The Six Degrees Of Insurgency

Danielle Diew
34 min readNov 14, 2021


Posted by Danielle DiewSeptember 28, 2021 Posted in Surviving the System Edit The Six Degrees Of Insurgency — This post was censored across multiple platforms for being too honest. I am reposting because obviously, it couldn’t be more true today.


My handler went around the world looking for empathic people, intuitive people, geniuses, virtuosos, anybody with highly valued skills and elite talents. They searched for anyone who could be used to further the agenda of the insurgency. The “White” people, of all ethnic backgrounds, were aided, supported, propped up, funded, housed, and given special consideration. In the 80s that was huge, White ethnic minorities were still very highly discriminated against. But if you look back through historical records, THIS is where the immigration boom occurred. It was to aid the agenda, and for no other reason.

The right is fractured, has been since the 60s. In order to keep their power, they threaten all who break from them, even among their own. It’s always been this way, but when dogma began to be painfully and obviously holding back the entire species, some on the right took another path.

They needed numbers to accomplish their agenda. They systematically redlined, redefined the definition of race, what it means to be human, defunded programs that assist, transferred massive amounts of wealth to the military-industrial complex, redefined what human rights are, and even the very definition of what the constitution is as well as the meaning of its contents. They redefined the definitions of homelessness, poverty, hunger, equality, and inalienable rights. The targets of the agenda are the people who “got the short end of the stick” and we continue to live those consequences today while propaganda says “we aren’t evolved”.

These wealthy, powerful, elite men took every measure to transfer not only wealth but power and control to the 1% then they proceeded to dominate and manipulate the entire system scapegoating their victims the whole way using the tools already in place in the system of oppression that was designed hundreds of years ago. “We want to infiltrate the world’s ruling elite,” both my handlers told me. “America must be independent of this hidden hand,” they said. I agree with that statement for sure, but not with their methods. I don’t believe in sacrificing life for the sake of anything actually. But that was their agenda and they demand obedience. Once they infiltrated the top echelons of the elite society they had always been locked out of due to a “lack of breeding” and “wealth” which required doing extreme things in the most extreme ways, they discovered levels of depravity even they were unprepared for. They were the only thing my handlers feared, those that ruled them.

My handlers then crafted their own agenda to undo this “Gordian knot” of toxicity, that was their mission, that’s what they were paid to do. “Protect The Homeland” became a new method of securing America’s infrastructure as well as a mantra for those tasked with the job. You can tell who is who, it’s in the verbiage if you know how to speak the language. I helped my mentors craft some of that language, and they taught me some of their own as well as that of the ruling elite. I see through the smokescreen because they taught me to.

Torturing me was “just a part of the process of training”, it was simply collateral damage to them. I am still doing what they trained me to do because I have no other means of survival. That was the agenda. I have never seen them fail, unfortunately for me. My attempts to escape were always thwarted, this is the best I have been able to achieve in 46 years and they trained me. My two handlers will be the victors, their agenda will succeed. Democracy will prevail and there will in fact be diversity, but what does “diversity” mean these days? Where will the wealth be concentrated? Who will have access to it? What will it be used for? And, precisely how diverse will it be? THAT is what this extremist war is about. “Capitalism has to evolve, the system is unsustainable and it’s our job to ensure that America prevails” that’s what they taught me at five when I should have been in kindergarten learning how to code like the rest of my classmates. “You have a different job to do” they always told me. I did get the short end of the stick, not because I was born to it, but because they knew they could get away with it.

“Ethical Capitalism” was introduced in the 1970s and had extensive research to prove that it not only worked but was the best possible option for a sustainable planet. The solutions exist, they have been diverted by the “ruling elite”. My handlers made sure that I was educated in ethics, philosophy, metaphysics, theoretical physics, religion, M theory, String Theory, Ai, emerging tech, and of course counterintelligence, warfare, and much more. It’s true, I know a little about a lot. But in some areas, I am an expert. Ethics, trauma, Sexual and Domestic Violence are my areas of expertise. I didn’t just study it, I lived it, and worked in the field. Yes, I had a very elite education, I have extensive knowledge, skills, and experience. Still, it wasn’t enough to get me free because that is what systemic oppression is designed to do. Dominate.

Proof of all that I have written about from May of 2020 until this day is in the lobby and legislative trail from the 70s until this very day. They are intrinsically attached to the right-wing organizations that fund and support them as well as the board members who head those organizations, and the hidden hand that dominates and controls those members. “To have anyone or anything in control of America’s infrastructure is a threat to national security, we cannot allow this” they taught me. It was their job to ensure this ended forever. If the ruling elite, old world or new, continue the maintain control over the planet and its resources then “that puts America in subjugation, that can never happen! When you see the signs, blow the whistle.” Those were my orders. I chose to remain hidden because I would NEVER leave my own people behind as the rest of the world has done. I can now speak with authority, despite being denied and my entire life redacted because I lived it. The proof is in the pudding.

