The Reality Of Oppression
Blocked out of 3 of 5 Ai Art websites that I have been using. Why?
It’s 10.8.21 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief from any stimulus money. I have been consistently denied public assistance, county, state, and federal assistance, and even been blocked from accessing food and adequate medical care. But I am the only person in all of these scenarios labeled “divisive”.
Of the 5 Ai websites that I have been able to use, I am now blocked from 3 with no explanation whatsoever. I could have earned money on my art, but I also continue to be blocked from sites that would allow me to make money. Yet this is all my “fault” because I “bring it on myself” by not being an obedient slave. AND I WON’T BE, EVER!
I am totally, permanently, and fully disabled from serving this country (as did my father), it wasn’t even a choice. I was forced in childhood by the same man who created torture sites. Yet the only thing anyone has ever said to me is “it’s your fault because you let it happen”. I have yet to receive a penny of disability aid.
I have been a victim of fraud and abuse more times than I could ever recall. I report everything! Never once have I received justice even when I was acknowledged.
I have been trafficked my entire life. Not only does no one care, but people mock it. “That’s no excuse!”. I wonder how people think you are supposed to accomplish anything at all when being controlled by some of the wealthiest most powerful people in the world?
“It goes both ways” is what I have been told all my life about abuse. Meaning, I am complicit in it. Clinicians have said it repeatedly, medical “professionals”, social workers, aids, lawyers, judges, guardian ad litem, advocates, people who are paid to ensure that my rights are protected at every level of society. Yet my rights are never protected, at any level of society.
I have been blocked from earning money online as long as the internet has existed. The men who trafficked me ran the classified program that brought the internet into existence. “You can’t personally benefit from anything you have been involved in,” they told me. But they all became billionaires, exploiting every aspect of my existence as they did. I have yet to receive an acknowledgment, let alone an ounce of justice.
When I have reached out to people for help, they have been harmed many times. Some killed. I grew up watching my controllers eliminate people at will, including large populations from all over the world. How can I fight that alone? “You’re weak, you don’t know your worth, you don’t know your value, why do you let them do this to you?” That is all I have ever heard. I had powerful friends along the way, they always said this to me, that’s why our friendships ended. Not a single one has stopped anyone or even acknowledged that what I am saying is true. Yet I let them abuse me??? What are YOU doing?
When I tried to escape by going to another country, I was forced to return and my passport was removed illegally and kept in a judges chambers. It was never returned. I have yet to receive another passport.
I am so debilitated from disabilities that I cannot leave the house unaccompanied. I risk my life daily even being at home alone during the day, but I have no other choice. Yet, judges still say I can work, even climb ladders! What a joke! I can’t even climb the stairs in my home most of the time! “By the time you are in our forties you will be totally disabled,” my abuser told me. He was so accustomed to abusing women and children that he had it down to a science. He and his cronies have abused generations of women and children in my family. I am the first to put an end to it, they refuse to let go of their grip without causing further harm. No one cares, that is the worst part. My kids had to grow up watching me fight a hidden hand that until now, they couldn’t understand. But people wonder why we are angry and judge us for being so. No one says a word about the abusers.
Pedophiles have protected speech, but their victims do not. Pedophiles qualify for disability, but their victims don’t. Pedophiles are protected from hate speech, their victims are not. Pedophiles receive assistance, even after incarceration for their crimes, their victims do not. Yet I am constantly told to accept this as my “lot in life” and to be quiet or else. Why would I CHOOSE to protect pedophiles who have done nothing but not only destroy my life, but the entire planet? The same men who made sure the above laws were in place to protect them were given full immunity. They took their extremist ideologies global and helped the world’s 1% abscond with all of the world’s resources and wealth. They weaponized a pandemic in order to execute ethnic cleansing, these facts though painfully obvious to many continue to be denied even by the highest members of government. The same men who accomplished all of this, molested, abused, tortured, and trafficked me my entire life and I’m the one labeled “unstable” because of it yet their mental stability or humanity has never been questioned.
I am more heavily regulated on the internet than convicted war criminals and terrorists, foreign and domestic. Yet I am supposed to believe I brought this on myself for telling the truth.
Here are the facts, if you believe them or not. If the entire planet decided to join with pedophiles, extremists, and insurgents I would still maintain my integrity and die in peace. My self-esteem has never depended on another person, who would that have been? The man who forced me to call him daddy while he was torturing and raping me as a child? I think not! Particularly since his abuse did not end until just a few months ago, but a left a powerful system of cronies in place to pick up where he left off! My worth is within, it has nothing to do with income, disability status, political affiliation, race, culture, family ties, community ties, or profession. I may have an extensive repertoire of achievements that continue to be redacted and the benefits of them redirected to privileged people. But that is not where my value and worth are. I don’t need anybody’s approval or acceptance. I know who I am, no one can EVER take this from me! I am my center of gravity. I am my own self-worth, I have value in myself because that is what a whole, healthy person does. They look inside themselves, unapologetically, and accept the total package. Embracing the good, healing the ugly, and redirecting the bad. Narcissists are incapable of such introspection and self-awareness, they will ALWAYS loathe people who are more capable. Instead of America forcing people to adapt to a higher way of existing, i.e., evolving, they tell you to fear anyone is evolved. “Fear wokeness” they say. They want the population uneducated, sick, broken down, traumatized, and too weak to mount a defense against their extremisms. That’s not in my DNA, regardless of how broken down I am. I’m a fighter and will be until my last breath.
Unlike those attacking us, I don’t need violence, threats, coercion, stalking, harassment, or censorship. I only need truth, it sets you free!
My children and I have suffered in ways most will never be able to fathom, all at the hands of bigots, extremists, and deviants. I will never stop fighting back! Ever! I don’t care what anyone thinks or believes about it! I care about creating CHANGE AND EQUALITY FOR ALL! NOT all.
If you were ever a friend, you will do what you know needs to be done. You will do the correct thing. If not, you clearly were never a friend and no excuse in the world will ever change that! The proof is in the pudding, and the truth will always be. This doesn’t change because I have been slandered, marginalized, and scapegoated. It simply puts a spotlight on the weaknesses and filthiness of those who chose to side with abusers rather than help their victims achieve justice.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but you would hardly know it! The men who trafficked me made sure that not only is my voice drowned out, but the voice of ALL victims. The sickest part is, the masses follow their lead hoping to get some kind of reward. But it’s my humanity that’s in question and I’m supposed to accept this. It’s not in my DNA.
No justice no peace! Attacking me gives me more fuel, it’s not going to make me go away!
The U.S. could honor my contract, or at the very least unredact my education credentials. I don’t even need a classification, I simply want what I earned. Instead, the U.S. government continues to deny that I exist as I continue to be surveilled 24/7 365 as I have been my entire life. But you wonder why I am angry and don't trust anything you say???
The White House UN Human Rights United Nations UNICEF UN Development Programme Amnesty International USA American Oversight NAACP Progressive Caucus
It’s 10/8/21 and I’m STILL not considered human and people think this is my fault and oppression is fake. But America claims it’s not a failed state. I am just one of many!