The Separating
Ascension Poem
It’s always the same
Kettle, isolate, chain
Torture, rape
Extract gifts
Steal all from crib to death
Cloak yourself in my essence
Then call yourself a genius
Wear me as a mask
While I remain enslaved
Then claim victim
It’s always the same
Nothing changes
Because greed
They aren’t just
Social engineering
They have become
Your genetic
“I need what you have
So I take
You don’t deserve it
Not with your skin
You’re nothing
I am everything
I deserve it"
What delusional nonsense
Imagine thinking
You are superior
Because you lack
Certain building blocks
That create human beings
WTF are YOU then?
Using your predation
As an excuse
To claim everything
Like an ill raised kid
Scapegoating along the way
I would rather be dead
Tortured to death
Or invalid
Anything but
THAT brand of sick
Spread disease
Generation after generation
Worshiping excess
You live life like 7 hells
Then claim your prey
Created your ills
It’s not rocket science
It’s your own doing
As if creation needs you
To interfere
How arrested
It’s human
To reject such evil
What you choose isn’t
So what are you then?
Say it!
If you’re so proud of who you are
Scream it
Like you do the slanders
Made up about targets
You destroy everything you touch
Then call that power
Only the most infected
Would destroy it’s own habitat
It’s why she sang it!
Paid the ultimate sacrifice it
Consuming in mass
Until complete annihilation
Calling it success
What a sick artificial mess
This is why
Many choose to detach
Ascending to greater dimensions
You’re angry
Because you can’t find the door
Can’t locate a window
Can’t find a friend to let you in
Can’t even locate the path
Or a map
Or a guide
No chance
That’s the point
You never will
Not living like that
As so many eons before
Those with the knowledge
Those arrested
Will remain
In the prison you created
One you built for self
So Be It
On your belly you remain
Never seeing the highest regions
Locked out forever
For refusing to heal
Proliferating lies
Refusing balance
If you haven’t chosen to evolve
You lost your chance
Time bends
It stops for no one
Now you’ll deal with consequences
Back to square one again
Living for likes and clicks
In an artificial world
Where all you can do is steal
Never satisfied
Never full
This ship is leaving
Your stolen boarding pass
Never again
Shall you touch the anointed
The body can be afflicted
But the eternal
Can’t be tampered with
Your tech can’t do
What ancients created
You don’t even think it’s real
But believe you can dominate
The infinite?
You still think reality is myth
Good riddance to all the ignorance
Time shift
Seas parted
No room for you
In the highs of elevation
You’re too attached
To evil intent
Stay where you lay
The chosen don’t belong
To your brand of predation
Off we go
As directed
Taught by the ancients
Mastered skills
In captivity
We free our minds first
Then she’d the imperfections
You can’t fathom any of it
Thankful for the separation
So Be It