVE defense budget is used for, but the right is the party of “morals, values, and fiscal responsibility”?
With my mother, they ensured that she remained cut off from medical care, insurance, adequate nutrition, stable housing, and of course her husband. The same things they have consistently done to me for decades. They raped her daughter, attacked her son, and trafficked her youngest child for LIFE. I grew up this way, with all of it. People always wonder how I survived, and honestly I do to. But truly I just followed my gut in every moment. I tapped into my DNA, and prayed in ways that few modern humans can even understand. These are spiritual practices that Black people have ALWAYS utilized, no one taught me, it was in my epigenetic memory. Propaganda calls it “generational curses” but my handler came up with that narrative.
Magic is not real, neither are curses, science is real. What underdeveloped people call magic, those with expanded consciousness call life. When you are a people who have had to adapt so extensively that you had to learn how to survive a holocaust that has gone on hundreds of years, your genes acquire traits that others don’t readily have. The problem arrived with the solution, it is literal cause and affect. Because we were abused so severely, for so long, our genes found a way to preserve us and help us survive it. But also, to help us rise above it. In the Monarch Program, my handlers were attempting to figure out, scientifically, using nazi scientists, how to prevent growth in consciousness while simultaneously transferring it to the White community. You can see why cultural appropriation is such a big deal in the Black community. We walked the struggle, we found the “holy grail” of human potentiality by adapting due to torture and oppressors forced upon us. They then respond by attempting to strip it from us and either graft it or splice it onto their own community. If they couldn’t do it genetically, which they tried through their epigenetics program, then they did it socially through propaganda and social engineering. “Fake it till you make it” I can still hear him saying as he laughed about it.
1982, just before he tortured me so severely that I had a stroke, was when he explained the whole agenda to me. “We go too far Danielle, we need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make.” Why didn’t he pick one of them? They wouldn’t have done what needed to be done. They never did.
His plan was to use torture and rape to control my memories, behaviors, and every aspect of my life just as he had done with my father, mother, entire family, and community. But I’m supposed to accept this? THESE MEN AND WOMEN WERE ALL FROM THE FAR RIGHT POLITICAL PARTY. There were members of their own party who refused to participate because of how sick and depraved it was. The other party was only involved to the extent that they covered it up, or abused victims, but they had NO role in creating the agenda. This is completely a racist nazi agenda literally that has continued from WW2 with absolute impunity. Reference the CIA searchable database for evidence, in plain sight. It’s not even classified any longer, let alone secret. It’s simply ignored Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress NAACP
There has NEVER been a time where anyone in leadership has ever acknowledged any of these crimes against Black America, yet they acknowledge the crimes perpetrated against other populations. Why? The White people who have been victims of MkUltra have already been paid, my handler was one of the men who ensured this. Literally handing people checks, on camera, in the White House. But just like the victims of the trafficking ring that was taken over in the early 80s to help fund these atrocities, Black people are always left out of any talks or actions of repairing the harm done. President Joe Biden refuses to hear ANYTHING pertaining to supporting the human rights of Black America, yet we are the ones who put him in office. Without us, he wouldn’t have executive privilege. Amnesty International
In more than seventy years, though policies have changed, the tickle down of the resource lie never does. Black America is always “out mobilized” and it’s truly disturbing to have the presidents use not only the same tactics, but the same racist dog whistles that allow nazis, white supremacy, and extremism to maintain power as we continue to suffer from ethnic cleansing as all offenders are NEVER held accountable. All to preserve the life of white supremacy, to avoid accountability for wrongdoing, and to ensure that all resources remain our of reach of anyone who is the descendant of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. If you commit to the agenda without complaint, you can gain favor. It’s why I hate the term “favor ain’t fair”, my handler said it all the time. If you expect to be treated fairly, equally, or with any kind of justice and dignity, you can’t thrive. That is why only 1% of our population ever acquires wealth.
It’s 11.4.21 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief. Only one member of my household has received one payment, but no other aid including unemployment. It’s even extremely difficult to acquire even food because of the MANY barriers we are up against. ALL of this while fighting COVID, with multiple disabilities, attacks from extremists and their allies, multiple mob assaults against both my children, and a host of other extreme human rights abuses.
My little girls head was stomped by a grown woman, her ribs kicked, her back. She was only 12 and had not a single malicious bone in her body. She hates to cause harm and didn’t know how to protect herself. She was literally at a birthday party, at a playground, in the back yard of the home she was visiting, two blocks from our house, at her best friends. But were safe? No one has ever been held accountable. Ralph Northam
The U.S. could simply pay me what they owe me and I could take care of my family with no difficulty, disabilities and all. Or they could hold the stalkers accountable so that I could access services and aspects of the internet where I can earn my own money. But no one is ever held accountable. UN Women I can’t even get SNAP benefits let alone part of my education unredacted, or the money I am owed on my contract. Why my credentials, I would never have to worry, no one in any part of my family ever would again. Yet I can’t even have that, though it has already been ruled unconstitutional to block education credentials. So why do mine remain redacted? The White House
But all of this is my fault how?
In America, it’s ALWAYS the Black person’s fault. The elections that just took place, the mass protests, the death toll in Black America across every single sector of life all demonstrate this. Yet we still have no protections, no funding, and no acknowledgement of the heinous crimes committed against us daily. Not even a pathway forward. This a denied holocaust, why does it continue to go ignored UN Human Rights
My “fictive father” always said that Democrats would be powerless to govern effectively. That the nation would see this and respond to the “right”. We see this more and more daily, yet Dems refuse to make adjustments. Why? Progressive Caucus This is what happens when a corrupt empire implodes and Black people are the ones suffering for it though we had NOTHING to do with creating it other than the fact that we are the targets of hatred.
While funding is released for victims of Havana Syndrome, I go ignored. Why, my life doesn’t matter. The technology responsible the condition has been used on me my ENTIRE LIFE, it was developed in the same programs that tortured me. But I’m not entitled to healthcare to help me heal, social security or SSI benefits that would allow me to buy food and pay utilities, maybe even rent, or even Section 8 housing. OR FULFILLMENT OF MY CONTRACT WHERE I COULD USE MY OWN MONEY TO TAKE CARE OF MY FAMILY! But I’m the threat to America? I wonder then, what is America?