The Truth Sets People Free

Danielle Diew
2 min readNov 8, 2021


You consistently choose to deceive

To all those that I helped

along the way

Whose careers would not exist

without my creativity

and advocacy

Without my sacrifice

blood, sweat, and tears

Without my consulting

To those who took

without giving in return

and promised to tell the truth

For a loyal friend

To all who turned a blind eye

Thinking themselves


For any reason

As people stole my money

Tortured me

abused my entire existence

Especially if you ever claimed

to be real


a liberator

truth teller

Ally to the suffering

You reveal your true self

Liar, thief


Unable to keep commitments

Weak and folding

In that crucial moment

I accept no excuses

Just like you don’t accept my truth

Hard door slam

Just like you projected

You had it the easy way

Love and life

given without strings attached to it

You took it for granted

So you could expand yourself

What about everyone else

You can’t handle a minute in my shoes

That’s why you didn’t have to

Who are you

to play judge and jury

You’re no heirophant

But even if you are

You aren’t mine

You betrayed the wrong person

You sold out to evil

Even if the truth you don’t see

When given a choice

to do the correct thing

You lied




stigmatized me

Without returning an ounce of energy

For this the Cosmos has an answer

it’s called reaping

You reap what you sew


Well your Karma is on the way


It’s not coming from me

That’s not what I am saying

It’s coming in the form of a wave

Energy never dies

It simply loops back around

But I see why you fail

to comprehend

the basics in life

You were focused on

chasing shiny things

Quick question

Who do you think will be

the new targets

now that they have the world

They have been striving

to create

We were just their practice run

they were trying to figure out

how to reach the old elite

Everything they had they coveted

particularly the progeny

They didn’t value mine

yet they are live and thriving

They have been planning for so long

How to tap what was

just out of reach

You sold out to them

the ones who engineered everything

Good luck with that

We told our children the truth

They aren’t so easy to deceive



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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