Those Left Behind
My controller was allowed to get away with whatever. He ran a program that investigated pedophilia in all of its aspects. They even tried to see if they could turn people into pedophiles, this isn’t even classified any longer! This was only one of his pet projects but one that made him a lot of money and gave him much wealth. These are the men and women he trafficked me to. It was heavily funded both publicly and privately and it focused on perpetrators as well as victims.
He told me about how he ended up in this situation and it wasn’t by choice just like it wasn’t a choice for me. He was a victim of incest and pedophilia. He was young, confused, and needed help. He grew up in what began as a middle-class home but thanks to cronyism in the pedophile community, they became wealthy very quickly. They not only belonged to public elite organizations that focused on wealth building for the White community but also secret societies. His family made choices that eventually lead him to become the man that he was.
He had been surveilled for a decade or more before he went to college on scholarship to one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. It was there that he met his mentor and gave into the deviance that he had struggled with. He explained to me that his mentor was an EXTREMELY wealthy and powerful man from one of the oldest and wealthiest families in modern history. He died before I was born, but I met members of his family who validated much of what he told me, as did others within their circle. He taught my handler all about their world which was not only new to him, but access to that level of wealth, power, and influence also was. My handler told me that his mentor demonstrated that embracing his inner animal was the most evolved way of expressing life and that was why they were rewarded with riches, glory, and power. The truth (and he didn’t discover this until his last few dying days) was that he saw an asset that could be used to further their agenda and he exploited him to achieve it. It made a permanent mark on my controller who returned from college changed, he became every deviant fantasy he could imagine.
His mentor kept him in an environment of constant deviance, decadence, extreme wealth, narcissism, sadism, and libertinism. He was introduced to the most deviant and wealthy people throughout the world. His college was full of secret societies that existed for them to express their deviance without inhibition, they believed it opens the doorway to wealth building. In actuality, they simply created more victims so that they would have a larger pool of access for supply, but also to increase their numbers to compete with healthy people. “If everyone is sick then they can’t exactly point the finger at us now can they”. It took decades to bring to fruition, but the whole planet is now traumatized by their abuses.
They see the world in two ways, victims and perpetrators and no other options. They wanted to ensure that there were enough perpetrators to bring about a global elite that dominated from the perspective of unparalleled wealth, but also the freedom to do as they pleased without obstruction. We now live in that world. My controller’s parents were willing participants in this world and they forced their children into it. He wanted to live the same experience but to a much higher degree, he chose me to fulfill those fantasies with. When I got “too old” he simply traded me in for the younger model he had already been grooming. He actually had multiples, some in his family. Once I became too difficult to control, he “put me on the shelf” so that I could not interfere with their agenda. My entire family suffered for it, for generations. This is their toxic cycle and they feel entitled to these behaviors regardless of the fall-out.
“If you allow someone to do this to you then you deserve it”. That’s how he raised me. But how does a tiny child “allow” sexual abuse by a wealthy, powerful, elite man who uses torture to get what he wants? They are the sickest individuals on the planet and people worship them like Gods. Not every family at their level operates this way, but they at least have to be willing to participate in some form of deviance as a “sacrifice” to the system that they built with blood. If you aren’t invested in their system, you cannot reach their level of wealth and success.
People think it’s “satanic” but it’s not. It’s simply strategic. They use demonic, satanic, and evil imagery to terrify people because they know how easy it is to do and it’s still, to this day, the most effective way to gain control over someone’s mind. If you convince people that either God or the Devil said so then people generally respond out of fear. He taught me that when I was just five years old. People will do anything under these delusions, even weaponize a pandemic that is literally destroying the only planet we all have. “If we can’t have it no one will,” they told me. We are living those extremes today. “Pay to play” has always been far deeper than anyone cared to look.
