“They Feel Like You Take The Attention Away”
Simply by existing, in public
America allows this
Rewards this
Amplifies this
Politicizes this
Propagandizes this
“I just wanted to see your face when you found out you got left behind again” Eddie Vedder, Donald Rumsfeld, Google has passed those messages on to me since 2020, under the surveillance and headship of U.S. (hacked) defenses and Western leadership. U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General
“Left Behind" again as I was under every admin since Nixon. No coincidence DR was there, that’s called strategy. Left behind in a denied holocaust where my entire race is targeted and eradicated. As I continue to be trafficked. “You’re for sex” Eddie Vedder has TELEGRAPHED 24/7/365 publicly while Google, YouTube, Tik-Tik, Facebook/Meta, Twitter/X continue to profit from trafficking me while helping him put hookers on a pedestal (even ones brought here illegally for that purpose) using my stolen intellectual property.
He even asked if I would help him get one of his hookers, one he used to stalk and torture me and my kids, witnessed by creators on all these
(hacked) platforms, as they trafficked me.
He expected me to help him get a woman he used to torture me and my kids citizenship, and when I refused THEY TRIED TO CLAIM I WAS THE THREAT. Even paying for papers based on that predatory lie. It’s not the first time, this is his M.O., DR, trained him.
They have done this since their creators became DR’s assets. But I’m the “threat” UNODC No such thing as coincidence where tradecraft is present. I’m always the one blamed, stripped of rights, punished, robbed, isolated, tortured. Because no one cares about Black life.
Least of all the child stolen from her actual family sold to another, trafficked from the crib, and labeled a “mentally unstable diseased prostitute with a drug problem who molests kids and blames innocent (hacked) men who just want love and affection” from birth. (hacked) That’s the narrative. Who would believe that? The dumbest among us, that’s why they are “chosen” by deviants to do sick things. (hacked) No one with an ounce of intelligence would believe that ignorance. So if you did, look in a mirror.
The rapist, molesters, pedophiles, thieves, or sadists are NEVER held accountable, so I will do that myself. “Protect yourself. We’re doing what we have to do” that’s what they told me. That I deserved to be tortured to death because the men who exploited me from the crib said I did. smfh
I would rather defect to where humans still exist. Medium Russian Russian Council Russian Embassy, USA
It’s funny to them, there is no humanity here.
They are racist deviants with a taste for little Black girls they want to take to the grave. (hacked)
But this is The West, no one cares. United Nations UNICEF UN Women Human Rights Watch Least of all those paid tax dollars to address the problems but escalate, rape, lie, and steal instead.
We are told from the crib that we don’t matter and it’s our own fault, we did it to ourselves, that white supremacy is the “natural order”. So when you talk about letting “nature take it’s course” you are spouting actual nazi rhetoric engineered to eradicate most (hacked) people, particularly (hacked) the most vulnerable. If you’re Black they are talking about YOU. Do YOU know how much your melanin sells for? Did you even know it was being sold? Do you know how it is done? Not all melanin is the same, some is priceless and people will wage any kind of war to get it. UNODC
They literally pay people tax dollars to travel into this country to target me, then file for citizenship as victims. Literally. To racists and predators it’s funny to use laws to cancel disabled Black Lolita Express survivors. Of course I am poor and a single mom, you let Rumsfeld take me from the crib and do as he pleased, so he did. Every time I tried to escape you treated me like a terrorist, laughed. Made money off of pathologizing me for continuing to survive and overcome after being “beaten back” every time.
The sickest thing is you still blame me, label me a “loser”, “inferior, guilty, narcissist, hypochondriac, attention seeking, (hacked) ungodly, dumb and naive, demonic, racist, evil, a whore, the Anti-Christ. (hacked)
You allow legislators, lawyers, lobbyists, policy makers, judges, to write laws that kettle me into a position of enslavement. You lynch me publicly every day of my life for crimes I never committed. You propagandize and slander me as literally the Anti-Christ, then claim I deserve to be forced to endure being a slave from the cradle to the grave. You claim my ancestors did something wrong therefore I deserve their punishment.
I would rather be tortured to death than to be around anyone who thinks any part of this evil is okay. If that is all Earth can produce, So Be It. I set her free. I know I can do better.
Anyone who behaves that way NEVER knew God or humanity.