I have served my country faithfully for decades, I have been injured in the field. I have saved lives in the field. I have been harmed in ways the average person would never even be able to imagine. I am hacked daily, my posts are obstructed, altered, and censored. Before I can finish writing a post, it’s been rewritten. It generally takes 4–5 edits to get them to stick. That, with a ton of head injuries, and neurological disabilities.
I manage to write great content in the face of all of that, constantly under attack. If all anyone can see in the wealth of information provided on my social media are “typos” then you are clearly the reason why what I say needs to be said.
Look inside yourself, and find what’s wrong with you, so I don’t have to take time away from fighting evil to point out that you need help!
I don’t bother to fix every typo anymore, what’s important is WHAT has been said, not HOW it has been said. But also, people tell on themselves. I don’t necessarily care, but I’m sure there are those in your life who do.
Evolve already.
I’m not even going to edit this post. Enjoy!