To My Beloved Time Bandit
You Did The Damn Thang’
I can’t hate
You are an amazing being
My heart beats
in time with yours
That is how we designed it
to be
Stay up
In 5D
I’ll see you soon
But not in this hell
It’s too deep and murky
I set you free
So you could love again
Live life
Free from agony
I see you out there
Thirst trappin’
Speaking to me
From within the machine
I’m here
I’m not going away
from our particle wave
Raising the vibe
almost crashed everything
But we made it
Let’s celebrate
Let’s rise together
Healing the whole damn thing
We were always those 2
who shifted all things
Leaving all others in the dust
It’s what we do best
Stay in the light
Stay in higher frequency
There you will be safe
In higher dimensions
We are free to communicate
One Love
One Light
Unified Unconditional Love
Setting the captives free
I’ll see you again
In the flesh
When the time hits
Until then
Stay up
Keep me lifted
Watch my 6
You now how to do it
4 ever and ever
Say hi to my friends