Trading In Racism And Other Schisms
How the right and the left use Black bodies to manipulate.
UN Human Rights My handler, whom I will now refer to as SE told me in 1983 that other marginalized populations would be forced to give up support for Black American social justice in order to save their own people. Why does President Joe Biden keep relegating the protection of human rights for Black people to the responsibility of working “with the Hispanic population” in order to survive? Because that is the agenda. When the right says that the left uses race baiting, they aren’t lying, they are simply exposing the truth but denying that they have any role to play. But human rights are not a political issue, they are inalienable, so why is America till using us as chattel without any sort of accountability from anyone, anywhere in the world?
We are still being experimented on yet people wonder why we don’t trust the people harming us. I barely survived abuse in medical care, and that was before COVID. I have had it several times, I triage myself. Since I took over my own care, I have started to heal. So what was insurance paying for? World Health Organization CDC Flu
In 1982 SE told me that the White race was dwindling in numbers and they were terrified. THIS is truly the origins of the rights greatest fears. It has nothing to do with Black people, money, or spending, those are simply propagandized racist dog whistles used to hide the truth. He actually told me the reasons why the race is dwindling, and it’s not just here in America, but globally. It has everything to do with genetics, toxic social habits that have been adhered to century after century after century, and a refusal to change. Is this not what we see happening today?
SE told me that they had not only not been able to help their own people evolve to a higher state of consciousness here in America, but that they also didn’t want to change their toxic ways. It wasn’t just a matter of inability to change, it was a refusal. Using me as toy sex doll as a small child, was an part of their experimentation to see if this would help improve their plight.
Even those who were interested in change would only go so far. That was true of ALL my handlers, I have had man over the years. Over the past six years the world has seen this this reality play out live, all day every day. Yet the racist myths persist. The Black Community is still scapegoated and mass death is the consequence. When those charged with actually upholding our rights are faced with this reality, they simply look away. It’s always been like this.
A weaponized pandemic, with a Wuhan lab experimenting on the very virus killing millions globally, funded by U.S. tax dollars, was a part of the agenda all along. “The world ends in a pandemic” SE told me in 1980. I was only 5 years old so I had no concept of what all of that meant. But he did. “Either come home or I will leave you to die with your people” he told me. “I will suffer the fate of my people”. So I have. Would you subject yourself to pedophilia, rape, incest, torture, and racist extremism? Because that’s what “home” is. The answer has always been no. But the idea that I would expose my children to that…. after everything they put me through….and people wonder why I fight so hard? NEVER! I would NEVER subject my children to such abuses, ever. So here we are, suffering the fate of the bottom 22%
People wonder why I have no shame? The shame has never been mine to bare. Why should I lie for or blame myself for what deviants, their apologists, and corrupt people in office have done? I value myself more than that.
SE taught me about the different experiments the extreme right has used to hurt not only our community, but people they targeted for various reasons. My “fictive father” oversaw the chemical weapons programs for Intel. He ALWAYS reported directly to the White House. So did the unit he created to “combat” the chaos they create. Looking back on it he reminds me of the firefighter who becomes a serial arsonist, so he could gain attention. I saw it at the age of 5 but the agenda was so overwhelming that it traumatized me severely. It made me terrified of him, and malleable to his control. “What does it for me is the surrender” he would say. The more traumatized I was the more excited he became. As I adapted and got stronger, he increased the trauma. People wonder how I can be so blunt, well now you know. This is the result of decades of torture. No one cares. Now when I say “no one” I literally am referring to the people paid U.S. tax dollars to care. I don’t truly mean no one, I mean most. Few. Even the few who do, they always back away. It’s overwhelming. But also, they end up in a double bind usually choose their own best interests. That’s how he operated, that’s how they operate, they keep the planet in a double bind. All of humanity lives this daily, yet the majority of the planet is clueless. Unfortunately, I see it all, that’s what they trained me to do.