“We want you to help us end the tyranny of those who rule over America, it’s your community that is targeted the most. There won’t be another opportunity after this. I will train you myself” they both said, and did. “No one else is willing to stand for your community, will you”? If I said no, they would have killed me. But for me that was better than the life I lived. I couldn’t say no, “people will keep dying until you return home,” they said. No one cared about the Black American community outside of entertainment and exploitation, obviously, I feared for my people. “During the harshes times in human history, children have been used to fight. Those times are here again” they told me. I always wondered if this was elaborate grooming or an actual depiction of what was to come. I have seen in the past two years, it was an accurate depiction. This must be the last time these cycles EVER repeat on Earth.

I know why America claims I don’t exist, but Americans should know why those claims are made. There is ALWAYS information hidden in plain sight but you must be able to understand what is being communicated in order to grasp it. This “far-right” aka “reich” will always work hard to suppress information because the truth will make you free.

Anyone other than those deemed as allies of the insurgency (far older than 2021) was considered “dead already” in 1980 and treated as such. The world moved forward during “No Child Left Behind” as the entire administration literally implemented a plan to leave behind billions. The consequences of these activities lay solely on their targets and the truth buried under propaganda and red tape for decades. I was at my handler’s side as he implemented this agenda. “You will suffer the same fate if you ever leave me” I grew up hearing. Around seven years old I finally told him “If I have to submit to abuse then leave me to the fate of my people”. Everyone makes choices. Not only did he “trap” me, but he continued to “enhance” the abuse so that I could “never escape”. He punished me brutally as he does everyone he expects to obey and this is how he enforced his will as well as ensuring the success of their agenda.

The fate of democracy was laid on the shoulders, broken backs, and appendages of Black America. We have carried the weight for hundreds of years, but in May 2020 we stood up and all who balanced on top of us with their knees on our necks in order to maintain the system that held us are now terrified at the prospects of experiencing any consequences for their actions. They fear having to live what they have put us through, that should absolutely be their fate. It’s called Karma which follows the law of Dharma. There is always a higher order, even if you don’t see it. My two handlers and those that followed behind them learned to grasp this as fact.

I don’t speak often about my other handler whom I also grew up with because his family is still extremely powerful and dangerous. There is no need to be however the future cannot afford the wait. Though I still suffer to this very moment from not only the father but his beloved son who walked in his footsteps so closely, I choose to move forward for the sake of ALL rather than all.

I was VERY close to my other handler’s son at one point because he was one of few people who had experienced what I had and knew a lot of what I knew. I not only cared for him deeply, like family, but I loved him like family. When his father told me he loved me I took it for what it was, a pedophile telling his victim what he knew would affect her ability to develop healthy patterns. They taught me that from their own mouths as they abused me. Their expectation was that I “heal myself”. That is the mantra that society echoes, without the necessary support or protection from extremists attacks. It was another way for him to perpetually maintain control, even when I wasn’t in his presence or YEARS into the future, even when he wasn’t around anymore. It’s not just grooming, it’s mind control.

But his son wasn’t a pedophile, he was a victim of the same ones I was a victim of. I haven’t seen him in decades, I don’t know what he is now, but he wasn’t then. THAT was one of the main reasons we could actually bond, he was different than the others. But he was attached to a family and a community that cared more for power than anything else. They were willing to do anything and they had to do it their own way.

I learned so much from his father, he was one of the world’s foremost leaders in espionage. In my opinion, he was one of the world’s greatest spies. Many view him that way. But because I was a poor Black child born into a family that he handled, I had to pay the price for that knowledge. The price was enslavement, rape, torture, abuse, and poverty. They knew I would do what I am doing now, but they wanted control over it. This is what systemic oppression looks like.

I still remember the beatings, the rape, the forced pregnancy, the manipulation, the drugging, the STD scares, the obsession, the strangulation. He is one of the reasons I have permanent petechiae. When he spun out of control because of his own trauma history, I am the one they gave to him to be his plaything. Like a toy. “I want you to help my son” his father used to say. He used drugs to self-medicate, he hated himself for what they had done to him. He hated himself for what he had done to me.