My handler had been watched at least from the age of ten years old, maybe younger. He had been groomed, prepped, prepared, and primed to do what he did in this world. He talked about it a tiny bit but gave no details. He couldn’t face himself. “They thought I could compete with the other side” he would say in interviews in the decades after retirement. He was surrounded by people who reinforced megalomaniacal, fascist, racist, deviant, and genocidal behaviors. They were heavily rewarded for any types of ideologies that promoted these behaviors. They were given powerful positions that allowed them to interrupt processes that would interfere with their agenda. When human rights, civil rights, and politics got in the way, they deployed their “agents” and “operatives” to derail, dismantle, disavow, disengage, and “defund” any and every institution or person, public or private, who could even potentially become a threat. “We kill ’em the crib before they have a choice to be born” they used to say. “But why would people allow this” I used to ask. “They won’t have a choice”. This is what the militarization of America was about, that’s what he taught me from his own mouth. We are living the fall-out of this unchecked extremism today, suffering and dying slowly along with planet Earth as a result. These deviants don’t care about life, that is why they hoard, they care only for gratification.
They believe this world is a fake simulation of what is to come in the next. Due to their mental instability, they are incapable of understanding reality let alone the complex spirituality of the ancient scripts from which they pull their ideologies. They embraced and adopted all of the strategies brought over from nazi Germany after Operation Paperclip and the other operations like it. They simply continue Hitler's work, they didn’t end it. America entered WW2 for that reason alone, to gain access to technology and science, not to save Jewish people from the extreme, inhuman atrocities they were subjected to. The experiments from nazi Germany simply continued here, stateside on marginalized populations. They learned to be more stealthy about how they instituted them, yet they persist nonetheless.
It’s 10.7.21 and not much has changed. Jewish people continue to be exploited, attacked, and propagandized. The WW2 Holocaust continues to be denied. Black America, Asian America, LatinX America, Muslim America, and Native America continue to be systematically targeted and ethnically cleansed in a Holocaust that continues to be ignored even by the global community, yet this has gone on decades for most and HUNDREDS of years for Black people. United Nations
As of today, nazi soldiers continue to go without accountability decades after Nuremberg. Yet people wonder why America’s people of color are dying in vast numbers in a weaponized pandemic. To this very moment “systemic oppression” continues to be called “fake”.
My controller was conscripted into Clandestine Operations shortly after he arrived at college. He had two choices, join and obey or be exposed as not only the victim of incest and pedophilia but a perpetrator of both. His favorite humans were threatened, he could suffer the loss of anyone but not his sister with whom he had an extremely unhealthy obsession. He chose the option he was programmed to choose, obedience. With that came unmatched power, wealth, and freedom. The more he gave in to deviance and made it possible for others to do the same, the more he gained in life. This is why he could never understand why I would choose differently. “Your suffering would end if you would just stop thinking negatively and accept reality. This is natural. This is true love. This is what it means to rise above the human condition. We are the most evolved species, anyone else is simply our prey”. This was how he raised me. “You don’t like it now, but you will” he would always say. Like everyone he was surrounded by, he was wrong. I never adapted to his life choices, I simply learned to survive them.
The “Human Condition” movement sprang from their extremism. It was a way to prove that “they”, the extreme deviants, were the evolved beings while all others suffered from an inability to evolve to their feigned “higher level” of thinking. They created the fake condition, then deployed extreme “solutions” to combat the problems they created. They literally used Tradecraft to design a global holocaust and they did it in plain sight, exploiting human weakness, scapegoating their targets every step of the way. So here we are today, living their depravity as they die off without ever facing accountability. Leaving behind devastation, and vast amounts of hoarded wealth and resources that they bequeath to their progeny who carries on the same behaviors, in modified ways.
I encouraged him my entire life to write his story before he died. He always said he would consider it, but he didn’t. He did write about politics, but no one believe anything he wrote. He had already been caught lying, his word meant nothing to anyone who wasn’t one of them. He lost his ability to control the masses, but never his minions. He never faced himself. He never found a path to healing or at the very least a way to make better choices. He died, in the same manner, he lived, abusing.