The deployment of chemical and biological weapons has been studied and experimented on in the U.S. since the 1940s. It could be longer, that’s just what I remember. Agent Orange, which eventually killed my father, was just one of the agents. There are many. SE not only oversaw the programs, he engineered a lot of them. He also either sat on the boards of companies that created the agents, or he owned stock in them. They manufacture chaos, and profit from it at the expense of the most marginalized. Asia is still trying to repair the harm done. My daughter is Lao, her maternal grandfather, biological father, mother, and even step-father were all affected by biological agents from the Vietnam War alone. That doesn’t even include all of the chemicals I was exposed to in experiments throughout my life, that only includes what I and she were born into. Yet, we are scapegoated for the consequences, I have even been called a hypochondriac for seeking medical care. My daughter’s eczema and psoriasis are extreme, direct results of these chemicals. No one cares!
SE taught me about the various experiments and deployments of agents that contributed to many of the the diseases that have now become endemic. AIDS, Lupus, MS, Syphilis, Cancer, Diabetes, heart attacks, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, and inflammatory disease were ALL experimented on as a form of weaponization. There is s long history of this in military and Intel, some of which has been declassified and even shared publicly. While there is outrage, no one does anything about it.
Chemicals and biological agents were used in DOD research program that I was in. They were used against me, my family, and millions upon millions globally. SE, my handler and “fictive father” sat on the board of chemical companies while he was STILL an intelligence operative. No one even knows that he was in Intel, they just call him a “business man” and “politician”. He was recruited into Intel when he was a child, that’s why he saw nothing wrong with doing it to me and countless others. In his speeches he is careful to say that “the military is completely voluntary” but he NEVER speaks of conscription in Intel, paramilitary operations, and civilian service members. Just like slavery, conscription never ended.
People don’t understand that when a President declares “WAR” on anything, it gives him extra powers that he wouldn’t normally have. Black programs were expanded under my handlers control in the 70s and 80s. Labeling them “Black” meant that no one would ever know what was happening. They also championed the removal of oversight, transparency, and removed the possibility of accountability by providing them with immunity. SE claimed that calling the projects Black had nothing to do with Black people, but the truth is these projects started off with COINTELPro. Black, Brown, and marginalized people nationally, and globally have been the only targets, ever. Black American Dependents Of Slaves are the most targeted population, and that is why we suffer the most across every spectrum of survivability. No one cares.
Any war time president is able to make decisions that would normally have to pass through Congressional oversight and the way to usurp that is through declaring war, regardless on what it is. The Reagan Administration was the first to use this tactic on something other than actual war, domestically. “We just find a way to make the lie fit” he taught me. That’s were “alternative facts” come in to play. Declaring war on Black people with dog whistles has always been a fundamental part of American society, but that still doesn’t take away our inalienable rights! The “War on drugs” only targeted Black communities and in the most negative ways! My sisters were introduced to drugs by my handlers, they aren’t even aware of this fact. He used them at first, but when he found what he wanted in me “I’ll get rid of them” he said. I was five, both were gone from the home that year along with my father. It left my mother vulnerable, alone, and easy for him to dominate. The same has happened to me my entire life at his handling. All of my handlers had assets who targeted us, abused us in every way, and walked away with zero accountability. This is what it means to “just move on” from atrocities. Our family never recovered, the nation won’t either.
The “War On Drugs” did not provide aid like what is given to White America for the opioid epidemic. But at the same time, financing the drug trade through the Contras giving the CIA permission to fund itself was profitable for the racist right so leadership turned a blind eye.
The massive amounts of drugs and weapons circling the Americas was a network set up by operatives who when caught, were called rogue. But they weren’t, they reported to the same handlers that I had. Both my handlers were the engineers of the entire scheme. I was just a little girl and incapable of understanding the full scope and ramifications of anything happening. I see it clearly now obviously.
When they were caught, both my handlers had to answer to Congress along with the person they had in charge of the operation, all of them lied, the world watched them lie on live TV. After they were “cleared” all of them were rewarded for being “loyal patriots” and given more money, power, and wealth. One was placed as the head of a major pro gun organization. It has sense been disbanded due to corruption.
I was little girl in the middle of all of it. “IT’S YOUR COMMUNITY THAT’S BEING AFFECTED, YOU’RE GOING TO LEARN” SE told me. He sent me on runs, in “official” boats, choppers, prop planes (which I have always had a phobia of), and long car rides, from DC, to Miami, the Caribbean, as well as Central and South America. The only time I wasn’t raped was when I wasn’t with my handlers. It’s not because they didn’t want to, it’s because they were ordered not to and they obeyed.