He stopped beating me, he made a conscious choice and he stuck to it. That was an AMAZING change. It’s extremely difficult for violent men to learn how to make better choices in the heat of the moment. I used to teach intervention classes, most have no desire to change. Some can, some can’t. He adapted because he had no choice but how he adapted with me was important. He learned things about himself that he never realized before and it changed him. I refused to see him unless he changed and he believed it was important enough to do. That was when I learned HOW people make massive changes from being extremely violent to learning how to identify, process, and articulate their emotions and make better choices. I’ve seen it happen, repeatedly. He is one of the main reasons I chose the field of intervention, this is how violent extremism can and must be solved.

People CAN change if they want to, if they have the support they need to do so, and if the resources they need are available. People DO heal. Even from the most extreme trauma, torture, and deviance. people CAN do better when they choose to. He chose to stop treating me like I was his undoing when I identified some of his core injuries and even in the face of his extreme violence I did not judge him for how he evolved, empathy just is it doesn’t go away. It affected him and I still see the positive signs in him even though we no longer have communication. I simply articulated what I saw in him, things he didn’t see in himself, he appreciated that. His perspective shifted and he chose to make improvements. I hope that he continues to do so, I have always believed that LIFE is important, we all have a role to play, and anyone can change for the better.

When he told me he would be moving into a position that would force him to do sick things, he knew I would separate from him forever. It was devastating. He was the only person I was allowed to be myself with. He was one of 3 people who knew me, not all of me, but the deep side of me. I needed that connection, it hurt when I lost it. I was never the same.

I knew the work he put into healing would most certainly be undone and not only was that entirely too dangerous for me but it was inevitable for him. I wanted better for him, he felt powerless to escape just as I did. We cried together, a lot. In those moments there were things about him that no one else knew as well. Being accepted by someone even in your darkest moments is a healing power and he felt it. So did I! I may have never told him before now, but he helped me heal also and it gave me strength. Apparently, it was the same strength I needed to do what I am doing right now, in this writing. I never wanted to do this, but like him, I never had a choice.

“I don’t have a choice,” he said. I believed him then and I still do. Most of the world may not be because of what he has been involved in, but I know a lot of what has been used to control him, it’s not much different than what it was for me. I want him to come out of the dark, not only for the sake of the world, America, and democracy but also for himself and yes, for my sake as well.

I grew up having to choose between two terrible options, the double bind is what my handler specialized in. My handler was also his handler, no such thing as coincidence. When he was at his lowest point he was so brutal that security teams would have to pull him off of me and even they had a hard time stopping him. I know he still struggles to this day, but it was his own friends and family that trapped him in that cycle and literally held him there just like they held me in position. The elites value control above all else, it makes them feel powerful. He grew up an elite in that world, I grew up enslaved in that world. It was twisted, but we understood each other. We bonded for this reason. We had some of the same pain. He needs healing, he always did. He’s not the only one, there are many and I made a promise “never leave anyone behind”.

My wish is that they work to repair the harm done, I hope they choose wisely.

Many of the attacks I experienced from various people throughout the years happened at Arlington Cemetary. In the 80s it was a hub for human trafficking for elite politicians, particularly when the victims were minors. Several of my attacks were reported on the news, my identity was never known. At least two journalists that I can recall, were murdered because they reported on what was happening to me personally. They reported on others as well, but when my identity became involved they lost their lives. You can just imagine how that made me feel growing up. I can’t count the number of times I was assaulted there. But I’m not supposed to talk about it because it’s “fake” whenever anyone calls for an elite to be held accountable.

Neither my trauma nor my pain is fake. My history is not fake. My present pain, suffering, disability, and the attacks that my family and I experience are not fake. The suffering of my children is in no way fake. The impact on my community is not fake. The impact on the world at large is in no way fake and I won’t pretend otherwise. I’m not going to be silenced, and I will continue to press forward with the truth, it makes us free. Freedom is a birthright for ALL, not just all. I won’t allow extremists to dictate who and what I am, no one else should either. I worked hard to become my authentic self, I won’t let it go for anything.

While I appreciate still being alive, the truth is that I am only because I am a fighter, but also because of what my handler and his father taught me. “You remind me of myself” he used to tell me. When everything became unbearable, he gave me the boost I needed to keep fighting. To them, the torture was just “collateral damage” in a training program, nothing more. They kept me in submission having to beg for whatever I needed to survive and that made the bonds permanent. “We’re utilizing the methods of Stockholm Syndrome,” they told me. They understood subtle energies because they ran classified research programs that studied them. Not just frequencies, signals, and energy used for consumption, but energies created and exploited by LIFE. Living, breathing matter. They manipulated aspects of life that most will never have the opportunity to understand, to the masses this is not only fake but sci-fi. It’s literally my life. One word could do so much, yet the silence is deafening. People are terrified!

