There Are None Like Me
Remember this
I have NEVER met another
like me
Not even my handlers
had my level of training
Remember this
they trained me to be
who I am
To watch the watchers
and the watchers of the watchers
who watch
all things
I am trained to ensure
that when all else fails
The truth rises to the top
to ensure
I hate to break it to you
But Democracy is
a diverse state
You will learn the hard way
You should have focused on
The plans they have for you
Are ever unfolding
Complete and unfortunately
still true
You had choices
every single time
You chose what was best for you
A democracy is governing by the people
America will never be anything other
than what she was designed to do
Inception is difficult
Growing pains hurt
and humans are always slow
to change
But the future already is
It’s always been seen
You can’t change it
It happened in the beginning
If you knew science
This would make sense
Instead you follow dead men
and dead books
who lived only for selves
not caring of the consequences
There is always a higher court
Even if you have to take it above
the human domain
The higher council
sees and knows all
the times must change
On to a bright new day
Class I to Class III
Fully functioning
So Let It Be