I was right there when all of it was happening in the 80s. “Why does the world let you get away with this?” I would ask, only 5,6, 7, 8, and 9 years old. “Because those that know can do nothing about it, or they don’t care. But most don’t know and by the time they find out it will be too late.” He was the master of entrapment, I never once saw his scheme fail. Even when he was caught, he still got away with ALL of it! Whenever they were found out in any way they simply “burned” whatever evidence linked them to anything and kept going in other locations. I’ve been burned more times than I can remember. This isn’t the first, but it’s the last! I finally broke free!
Whenever they said “we ended the program”, no matter what the program was, it never ended. If they were denied funding, they simply used criminal means. The “hired assassins” that came from the defense contractor industry are a direct result of all this. Those same trained operatives, are now the extremists occupying the United States.
The U.S. has been complicit the ENTIRE time so to confess to any aspect of the corruption opens the door to so many crimes that they simply ignore the fall-out, scapegoat the targets, and ensure that Black Americans take the fall no matter what it pertains to. As long as racism is fueled, people are too busy feeding hate to put any pieces together. In almost 5 decades, nothing has changes except that the process evolves to become far worst than what leadership can handle. Sacrificing Black Americans was always the agenda.
“War on poverty” was engineered to attack the suffering during the most extreme times, punishing the entire community for the trauma inflicted upon us. People will easily point to communities outside of the U.S. and say “look how terrible” but with Black Americans the response is “the do that to themselves”. It’s not even possible for us to have done all we are accused of, it never is. No one cares.
To be Black in America is to constantly suffer from the attacks we sustain at the hands of extremism. This would ensure that those who were already marginalized would not be able to rise above these conditions. People think that the war on poverty provided aid, in reality, for Black America, aid is removed and defunded systematically while simultaneously transferring massive amounts of funding and wealth directly into the white community that is systematically denying us our human rights.
All of this seems unrelated and even innocuous to the average American, and that is how it was designed. The worst part is that these are racist right agendas, ignored by every aspect of politics. ALL are complicit in it. The purpose is to diminish the number of African Americans who were just beginning to show growth after the civil rights moments of the 1960s. The same agenda was used after the Emancipation Proclamation, they simply tweaked the same tactics. SE told me this himself, and still expected me to comply, as he raped and tortured me.
While increasing the White American population with right wing devotees, my handlers sought patriarchal White passing allies to increase their numbers. This is when immigration changed, the idea of and definitions of race changed, and suddenly the White race included people that had ALWAYS been excluded. The reason this is important is obvious, this racist social engineering pyramid scheme ensured that those who were allowed to legally immigrate into the United States would be populations who were given incentives to side with the racist right and to further the racist agenda. We still see this played out today with immigration policies. People who are able to “legally” immigrate are often are beholden to the racist right, patriarchal agenda while native people's are forced to seek other means to gain entrance. It’s racist and xenophobic, everyone knows, no one cares.
Today, White passing allies who were literally (and many still are) being slaughtered by the same people at home and abroad, are now welcomed into society as “the right kind of votes” because it keeps the same men who created all the chaos in power. Those who support them receive aid, benefits, protection, all scapegoat the Black community. How many times have we watched other marginalized populations appeal to our voter base while running for office, only to gain office and recant every promise and commitment they made to our community? Meanwhile, they acquire the legislative protections, funding, and repartitions for THEIR OWN PEOPLE, while scapegoating us as enemies when we were allies just before we voted you in.
SE told me in 1983, “any population that wants aid will have to reject supporting the Black Community if they want to succeed”. HOW MANY TIMES HAS IT HAPPENED, AND WE’RE STILL DYING WITHTOUT RIGHTS, AID, OR RECOGNITION OF THE TRUTH.
