Truth Stranger Than Fiction

Danielle Diew
8 min readDec 22, 2021


Whole Picture Poetry

There is nothing more strange

Than having people judge you

For the harm they caused you

The crimes they committed against you

The promises they broke

The abuse they forced, threatened, or coerced

The apathy toward your cries for help

The abandonment when they could have altered your course

The stigmatization and the consequences that never stop

The gaslighting

The narcissism

The entitlement

The expectations

The judging, condemning

The taking of everything

While returning nothing

Not even thanks

Or even

“I apologize”

Nothing except

Oh, I got over that already

Because they feel you are beneath them

And must deserve it anyway

It’s strange

That anyone calling themselves a human

Could think this way


That “leaders” think this behavior to be okay

Not just any leaders

The world’s most powerful




The ones who change everything

For everyone

With just a tweet

But I can’t even use such platforms

Yet they claim to fear me

I am the “divisive” one

But I can’t even provide myself with food to eat

So who am I intimidating

And how

If they are leaders

Then they are too weak to lead

They obviously lack moral and integrity

Therefore they shouldn’t be in that space

Making choices that impact all things

Even the the life of the planet

Let alone the life of you and me

So if they fear me

And I can’t even control my own keyboard

How are they qualified

To ensure this world doesn’t completely implode

Taking 97% of all life with it

The top 3% escaping to space

Where the same people who ruined all of this

Will be free to be renegades

Repeating the same cycles

Over and over and over again

Until they eventually destroy even what maintains

This dimension

But they can’t foresee this

They can’t foresee anything

They need digits and data to display reality to their brains

They need the gifted and talented to be in submission

To steal what they create

They are incapable of creation that’s why they bring destruction

Such movement is in now way strength

It’s the epitome of dysfunction

It will improve

It will continue to devolve into nothingness

Annihilation is their primal instinct

And they aren’t even “awakened” to this


That humans are supposed to subject ourselves

To self-destruction

Because someone who was born with abundance

Acquired through exploitation

Says we aren’t worthy of life

And proceeds to make artificial intelligence

That will back up their genocidal fight




What a strange thing indeed

I can’t even leave the house

Jailed for doing absolutely nothing

Just living and breathing

Struggling to survive

Suffering the “fate” of my people

Like I was always told I would be

By the very man who tortured and raped me

He had all the power

He has more power in his death than I have ever had


But this is the power of white supremacy

And the lies their proponents tell

Utilizing every tool within the system of oppression

To eradicate their own victims

Then blaming us for their own torture and death


That I should be imprisoned

In a home that no one should be forced to live in

These are unlivable conditions

But again

The blame is simply passed onto me

As I am told “stop complaining

Beggars can’t be choosers

You’re just a liar and a fake anyway”


Because all anyone has to do is

Pay me what you owe me

Instead people are paid multiples of millions

To ensure I can never live



Fee my children

Protect myself

Protect our lives

Rise above enslavement

Because elite men what to use me as

Like a biological satellite


That I should be expected

To accept all of this

All of my life

And for every generation prior to this

As if we aren’t human beings

As if we don’t deserve to live


No reason for my incarceration

Just power and control

Punishment for knowing things

Powerful men don’t want in my head

But I didn’t harm them

I didn’t betray them

I didn’t betray my oath

I didn’t betray my country

I didn’t take anything from them

I didn’t even mislead anyone by lying

I never even said anything

That deviated even a little bit

From truth and transparency

They just don’t want to be held

To any form of oversight and accountability

Those is the highest positions of authority

Not only allow it but participate

Every single aspect of U.S. infrastructure


By extreme corruption

The highest offices placating to

Domestic terrorists

But I’m not allow to say

This nation is under occupation

Or point out that being a nation

That weaponized a pandemic

Killing millions upon millions

And two years in

They still can’t control it









No one can say!

This is absolutely

A failed state!


That a so called Democratic nation

Would hide such things

Censoring and muting my ability

To flag United Nations

About what happens from day to day

Strange Amnesty International Human Rights Watch

I keep wondering

Who is in control of the government

If all 3 branches remain

In a stranglehold

A hamstring

A web weaved by nazis and ideological extremes

An agenda decades in the making

My own handlers

Two of the men to blame


That the leaders within this country

Don’t want to fight the insurgency

That’s what happens when you are compromised

And living under occupation


That I am trained to assess such things U.S. Department of State

Yet I am the one scapegoated to be

A terrorist attacking democracy





In a democracy

Would telling the truth about corruption

Make me an enemy of the state?