Everyone around him lied, schemed, manipulated, and abused. There was never a single person in his life who told him “no, stop, this is wrong! It’s not just harmful to others, it’s harmful to you!” No one! One thing he did realize in the end was what love is. I made demands, forced him to be a better man. I refused to surrender to his abuse, his deviance, his sickness. I forced him to face himself, and the truth. In his last moments, he realized that THIS is what he had lacked his entire life. Someone who loved life enough to stand up to any bully and tell the truth, even in the most extreme suffering. I had done it all my life with him, but he finally realized that it wasn’t that I needed to be broken, he finally understood he needed to heal. “How did you do it?” he wanted to know. I had the strength he never had. “Face yourself! Tell the truth!” He died, unable or unwilling but he never did any of it. “You are the weakest link,” I told him in the end as I explained he would be cut off for all of eternities eternities. He always believed he could control me in any lifetime, losing that prospect drained him, he couldn't lie to himself anymore. “I want to die on top of my mistress and carry her into the afterlife with me” he always said. Well, that was NEVER going to be me! Anyone who chooses to do that with him, know that you are now and will forever be in the same place of Karmic debt right along with him! Good luck with that! He always knew I would fight him in the end. He punished me my entire life for what I hadn’t even done yet. That’s that kind of man he always was, a torturer.
He didn’t have remorse, he never had time to develop that awareness after finally realizing how sick his entire echo chamber was. But he did manage to experience regret. Had there been intervention earlier, he could have done more. Don’t get me wrong, he knew well how deviant they all were. He just had embraced the ideology that it’s okay to be that way. That was how he survived, at the expense of all others. We were polar opposites and he actually valued that as long as he could control me. When he couldn’t control me then I was a liability that needed to be managed.
Throughout my entire childhood, he emotionally blackmailed me with his own baggage. I was the ONLY person other than his mentor who knew who he truly was. I know that his family believed they did, but they lacked the clearance to know MANY things about him, I didn’t. He also experienced things with me that he had never experienced before. He depended on me for oxygen, and I understood why I just never agreed with it and for that he punished me. As a small child who is forced to accept this man as a father, I had to learn how to literally take care of his wants, needs, desires, and instability before I could take care of my own life. When he felt he was losing that power over me, he ALWAYS responded with extreme violence.
He believed that forcing me to crawl on my belly begging for sustenance for myself and my children would eventually break me and force me to embrace his lifestyle. It had the opposite effect. I found my inner strength with the power of my ancestors, and I rose up and fought back! For the first time in my life, he is dead and gone, no longer here to control my every thought and move. I have the freedom that I have never had before. My fight isn’t over, I have other controllers standing in the gap to ensure that I don’t break ranks. But that ship sailed in May of 2020 when I heard George Floyd cry out with his last breath for his Mama while he was murdered in a state-sanctioned attack by security forces, aka police. I can’t even type these words without crying. People underestimate the power of ancestral memory! At the same time, my own son was under severe attacks from not only extremists, law enforcement, and operatives, but people who were supposed to be my colleagues. But I’m supposed to keep that shit quiet for the sake of wealth hoarding, treasonous extremists who are exterminating my people as well as other marginalized people, and destroying the planet??? That’s not in my DNA.
If this hasn’t been your walk, you certainly can’t teach me about mine!
The White House UN Human Rights UN Women Honor My Contract for the sake of the country, there aren’t many who can do what I do! Thanks to extremists, we are a dying breed. Make amends, and call a truce. We are loyal to ALL life and the preservation of this planet whereas those insurgents you fund intend to destroy ALL for the sake of the lie of “all.” My controller and I weren’t the only ones in double-binds, we just chose two different pathways. He chose destruction, I chose life. What do you think is happening with all those left behind???
Traitors have been torturing me in an attempt to force me to say that pedophilia is natural. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It is, by all means, the most unnatural thing that a living, breathing, sentient human being could ever even think to participate in. That truth will always be, regardless of who is delusional and what extremes they will go to in order to hide the truth! Regardless of who is left behind. Until All are all, you only continue to perpetuate “the lie”.