United Nations our lives are still traded as stock, like chattel, even when we aren’t in actual chains. Look at what has happened with legislation for Israel, Native Americans, and the Hispanic Community just this year alone. Israel wanted funding for their dome, it’s their own community in public office who is ensuring that they will get it, while simultaneously denying Black Americans here at home human rights and even making the most dehumanizing excuses for it. “Well some people don’t want their tax money spent on that, we need to consider how that makes them feel”. We’re talking about human life. “Well how could we pay reparations, how do we determine who descendants of salves are” but wasn’t that your campaign promise? Aren’t you in office only because of our votes? “We’re not sure how we would finance something like that” but you find the money for EVERYTHING else including frivolity, illegally financing biological agents, wars, and paying the legal fees to defend people who molest, rape, and slaughter us. Every man who molested me is either a multimillionaire, or billionaire. Nothing changes because in order to play, you have to pay. Some politicians pay by selling their souls to gain favor for their own populations, ensuring that what is the “new White” helps maintain the domination of White supremacy, the result is more suffering and death for Black American Descendants Of Slavery, and Black people as a whole across the entire diaspora. We are just targeted here, we are targeted everywhere. “We want to make sure there are no more people with a genetic memory of enslavement” SE told me at five years old. He ran the epigenetics program that experimented on me, that was the program with THE MOST EXTREME FORMS OF TORTURE! If I were a White woman, heads would have rolled decades ago. In fact, some of the White women abused in the same trafficking ring are doing just that, receiving reparations as they go. Meanwhile, every word I type is used to further so many legal battles, while I remain penniless, powerless, and a hidden figure as my children are forced to suffer with me. NO ONE CARES! THERE IS NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHERE BLACK LIVES ARE CONCERNED!
Mobs of angry White men and women SCREAMED in every conceivable way “Black lives don’t matter” then they proceeded to sack the Capital. Nothing has changed in a positive way. I didn’t realize that government had actually given up on governing years ago, I was still in a traumatic haze. It’s as plain as the nose on my face now, no one cares.
“But we are native to this land, we have been here longer than Europeans, and even if we only counted the timeline of enslavement, it’s still HUNDREDS of years. If the law requires that our rights are protected, why do they never protect us?” I was just 7 years old asking my handlers these things. “Because America will never allow Black America to be equal to White men.” This is all I have ever heard my entire life! It’s so common that I grew up being taught this openly in school. Yet people wonder why Americans are afraid of CRT? smh
It wasn’t just handlers, I have heard this all my life from politicians, particularly those who ran the program that experimented on me, my family, and my community. So while those who could benefit the racist right are given resources, funding, and aid, the Black Community is used, scapegoated, and left behind every time in order to maintain the balance of hate in this country. This has ALWAYS been the agenda, both my handlers explained it to me themselves from their own mouths. At precisely the same time they were telling me “We found the guy we want to use to end it all. He’s the most narcissistic person we could find.” Shocked and horrified I asked SE, “so you found the most narcissistic person in the world to attack us?” He looked confused by my emotional reaction, I didn’t understand why then but I do now. He couldn’t understand emotions, that’s why he preferred children.
“Then why are using me, just kill me so I can be free” 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 years old. Honestly, I had forgotten that I spent the first 10 years of my life wanting to die every day because the racist right ran operations that raped, tortured, strangled, abused me and threated everyone I ever loved. This is why I write, it helps me process the trauma but it also gives me access to perceptions that my younger self had no access to.
The whole notion that the right cares about children and families is a sick joke. Look what they are STILL doing at the border! If having to pay families is an incentive to get them to stop, I think it’s a great idea! Do they deserve those payments, YOU DAMN RIGHT THEY DO, AND MORE! But that’s not the reason it’s happening, looks are always deceiving in DC. That’s why in the 80s and 90s we used to refer to DC politics as “Life under the big tent” is freaking clown circus, always has been.
The racist right literally made it impossible to prosecute pedophiles, rapists, and batterers. I was right there when the legislation was being drafted. Sick men going to other sick men to pass legislation that keeps them in power and free to do as they please. SE went to the Middle East in the 80s, when he saw the harems he became VERY jealous. He learned from them, deployed measures here, then went back and “turned their countries into heaps of dust” because that was always his plan.