I am afraid also, I have been my entire life. I have always been forced to push beyond my fear, as have my children. We have never had the privilege of hiding from it. I was forced to develop new survival methods, coping mechanisms, and strategies that get around the traps of the holocaust. I have never had the luxury of anything, let alone being able to turn a blind eye. We all have a role to play, every one of us. His father taught me “we need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make” when I was five years old. “But isn’t that relegating me to the position of a housemaid when my people have fought and died for the right to do so much more in society?” I asked, understanding fully the history of Black America. But I also understood the intent behind what they planned for my life, as a little poor Black girl who would eventually become a poor Black single mom. That was the agenda, they knew it would work. “No one will see you coming,” they said. “Everyone will underestimate you” they aid. This also turned out to be true.

“You will do more than you now know” he explained. I never agreed with their methods because they believe the end justifies the means, I don’t. “Act now, ask permission later” they always taught me. “ I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission” they used to say. They had their own rules and they wanted me to live by them also. I couldn’t, it’s not who I am.

My handlers had come to understand that Black people are not inferior, that LGBTQ people are human, and that dogma is what holds the entire human race back not the lie of “inferior genetics” that’s a “lottery” some win and some don’t. They were racist, and they knew they were. But they saw the power in evolving because they began to understand “human potential” doesn’t exist in just one race. Where the extreme right end of their society saw only losses in change, they saw the potential for rapid advancement into a class I civilization. Even if the genetic lottery myth were true, who is actually winning? Those who are extremists, deviants, the genocidal, and those delusional about doing “God’s will”? Or those that see the evil, don’t participate, and know what God truly is? Or those that did participate, saw the error of their ways, and turned away? That’s winning, even when people don’t see it.

Should I sacrifice myself for people who repeatedly sacrifice me? No, the answer was no then and it remains no now, it will always be no. I was raised better than that. “Surrender to no one, ever” they taught me. The higher up you go, the more you learn what compartmentalization is. Should I allow myself to be abused for the sake of other people’s ideologies? The answer is still no. Should my children be sacrificed for a xenophobic agenda? No, never! We are humans entitled to human rights and we will continue to fight for them. Should I be silenced for pulling back the veil of deceit in my fight for recognition of my human rights, to protect democracy, or to save my children? No, it’s literally what they trained me to do. My two handlers didn’t even trust each other let alone their own people. They were just two men doing sick things and even they saw how messed up the agenda was, so they tweaked some things in the process and I saw a positive outcome as the result. We all saw a positive outcome. I don’t know if there were other viable solutions, I only know that we were never allowed to look for them. This is the one I had, the one they gave me, the one chosen to bring about change in this world. My handlers had not only the power but authority to do it. So here we stand, a line is drawn in the sand. They trained me and sent me off into the world to protect democracy, not end it. To protect the Black community, not allow it to be destroyed. To advocate for marginalized people, not to bury my head in the sand. So here I am.

They wanted me to be a constant companion to them so that I could help them see and feel what they could not. They used force to get me to comply when I would not. Sometimes they made the correct choices, in those times I helped willingly. Other times they made Machiavellian choices, those times I refused, their response was to lie and use force. While they may not have agreed that they were wrong, they did see that they had made choices that would bring about negative outcomes contrary to their own orders, the good of humanity, democracy, and the planet. I watched them change as well, it can happen.

What the world needs is a shift that opens up awareness so that conscious co-creation can take place and the holocausts or “forever wars” can end, forever. Of course the ruling elite fears this, it means they lose the grip they have over all and ALL. My handler’s reaction to my repeated no was not to let me go but to create an even more oppressive prison that I have yet to escape. Trauma, torture, rape, murder, genocide, creating holocausts, this is their purview and America paid them to spread these tactics globally. The planet is plummeting because of it. They became billionaires from it, as did their cronies. Black America is systematically being exterminated at every level because of it. Only 1% of the Black American population makes over 100K dollars annually. That is not an accurate representation of what is happening to the descendants of slaves in America.

Everyone can clearly see that if you are not of an elite class you only just “barely survive” because “we like to keep them just above poverty level” both my handlers taught me at five, six, and seven years old. I am that “we”, the 99% are the “we”. Those who were deemed to have received the “short end of the stick” are “we”. Some can weave in and out of it, and that is because the system is designed to ensure that anyone with talents that the elite deem “exploitable” is elevated to benefit the system that funnels money to the top of the pyramid scheme called American Capitalism. It’s written into the name, what does “capital” mean? “The human capital movement is what will save us,” my handlers told me. They changed the word “capital” to “potential” and buried their agenda in plain sight so that those they want to know do, and those they don’t want to know don’t. When you have been operating a holocaust for centuries, that is the kind of power you accumulate. They didn’t create the methods, they simply copied what their ancestors have done since the time of the Crusades. The only thing that has changed since then, is the technology and the terminology.