That only happens under occupation

By authoritarian regimes

They even openly admitted

That’s who they were

Declaring war


Yet we are still told


It’s fake

As hundreds of thousands die


Millions globally

And the U.S. is still playing

Plantation Politics

Combined with

The Most Dangerous

Patriot Reindeer Games

But they claim the problem

Is people being “awake”?

Literally telling the world

In plain sight daily

That they govern through mind control

“Go back to sleep or die”

Are the only two options we are given


That we should be expected

To live this

During the apocalypse

Particularly while they themselves

Instigated all of it!

As the planet shakes, rattles, hums, burns, and floods

No one will survive

To bare witnesses to what became of any of us

So why should I be punished for their sins

It’s so strange

It’s obvious

If you fear the MeToo movement

If you fear me

It’s because you know you are guilty

And trying to cover your sick deeds

And will do anything to minimize the cruel

That BLM continues to point to

But that’s not the fault of your target

So why does the world continue to turn a blind eye

Particularly to those who are forced to endure

Pushed behind a shield of many elites

Story after story

Predicament after predicament

Torture after torture

Rape after rape

Shooting after shooting

Brutality after brutality

Getting arrested for being victims

While the perpetrators ALWAYS walk free


That anyone would want this to be

The world they live in

Calling it superiority

Strange indeed

Too many to even remember

To many evil circumstances to even comprehend

Instead of dismantling the system

That traps targets under such enslavement

You shield the perpetrators

Smile in the people’s faces

Lie the whole way

As you abscond with the world’s money

Resources, technology, and classified information

Knowing you are lying to ALL

Further oppressing the targets

Claiming “If I help you then I may suffer in the end”


“I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by helping you live”

What kind of governance is this?

It’s a runaway government

Completely under occupation

With individuals prioritizing their own pockets

Over mass suffering and death

Literally ethnic cleansing on multiple continents

The situation escalates daily

Though ALL of it can be prevented

Scapegoating responsibility

On the shoulders of the ones socially engineered into


Lying about it the whole step of the way


That you would think

I should accept this

That anyone would

Such weakness is not in my DNA

It’s not in my skin

It’s not in my blood

It’s not in my mind or brain

Or head

In any way

It’s not in my energy

Ignoring such atrocities

Does not make you evolved

It makes you delusional

Suffering from cognitive dissonance

Sentient beings fight for their survival

Highly evolved beings fight for ALL to thrive

They don’t crawl into a delusional corner

Pointing the finger at those fighting to maintain

Not only humanity but the planet

Positivity means

Fighting for justice

Doing the correct thing

Correct living

Equity, equality, diversity, democracy

Positivity is knowing




How anyone could be confused

By the shiny things called distractions placed in the way

I’m going to fight for my freedom

Until my very last day



Since it scares so many entitled men

Then let me say it again




The police never once protected me from anything!



Like you have done everything else

That’s helps those you target

But it’s strange for me to say that

Stranger than it is for elite men to choose

Vulnerable women to abuse

Never once being held responsible

Only ever being put in lofty positions

Where people worship them

Then never looking back again

To see what became of that kid you molested

Forced to have kids with

Do you even take care of them?

Are they even alive to witness any of it?

All you care about is

You got what you wanted

Money, power, sex, games

THAT to you is living


Now you make me the enemy

Because I had the nerve to survive it

But I’m the person

Who’s mental stability is in question


What of all those pedophiles, extremists, rapists, serial killing,

Genocidal, homicidal, elite men and women

Those who profit exponentially off of causing extreme suffering

Along with

Their partners in crime

The flying monkeys, goons, and apologists

You mean to tell me

You think they are perfectly sane

Mentally, morally, ethically fit

To lead what exactly

A crime syndicate in the most violent prison?

Such thinking makes me question YOUR mental health

What stable mind would ever ignore or support

Any of this?

Strange that you think

People aren’t supposed to see it for what it is

Strange indeed

Much more so than fiction

Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers Michael A. Eisenberg: Six Kids And A Full Time Job UN Women Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus UNESCO UNICEF



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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