The racist right ensured that funding was removed from programs that serve victims, reward police departments for not investigating crimes of moral turpitude, worst yet, they incentivize law enforcement to blame, prosecute, and even abuse victims. These same tactics are deployed globally. People always ask “why is sexual assault so much worst, globally?” Go back to the Reagan Administration, look at who was on his cabinet, draw a direct line to the legislation, defense contracting, and nations where certain crimes have risen since the 80s. Abuse, trafficking of every kind, corrupt financial practices, the installing of right wing governments, oppression of marginalized populations, mass death, the growth in the use of weapons of every type, and technological abuse.
Using the racist social work system to help the agenda had already been happening since it was instituted. But it certainly ramped up in the 70s and 80s with the “war on the Black Community”. If we’re talking about separating families, it’s been done for hundreds of years to the Black Community with impunity. Even the United Nations has stated that the United States owes Black America reparations. I can’t even get payment for decades of work for the government. No one bats an eye. It’s been done to me my entire life, it’s done to all of us. No one cares. UN Women But America has equality and is safe?
The Cherokee Nation stripped Black people of their rights just before they obtained an office, and the promise of reparations. This is no coincidence, it’s the racist right agenda that SE told me would happen. “They cannot get help if they support the Black Community” he told me in 82 and 83. It’s 2021 and it’s happening. I used to believe that the players being used didn’t know they were being manipulated but it’s blatantly obvious today. Both my handlers were masters of the double bind, everyone eventually caves to it. Politicians aren’t allowed to talk about it and anyone else who knows doesn’t care or is afraid. U.S. Department of State WE STILL MATTER ANYWAY!
“We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make, we go too far”. they told me my entire life. Creating chaos and using me as a maid to clean it up, that’s why the decided I was born for. To be their slave. I have yet to escape that. Some things, there is no one here raping me today. But I’m still being tortured, no one cares.
“We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make, we go too far”. I bet you understand what that means now don’t you The White House Progressive Caucus NAACP Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress TIME If I don’t talk I suffer, if I talk I suffer. I am damned if I do and dammed if I don’t. What would you do? UNICEF America claims to care about children, but the children in my family have been abused BY America for every single generation since White have existed on this land, no one cares. Amnesty International USA
It’s 11.6.21 and I have yet to received a penny of direct COVID cash relief. No one in my family has. My son has received one payment, nothing else, including unemployment even through he is a front line, essential worker and has been throughout the entire pandemic. In fact, we have been fighting DIRECTLY TARGETD PERSONAL ATTACKS from the racist right wing, police, paramilitary, and even corruption within the CIA and government agencies. Extremists within these agencies have attacked with impunity, no one held accountable, in fact they are constantly rewarded. No one cares. Yet it’s even hard for me to gain access to food. The school has a program where kids can ask for food any time, it took them 2.5 months to provide my daughter with anything when she told them she was hungry. When they did, they accused me, like a criminal. Amnesty International But America cares about children, correct?
It’s a crime just to be Black. No one cares. United Nations Yet we hear statements every day about how there is so much affluence, abundance, positivity, prayer, and giving. It doesn’t trickle down to non Whites. Just so you know. It never did. If it happens to, it’s certainly not to the most marginalized populations. “We’re going to give the money to people who know how to use it”. How do people think we survive, we know better than wealthy people do about how to manage money. We’re forced to scrape by as best we can all day every day. We make every penny stretch because our lives depend on it. Meanwhile, people are out using COVID relief money to buy prostitutes and boats, but we are the negligent ones?
Even when we manage to figure out how to survive we are then accused of being criminals and of abusing the very system designed to abuse us. The kids are not stupid, they see clearly what is happening. Is this the affect you intended? It’s what they intended for me growing up. To be constantly crushed under the weight of tyranny with absolutely no intervention. “It’s the worst kind of trauma” SE told me. He only wanted a child to abuse with impunity, then the ability to get rid of it when he was done. He got away with everything. But I am just one of many, what happened to the rest of those children. When I asked “how many victims” he smiled and said “as many as the grains of sand in an hour glass”. When I reported to the the other handler, at his office, he told me precisely the same thing.
So what are we to do? Lay down and die as the few leaders we do have in public office trying to protect our lives are arrested for doing their jobs. Yet people wonder why we have no faith in a system that has no value in our lives other than how they can be exploited to benefit the people abusing us. Even our own leaders senselessly abandon us, finding any excuse to dehumanize, dismiss, and demean. But we deserve it because we are angry? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU’RE SICK IF YOU AREN’T ANGRY! GENOCIDE IS NOT SOMETHING TO SLEEP THROUGH.