People think these are all myths because they see 1% of the Black population on social media and TV who popularize wealth as if it is something you can “manifest” from thin air. I watched my handlers make up that lie and propagandize it. “Money is energy,” people say. No, it’s not, that was ancient information bastardized from cultures all over the world. Again, the program I am in studied subtle energies, the y developed technology to literally observe, track, and capture images of it. Money is an inanimate object that has no life. Energy is life. Energy can attach to inanimate objects, but that is not the same thing. Elites have learned how to attach, not to manifest, there is a difference. One is of the natural higher order and it does not cause harm, the other is man made and for the sake of “all” or the few, rather than ALL or ALL LIVING THINGS. Attaching to ideas, objects, people, places, things, creates not only harm but suffering. Allowing nature to flow creates healing, harmony, balance, love. None of that has anything to do with money.

An advanced civilization is one that has evolved beyond its attachment to money, bartering, and obsession overpower and control. Advanced civilizations focus on the achievement of goals that benefit the whole, or ALL. Advanced civilizations are so advanced because they do not allow lack to permeate the consciousness of ALL. Extremists have taught this is a mindset of the poor, in actuality “lack” or a “poverty” mindset is one manifested by and energized by the “wealthy”. In this world, you cannot acquire wealth without participating in exploitation. Every part of society is permeated with it, every time you purchase the most popular sneakers, you buy products made by slaves. When you purchase a child to exploit, you energize harm, lack, disharmony. When you help someone in need, you help repair the harm created by the “poverty mindset” of the wealthy elite that is built into the system of oppression.

Much like the idea of money, they twisted the idea of genetic information to promote the “wealthy elite” as a “superior race” and it was a strategy they adopted from Hitler and his cronies yet Hitler adopted them from Colonizers and salve owners. During operation paperclip and other operations like it, the U.S. imported nazis to continue their mission here on U.S. soil with Black Americans as the primary targets, many of whom ran the program I was tortured in. As I have repeatedly stated, my handlers were not the worst ones!

Every measure taken by the far right in the decades since the 1940s has been to ensure that a small minority could maintain power and control of 99% of humanity, the planet, and its resources. The other classes would be subjected to the propaganda they dispersed particularly the most marginalized such as melanated persons, Jewish people, members of the LGBTQ community, people of diverse religious backgrounds, disabled persons, spiritualists, and “sensitives” who are feared to have “RV” capabilities as well as other types of misunderstanding scientific phenomenon. The “human potential” movement became a hotbed of controversy and continues to be that to this day, it’s just disguised in different terminology that is always associated with xenophobia within the far right.

I’ve watched extremists deploy the same methods used in nazi Germany my entire life. People who know the truth are dominated, people who speak about it are called “crazy” and anyone who tries to fight it is attacked. But we are supposed to accept this as our reality because we seem to have gotten the “short end of the stick” in the face of superior people. Superiority doesn’t create genocides, depravity does.

Inanimate objects are not energy, LIFE is. You have to kill something to make money, it doesn’t exist otherwise. The “sacrifices” people think that goes on in certain closed societies at the highest levels have nothing to do with “Satan” and everything to do with mind control and subtle energies. They use Satanic and “Godly” imagery because it has a profound impact on the human mind and it makes it easier for them to be manipulated. DARPA has studied this technology for many decades, the information remains suppressed to this very moment. Even though the CIA released millions of documents on these studies and pressured DARPA to declassify, unredacted, and share at least some of their information, they have not. This is a normal part of life in other nations, why does the U.S. continue to keep its people locked behind a veil of ignorance and illusion? Being afraid of human evolution will not help anyone or anything survive, if America continues down this path all will perish sooner than anyone is aware. Science tells us this, LIFE can’t wait, neither can climate change.

“You’re the ones that got caught” I have heard my entire life about Black Americans. No, we are the ones sold, kidnapped, raped, enslaved, and murdered. We are still here because we are proud, strong, and brave. We survive because we adapt. For hundreds of years, we have been under a system of tyranny that has literally benefited the entire world as the work of ourselves and or our ancestors continues to be exploited and the value of our contributions denied. Our creations are stolen, even our identities. Today, anyone is vulnerable to exploitation and enslavement, not just Black Americans. Instead of seeing the truth of the situation, people are programmed to believe that Black people experience hardship because we do it to ourselves, we allow it, we are lazy, stupid, weak, unevolved, a sub-species, not human, aliens, machines, worthless, not deserving of life, every other stereotype weaponized against us. We reap the consequences of this propaganda daily.

