Twitter Hate Speech Accusations
Who did I direct hate speech toward? THIS IS CANCEL CULTURE!
This was the first day of International Human Trafficking Awareness Week. I was posting about how people have used these terms as HATE SPEECH AGAINST ME! This wasn’t the only post, but those are not included. It’s clear what I was saying. So who and what am I guilty of using hateful conduct toward?????????
Twitter Public Policy is literally abusing me for exposing the truth! The ONLY way to restore my account is to “agree” that I am “guilty” of using abusive “hate speech”. As if I committed some kind of crime! Am I surprised, no, I’m a Black woman talking about how wealthy white men and far right extremists have abused me my entire life. Of course I am not surprised that Twitter is helping these same people use violent and abusive behaviors toward me but provide no protection FOR me, only slanderous labels and abusive speech TOWARD me. Literally labeling me as “guilty” of “hate speech” is actual “hate speech”.
There is no better example of bullying!
In other words, Twitter is branding me, again, of something that I am not guilty of. Yet when people use hate speech against ME on Twitter, they say absolutely nothing! It’s racist Ai and policy. It’s also misogynistic, as Twitter intentionally blocks me every time there is an important movement, they did the same thing on International Women’s Day. There is NEVER any protection for Black Americans, least of all Black Women and these abusive tactics are used across every spectrum of American society. Twitter uses tax dollars, classified tech, and support from the federal government to literally oppress Black Americans and there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR IT! At the very same time that Twitter kicks me off of their platform for harming no one, they welcomed the Taliban. Elizabeth Warren Ilhan Omar Cori Bush for Congress
UN Human Rights UN Women Amnesty International
It’s retaliation for calling attention to the abuse I have experienced, as well as drawing attention to Twitter’s racist Ai policy. If they had banned me for either, I would have no complaint. Instead they brand me in such a way that further oppresses me across the entire internet, because that is exactly how Ai works for social media. Yet there is no transparency, oversight, or accountability.
I am totally, completely, and fully disabled. I was homebound years before COVID. The only way I can ask for help is the internet yet I am constantly cut off daily. I literally was hacked TODAY! I have no connection to the outside world. I am fighting EXTREME attacks from various different groups, who are not banned from Twitter. Groups have been targeting and cyberstalking me daily with no let up since protests began. NO ONECARES! Progressive Caucus
I have been fighting direct attacks from the extreme right, non-stop for almost two years. As well as trying to expose the abuse I have experienced with human traffickers who are powerful enough to shut down any social media platform! Should I still be suffering the consequences for their abuse?
I use social media to draw attention to the attacks that my family and I are experiencing and EVERY SINGLE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE HAS BLOCKED ME, CENSORED ME, MUTED ME, OR SHADOWBANNED ME FOR DOING IT!
Meanwhile, extremely racist content, violent content, and even human trafficking go completely unchecked. But I’m the danger for talking about abusive speech used toward me????? The White House Human Rights Watch
Equality where and how?????
This post was muted before I could even post it. This is what fascism looks like. Amnesty International USA Amnesty International Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers the images have also been muted, which also affects algorithms. It happens all day, every day.