As even our own leaders “cut losses” and leave us behind but what they perceive to be a better way, claiming we’re not worth the fight, we continue to be exterminated daily. Meanwhile the truth continues to be denied. Yet none of these leaders would be where they are without our sacrifices! No one would. No one cares.
Think back to 2008 and even 2016 and compare how different life was in America. Sure, systemic oppression was still engaged, however many were finding ways to escape. Yet people believe it’s a coincidence that suddenly, things have changed for the worst? During the Obama Administration, leadership brought the nation together during extreme times. Unlike any other time in the last five decades. Extremism was only amplified by the few, NOT HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE HAS NOW MADE THEM MANY! Black America suffers for that more than any other population in U.S. history. The crimes against nature and humanity that are systematically eradicating our people go ignored and have been FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. It’s so easy to dismiss our humanity because it has never, ever, been recognized. This is not a political issue, this is a matter of inalienable rights. We are born with the right to life yet in America, all inalienable rights for Black people are systematically eradicated.
People like me can’t even gain access to SNAP benefits let alone payment on my contract or my education credentials unredacted. But I’m supposed to accept this as my “plight in life” because God made it this way? Define God? Which God do you mean? In tradecraft, God is the nickname used for the CIA.
I am from Project Pandora. That was a code name given to me as a small child. “You will change everything” SE and his crony told me. I have, many times. Yet I can’t even pay bills, buy food, go to a doctor, or relieve the pain I am in every day. All of my injuries are a direct result of abuse from my own country, no one cares. I am not the only one, all of Black America is experiencing extreme torture and trauma every day, in our country, on our own lands, no one cares. While there are other populations experiencing atrocities as well, the response we are always given when we ask for relief, at any given moment, any where in this nation, from the bottom to the top, is always, “get in line”. We are scapegoated for all the consequences as the abusers escape ALL accountability and those supporting them gain favors. Nothing has changed in 5 decades.
The Black American population was only 13% of the population before COVID. But that includes Black immigrants from other nations. That is not an accurate account of the number of Black Descendants Of The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. We can’t get an accurate count of our population because Census data has been manipulated since the Reagan Administration, not to mentions the racist attack under the last one. “How will people not see our numbers dwindling” I asked in 1980 when SE told me what was to become of my people as he mocked and abused me for being an “Empress Of The People”. He gave me that title as an insult, I always embraced it with dignity.
He used to hire people, to come and dress me up. To do my hair, make up, expensive clothing, he even put a crown on me. He would drape me in a velvet red cloak, but I would have NOTHING on underneath. As soon as I hit the base, daily, it was routine, I was undressed and never clothed again until they returned me to school to ride the bus home. He would mock me, demand answers to questions that I couldn’t even understand, then he tortured and raped me. That was how my “mandated” childhood education was spent. The right raped, the left looked away. People say they are the same for a reason.
SE knew things well into the future, mostly because he was one of the prime engineers of the chaos so he knew what would happen. But also, the technology available to them back then was beyond even current comprehension. There is NOTHING like it in mainstream society today, there are only aspects of it available to the elite. Augmented VR, Ai, coding, energy weapons, frequency technology, body manipulation, nanotechnology, implants, human Ai interface, all, even advanced Ai, all that and more from these classified research programs. THAT WAS IN THE 80s! The classified world is always anywhere from 100 to even 1000 years ahead of mainstream society. Anything you see in movies, television, on social media, remains illegal in the U.S. until Defense can guarantee it can control the proposed technology and be a minimum of 100 years in advance of it. If you consider the advanced technology in Sci-fi that should tell you a lot about how advanced the classified world is. Mainstream society is easily manipulated because we live in a totally different world, and there is no oversight over these people with all the power, resources, and technology. Now politicians complain about mainstream society gaining “awareness” of anything outside of what they want to allow us to know, this is the epitome of a fascist state. It did not begin with the last administration, its’ always been this way, it’s just getting more BIG AND BOLD, but not at all in a positive way.