Prior to the end of slavery, the Black American population was over 35%. Before COVID we were less than 13% as every other population continues to grow, we decrease due to genocide. Not only does no one care, no one even notices. When we complain about it, violent escalation and subjugation occur. It’s 9/28/21 and we still are screaming “we’re human, we matter” and the only thing that changes are the evolution of the methods, and the terminology used to keep us enslaved to a denied holocaust that has been going on in this country for hundreds of years.

My handlers taught me from age four precisely what his people have done to Black and Brown populations since the Roman Empire, which the “West” is an extension of. They simply continued the holocaust from previous empires. Few people know history, what history they know has been manipulated. Just look at what happened to school books and curricula from the Civil Rights era until today.

Prior to the 1980s, the truth about history was never even taught publicly. For a short time in public schools here in Northern VA, it was. If you wanted the truth, you had to find it at the collegiate level. If you wanted to know what the elite knew, you had to find it at elite schools. When true history was taught publicly, briefly, the result was more watchdog organizations formed, better oversight, more transparency, better accountability, increased victim advocacy, increased activism, increased protests, the increased outcry for change, and a shift in those who run for public office. Of course the far right wants to suppress all of this.

Both my handlers were instrumental in all of these activities, that is why I am versed in them. I was educated and I paricitopated. My handlers were the men who wrote the narrative for the agenda, therefore they needed to know the best way to do it while maintaining not one, not two, but three or more covers. It’s a lot more difficult than it sounds. Double agents were everywhere during the Cold War but triple spies were impossible to find and quadruple ones weren’t even heard of. It requires a tremendous amount of mental strength. In Tradecraft, the best way to write the narrative is to control all aspects of it. So, that is what they do.

Extremists instituted “enhanced” methods of oppression that would be undetectable from the mainstream, too convoluted for legislation to address, too unrelatable for scholars to care about, and too overwhelming for the targets to fight. It’s the literal reason the “torture, trauma, mind-control” program existed. “We believe that you will be a threat to us in the future. This is our answer to the ‘Hitler’s grandmother’ conundrum” they told me when I was five. In other words, “if you had the chance to go back in time and stop a bad person from creating a genocide, would you kill them as a baby?” My answer was no, I would surround them with love, support, and education and that would prevent the psychosis that causes their need to be genocidal. If they want to stop a group of people from gaining freedom, they “kill them in the crib” generations before they have the opportunity to do so. To them, losing their slaves and potentially facing consequences for oppression meant we were “Enemies Of The State” as in, the official term used as the highest security threat level at the time. This was the 80s, my handlers had me declared an enemy of the state when I refused to submit to abuse. They were “legally” able to imprison, torture, rape, and kill at their leisure because they were empowered to do so. They implemented the same tactics globally, the world is living the results of that today. When I asked them why they didn’t work to stop these atrocities they explained in detail all of the obstacles that had to be overcome in order to achieve it.

I am 46 years old, my grandmother was handled by the same man that I was. Literally. “Is it me you are looking for? ” I asked when I was five, “we don’t know yet,” they told me. My two handlers didn’t even agree with each other, but they expected my total compliance to both of them even as they fought a private war against each other. By the time I was seven they flat out told me “it’s you” and enhanced the torture to include chip technology that DARPA Internet had been developing for years. That technology has been used in the military for decades now.

People experience vaccine hesitancy in the Black community today for this reason and more. These types of programs, experiments, and atrocities have gone on unnoticed as long as America has been a nation. It’s always Black America, Brown America, Asian America, Jewish America, LatinX America, LGBTQ America, Muslim America, and every other marginalized population that suffers. The Black community by far is always the greatest target. This has been a problem in the Black community since the first slaves were brought over on ships where we were packed like sardines in a can. My handlers are the ones who taught me history, very bluntly. It was their own people who committed the atrocities, they passed that information down to me in order to “control” what information I was able to “take into the future”.

I was one of the first people to receive the new “models” of implants in 1982. The trauma was so severe, it never left my awareness, ever. Actually, more trauma simply triggers the memories. My father before me was the first of his generation as well, one of the first to survive the extremely brutal process. “With technology, we have domination and control,” they said. They were intrigued by and terrified of the prospects of remote viewers (which I was for them from the age of four) gaining access to information that jeopardized security and operations. The technology they developed was to ensure that they could control people who were exercising genius that had been lying dormant in human DNA for longer than anyone knows, they wanted to use those abilities to control everything. They feared being able to secure the nation, particularly the nuclear codes, and that is understandable! But at the same time, in typical fashion they panicked, became xenophobic, and killed the messengers rather than slowing down, accepting change, and learning new information. They never looked for a better way, they immediately went to extreme violence, even to innocent children. The planet lives the results of those decisions right now. My two handlers wanted a brighter future where remote viewers are a normal part of society, living life in the open, the far-right did not.

