The Woman

Danielle Diew
4 min readOct 2, 2021


He knew who I was before I was born, that’s why he worked so hard to keep me hidden. I’m going to show the world regardless of what comes my way, this is my final stand!

Cosmic Thread

“You don’t have that many pictures of when you were young,” my daughter said the other day. Things that most people take for granted my handler made sure he had a profound impact on. It's not just the major trauma that stays with you for a lifetime, it’s what most would consider small things. They aren’t insignificant though, not when you truly grasp how insidious it is. Psychopaths don’t just take things of value to be exploited and abused, they intentionally remove aspects of your life and self to deny you any agency and humanity. Pictures literally capture your life in a moment in time, they have meaning to those who are in them. They trigger autonomic responses in the brain that then open your awareness to memories that may have been dormant for decades, in a split second it all comes spilling in like wave washing over you. Psychopaths seek to invade this human process in order to either infect it with their own agenda or they seek to disrupt the process altogether so that it never happens. So that you miss critical aspects of yourself that you may eventually end up longing for. So that they become your frame of reference rather than your own honest experiences. They are psychic parasites that steal the energy of living organisms because they are dead inside, like zombies and vampires. They are beasts who care only for fulfilling their selfish gratification and nothing else. The world suffers for it! Everything they do is deliberate, sadistic, perverse, pervasive, and toxic. Anyone who would not only think in this manner but also participate in these behaviors is on the extreme end of deviance and this should never be minimized, it must be confronted and addressed. There must be accountability otherwise you only feed their hunger and thirst for atrocity.

My handler was so controlling that from 1993 to 2001 I didn’t even watch television. There was a little bit here and there, but for the most part, I hardly saw any at all. I often had no telephone, was in isolated and remote places, or was so heavily overworked that I had no time for anything other than that and rarely sleep. He controlled who I was allowed to associate with, communicate with, or if I receive any income. Who I was intimate with. I never had access to freedom let alone a connection to the outside world. Even when in a room full of people I was alone because he controlled what I could say, couldn’t say, what I could do, couldn’t do, who I could talk with. This is not the first time I have been stuck in isolation, it’s the last! I WILL GO NO FURTHER, THIS IS MY FINAL STAND! HERE IS WHERE I TURN AND FACE THE DEMONS. MY LINE IN THE SAND WAS DRAWN IN MAY OF 2020. THIS IS THE END. THERE IS NO MORE TIME. I WILL FIGHT MY WAY OUT OF ENSLAVEMENT OR DIE IN THE PROCESS BUT I WILL NOT GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And since I have been placed in this position, I will take down any and all who harm me, my children, or any other innocents that I am able to help. All I have to do is tell the truth! I don’t need threats, violence, coercion, harm, or anything deviant. I just need me. Ethics and integrity carry a person far!

United Nations UN Women UN Human Rights UN Refugee Agency I’ve been a refugee in my own country my entire life, why should I let that status scare me? I need asylum! America never had my back, nor my fathers, nor my mothers, nor my sisters, nor my brothers, nor my grandmothers, nor my aunts, nor my cousins! This has gone on in my family for hundreds of years in this nation though MY FAMILY’S BLOODLINE RUNS DEEPER THAN ANY EUROPEAN CLAIMING OWNERSHIP OF U.S. SOIL!

I have European ancestry, why shouldn’t I be able to seek asylum???? French Embassy U.S. perhaps I should return to my ancestral land?

US Embassy Ghana perhaps I should return to my most ancient roots?????

Who will stand up for the woman and children as the beast continues to lurk, seeking to devour???



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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