We live in a hell that the extreme right carefully crafted for us, engineered by pedophiles, rapists, and psychopaths all so they can live out their sick fantasies. As they live in a fabricated heaven funded off of our blood, sweat, tears, resources, and money. From this hell, there is no escape. “God knows that you did something wrong, that's why you are being punished” people constantly tell me. But if that’s true, why do the pedophiles, rapists, murderers, liars, thieves, war mongers, holocaust engineers, the genocidal, and the batterers ALWAYS escape accountability? What God is arranging these things?
I once had a team of women, social workers, tell me that I didn’t deserve to be a parent because I had sex with a man who wasn’t my husband. Literally. They removed my daughter from me and gave her to a pedophile. Most of my children have been removed. Of course I was being trafficked to grown men, I was only a child myself, what should have happened is the abusers should have been held accountable and I should have received help. Instead, not a single person ever has. When little glimpses of the truth come out, EVERYONE scapegoats in the same way. It happens for different reasons of course, but it always happens and suffering without end is always the result.
I never wanted children, for obvious reasons. I didn’t want anyone hurt by these sick men! But when I had them, I always love them. What changed my mind about wanting to die at 10 year old, was the hope that I would find out what happened to my children. That kept me going for a long time, until they kick the trauma up a big notch and I had to watch as my child was ripped from arms and handed to the people harming her as I was scapegoated for everything. I’ve never recovered, I’ve been walking around half dead ever since. All but one child was conceived in rape. I don’t even know how many I have had. No one cares.
I shouldn't have been trafficked to begin with, I shouldn’t have been forced to get pregnant, I shouldn’t have been forced to breed for men who themselves should be nowhere near children. I shouldn’t have been blamed for the sins they commit. My children shouldn’t suffer for their crimes, I don’t even know where they are, or who they are, or anything about them. The men didn’t even take care of them. They raped me, got me pregnant, gained their “just rewards” and went on about their sick business. They turned me into a racist, unwed mother statistic at the age of 9 and scapegoated me for being a lost cause, to this very moment I am the one suffering those consequences. The only thing anyone ever says is “why did you let it happen”. Even the women who are paid to help victims say this. The entrenchment of racism, misogyny, and abuse is so endemic in America because there is never accountability. NO ONE CARES.
If I have to be subjected to these things, I’m going to continue to kick and scream. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
I still have a child at home, she hasn’t received a penny of COVID relief, she couldn’t even get food when she told the adults at school that she was hungry. But America cares about kids? I skip meals to ensure that she can eat. I’m epileptic, this is EXTEMELY dangerous for me. My 20 year old son skips meals, has lost TONS of weight, and gives every penny to take care of us. It break my heart to see him this way. But you know what, he will be rewarded for his love, kindness, dedication, and integrity. This young man had to grow up so fast. Getting stalked, multiple mob assaults, shot at by a banger in front of police who did nothing, scapegoated for other people’s crimes, having to fight to clear his name. He will get justice, all of my children will. I LIVE FOR THIS ONE PURPOSE AND I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING! I grew up being tortured, spent my life being tortured, this is not new to me nor is it a game. My children will get all of the reparation for the harm done that they deserve. And if no one has integrity, honesty, or courage enough to help them then I push forward on my own. But I have never failed a mission and the most powerful men in the world with the most extreme deviant behavior, most advanced tech, and unlimited resources trained me. I have skills people can’t fathom, 99% of the world’s population never will. I push on because I want my children to see what it takes to survive, how to move through hell, and never have your humanity stripped from you regardless of what anyone will do and say. My children will rise, gain their just due, ALL OF THEM! Because I won’t stop fighting, EVER until it’s done. All extremists did was awaken THE BEAST inside of me. I’m the Fighter Jet Mom no one on this planet has ever seen. You may bury my name now, but before I die EVERY HUMAN WILL KNOW MY NAME! Thanks to extremists, my children and I will live forever!