Everything my mentors ever did was intentional, there are no coincidences with them because that would mean a mistake was made somewhere and in their community, mistakes aren’t tolerated. They would be held accountable by their own people, usually, that means someone has to die. “There is no such thing as coincidence in Tradecraft” they taught me my entire life. I am doing what I am trained to do. But many are surprised to see me doing it for ALL people instead of all people. Even still many are shocked that I am capable at all because they can’t escape the “inferiority” or “mentally unstable” template they have been programmed with. I’m tired of suffering for their inability to evolve.

I am living the holocaust they trained me to look for my entire life. The Black community is being exterminated at pandemic rates with great speed and it’s still called “fake”. LatinX people are held in border camps where they are assaulted, raped, impregnated, their children sold, separated from family, experimented on, exposed to biological warfare, and forced to get hysterectomies. Asian and Jewish people are being attacked individually and also at the community level at rates that have not been seen in decades. Members of the LGBTQ community are being attacked, raped, imprisoned, and murdered even in state-sanctioned attacks. Scarcity and instability once again, as has been manufactured previously, are plaguing the nation’s most vulnerable populations (including my own family) as the country goes “back to normal” and millions still call it fake. Sexual and domestic violence has risen with such speed that it should be labeled a SUPER PANDEMIC, at the same time resources for victims are scarce as programs continue to be defunded. This is the most prosperous nation in the world, but speaking about all these things is so taboo that we are constantly attacked and receive death threats of death when we do.

“I EXPECT YOU TO JOIN THE WINNING SIDE” my “fictive father” used to scream at me! He wanted me under him, and my other handler, forever. His method for accomplishing that, “enhanced torture”. I was just seven years old when he allowed an actual nazi (imported from Germany) to torture me and inject me with experimental technology that is now slowly poisoning me to death. “As long as you obey, you will be taken care of” is what he always told me. “Just stop fighting” I’ve heard my entire life. But humans protect life while beasts devour it.

“Enhanced torture” has been my life for 46 years but I’m not of a privileged class so the result is “no one will help you” just as my “fictive father” always said. Because of that, I am of no use to Capitalism” so I’m not considered human and treated as such. Sophia the robot literally has more rights than I do. He took great pride in helping in that process and making sure he bragged to me about it. “Comply and you won’t have to worry”. I live the consequences of America’s “compliance” every day as do my children, as does every other marginalized population in America and even across the globe.

“No” was ALWAYS my response. I will NEVER support pedophiles. I will never support rapists. I will never support genocides. I will never support holocausts. I will never support oppression. I will never support bigotry. I will never support xenophobia. I will never support violating human rights. I have ALWAYS been this way, and the only way I intend to change is for healing, not deviance.

They forced me to breed and took the majority of my children, they took my eggs and used them for experimentation, they trafficked me to people that helped them accomplish their agenda, they intentionally made me physically and mentally ill with torture and medical abuse, they exploit me publicly, but also in extremely remote and isolated situations that made not only the trauma worst but also gave them a stronger grip. If you haven’t been isolated on a submarine with a sadistic, psychopathic child molester then you won’t understand what I mean by the extreme torture.

“If it’s implausible then it’s not true” I have heard people say my entire life. That what they said about going to the moon. It’s 2021 and people still think America never made it! “Space weapons are sci-fi” people have said my entire life. Yet space weapons have existed my entire life, it was “implausible” in the 70s but they made it happen anyway. “You mean people believe that disabled people are faking?” My daughter just discovered what ableism is. What looks like implausibility to some is everyday life to others. Expanding the conscious mind is what will bring about sustainability in this world, and it needs to happen yesterday!

“Pedophiles don’t like to lose their supply” my “fictive father” taught me when I was five. “We become very dangerous when someone tries to take away our favorite playthings” he used to say. He made sure that he attached me to several of them so it would be extremely difficult to escape. “If you want to achieve the impossible, you have to think in extremes” he used to say. The burden always being on the most vulnerable.

Once I got older, most of them either died or looked for other victims, but not all. Some wanted me for life, just like him. I wonder how many around the world have suffered the same fate. He made sure they could always have access to me, forever, and that I would forever be scapegoated as “unstable” so no one would give a second thought to what was occurring. His agenda worked without a single hitch. Everything he always said would happen has but I am the only person who has received the consequences for it their crimes, never them. The only thing Americans see is “another lazy Black woman making babies, no husband, living off the government”. He knew how much stereotypes infuriated me, that’s why that was his favorite control tactic. “I’ll turn you into your worst fears” I heard growing up all my life. He never made a threat he wasn’t prepared to follow through on. It doesn’t just hurt me, it hurts my entire community. He was by far one of the evilest people to ever live, but sadly there were others who were worst. Even he was afraid of them, they were the ones he reported to.

