These Stalkers Weren’t Being Held Accountable
No one cared
When they were outed
They still didn’t care
When they were told to stop
They still didn’t care
When they were affected by their own negative karma
They still didn’t care
When people confronted them
They cared only because it made them feel seen
When people got angry for involving them in a lie
They cared only because they were seen
When people reacted to their abuse
They cared only because they were seen
When they experienced more consequences
They cared only because they can’t take it
They are just narcissistic deviant predators
They are extremely arrested in their development, active addicts, have multiple severe unchecked mental health diagnoses, and have no skills to improve themselves
They wallow because they know nothing else, can imagine nothing else, can’t pull themselves up by their racist “boot straps”, and are xenophobic therefore fear all change
They blame others because they are too weak to face themselves
They prey on the vulnerable assuming weakness because they can’t see beyond their own “damaged” ego
They surround themselves with people who prey because it makes them feel normal
They make excuses for their extreme behavior and feel entitled to what belongs to others, even things like forgiveness
They aren’t human
They were molded into animals when they chose to sell themselves for material things
They will always hate me
I remind them of who they can NEVER be
So Be It