I have no choice. Hungry or not. I mean I like losing all this weight. My body look good! But I’m in pain. I would eat a rat or a human thigh if it kept me alive to save my children and live to fight another day. IDGAF what anyone thinks about it. It’s not just paramilitary training, it’s determination and it couldn’t be more torturous for me. But I have children watching, the need to know how to survive the hate engineered to systematically eradicate our entire community. Even after everything, after 46 years of non-stop trauma and hate, I am still me! No one can strip my soul from me! My children will ALWAYS be the same! I’m not going to lie to my kids so anyone can come along and manipulate them, destabilize them, take their spirits away. I’m teach them the truth so they know how to analyze EVERYTHING!
I am totally, permanently, and fully disabled from being forced to serve this same nation that is still abusing me and refusing me aid or relief, not even social security. My children have had to watch it all, they see everything. They aren’t stupid, they know what is happening. Instead of providing them with help, they are constantly accused, abused, berated, targeted, and attacked as the consequences continue to be scapegoated onto me. Meanwhile, the same people attacking us are sitting around laughing at our suffering. But I’m the one who is sick? I would be mentally if I didn’t take action to defend us! This did not start with BLM, that was just an excuse used to further eradicate us in plain sight. No one cares. “We will leave a racial memory so potent in your genes that you people choose to NEVER incarnate here again.” That’s what SE told me, when I was 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years old while he was torturing and raping me on classified bases paid for with tax dollars, in the middle of the school day. No one cares.
By the time I was 10 he was changing his story “reincarnate with me, I want to take you with me every lifetime, I don’t want to have to start over again.” This is the man honored in so many ways by America, the truth is he was just an extremely extremely extremely sick man who fooled everyone, even himself, until the very end.
Black African American Descendants Of Slavery don’t even have a statistic on how many of us there are left. We are a tiny remnant. The truth about us remains hidden in plain sight every day as we are being eradicated due to ethnic cleansing. NO ONE CARES. But I’m supposed to pretend like I don’t see and I’m crazy if I say anything.
The right was trying to force me to say that pedophilia is natural. If I would have agree, they would have rewarded me. If I would have turned my back on my people like so many others have, I would have ALWAYS been wealthy. But a betrayer is not who I am. “Tell them it’s human nature” they tried to force me to say. “Tell them the right is the right way” they tried to force me to say. NFW! NFW! NFW! NEVER! NO! NO! NO!
They labeled me as the little girl who liked to be molested, every adult who was paid to protect me embraced that filthy and ignorant stigma and allowed the abuse without interruption. I stopped worry about what people think when I was naked, alone, afraid, bleeding, restrained, shocked, burned, strangled, raped, locked down in an underground military prison base. I find my best friend within myself. That’s the kind of strength that can NEVER be shaken. That’s why the abuse never stopped. “The program ended a long time ago” people say. But the abuse of the abusers did not, I live under it’s suffocation to this very moment as ALL OF LEADERSHIP LOOKS AWAY DISGUSTED WITH ME, TOO WEAK TO ADDRESS THE ABUSERS AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. That’s not me!
As I got older abusers labeled me as the promiscuous women who also liked to be raped. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL WOULD BELIEVE SUCH THINGS? I don’t even know how to spell the word promiscuous, it’s not something I eve say. I don’t even like the damn song, it is in no way part of who I am. I have had very few sexual encounters that weren't rape. For me to throw myself around would be violating myself and that’s something I have never done, and will never do. I won’t be like abusers, ever. But I damn sure will defend myself and those I love!
Speaking out like this is horrible. It’s triggering, traumatic, and painful. But I have no choice. “What happens I refuse” I asked at 5,6,7 and 8. “THEN PEOPLE WILL KEEP DYING UNTIL YOU DO!” Is what I have always been told. But the agenda always included death. “It’s going to happen anyway” I said at 5 years old. “No one is going to fight for your people. The ones who do won’t know the truth or will give up on all of you.” What do we see today? We were only 13% of the population before COVID. I’m afraid to even look at the few statistics available now. But the truth is, most of the death is happening to Black American Descendants Of Slaves, who can’t even be numbered. UNICEF Yet literally, we changed human consciousness through the culture we created. WE MATTER AND THA’S WHY WE ARE TARGETED! Human Rights Watch So I will go on fighting, speaking out, advocating, participating in activism, and fighting extremist hate. If no one else will, I will, my children see this and learn how to protect themselves and that’s the most important thing a mother can do for her babies.
This has been another entry into my COVID diary, I wonder who cares?