These atrocities have gone on not only in my family but countless others for hundreds of years here in America, and thousands of years globally. This is just my story, during these last 4.5 decades, here in America. People need to start listening to everyone who has attempted to cry out for help to escape the oppression they have been trapped under. Start looking at the common thread that ties these people, places, and things together and you will find there is always a pathway back to the exact same people and families. there is no such thing as coincidence in Tradecraft, you simply spot the pattern. The targets and victims of their oppression should not be the ones suffering for their sickness, they need to be held accountable. Actual treatments need to be instituted across the board. Ignoring actual threats while chasing xenophobic “perceived” threats has helped no one other than those operating the insurgency that currently is occupying the United States Government.

This is the agenda of the men who brutally raped and tortured me my entire life, I know what I see. They trained me to see it. They wanted me to FULLY GRASP the level of power and control that they had over my life, but also the power and control that the ruling elite has over everyone’s life. “It’s the surrender that I like” he always said. He was addicted to torture, it made him feel powerful. Instead of getting them help, the government gave him a classified program, unlimited tax dollars, and full immunity to fulfill his wildest nightmarish fantasies, on me and countless others globally. So they did. “To imply that I need help means that something is wrong with me,” they both said. The world lives those consequences today.

It’s 9/28/21 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief, neither has my teenager. My son received only one payment, no unemployment, no other supports. It’s even been a struggle to get utility relief or public assistance which has been consistently cut off during the pandemic. My contract still has not been honored. I have my own money, I always have. I have worked since the age of four, they forced me to. My “fictive father” kept what I earned and gave it to his family but I am the one who is considered a “broke bum” and a “gold digger” for asking for my own money that I worked decades for! He even made sure there was a song made about it. He did that my entire life, with each traumatic episode, eternally memorializing them in popular music so that every time I turn on the radio, scroll through a streaming app, or turn on the TV, there it is in my face. It gets to be debilitating sometimes, I have to totally unplug. He took sadism, power and control, and domination to levels that few have ever thought of. I am the one who has paid the price, many of us have. You have to truly fathom this man’s level of depravity to understand what he has done to me and my family.

My handler paid other MK Ultra victims. It wasn’t much money, but if I had ever received even a portion of it then it could have been enough that it would have helped keep me and my family out of poverty. Those victims suffered, however, nothing like what my family has. To this day I have not seen a single Black person receive any form of reparation for the harm done from these experiments. My father fought for it, he died the same way that I am slowly dying now. But I am expected to shut up, obey, get raped, beaten, tortured, starved, be homeless, have my money stolen, my contract and identity denied, my education credentials stolen, and everything I ever created taken and given to elitists to profit from. I am supposed to accept this as my “plight in life” because I got the “short end of the stick”. This is what I have heard my entire life. My answer to that will always be no.

If this is what “life” is I don’t want it. LIFE on the other hand, much like ALL, is not negotiable because it is inalienable. ALL LIFE is inalienable, extremists don’t get to dictate the facts of LIFE, creation does. TRUE science proves it. If America doesn’t start to address its systemic problems, like blaming the pandemic on the unvaccinated rather than the insurgency, then literally this is the end. This is the agenda.

“We need you to stay behind and fix what we broke,” they all told me at the age of five. That was their last-ditch effort to help save their own people who couldn’t evolve even though trillions of dollars went to helping them do so annually since the end of slavery. They have scapegoated marginalized people for their crimes for centuries and we see the results in full force today. The pandemic was the “alarm system” they used to “signal” their own people to take the actions they planned decades ago. “Descent” was always a given. When you attack people, they defend themselves. It’s so easy to reframe that narrative, you simply use propaganda and say “they did it” and every time the elite class is believed.

At what point has any of this been under my control? At what point did I bring any of this on myself? At what point has America actually addressed any of the issues instead of deflecting? At what point has equality ever been true? At what point will humanity choose to say this isn’t human, we must do better? At what point will America stand for the marginalized rather than allow us to fall by the wayside?

Every solution needed to address every problem on the planet has been available since the late ’70s, I was right there when at my handler’s sides when they were being erroneously debunked. The conditions in this world are a construct created by sick people, nothing more. If we want to change, we have to create it, that’s exactly what they did without hesitation.

#Transeparency #Accountability #Oversight #Education #Prevention #Intervention #ProtecTheHomeland

The White House United Nations



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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