Until We Blossom
Knowing Poem
Every time I reached out
Even just to say hi
He tortured
Left me alone
I had to do what I had to do
To protect the kids
Every time there was a post
I liked
I was crippled
Left in pain
Punished like I committed a crime
Yet I did nothing
“My friends have a right
To know I’m alive"
I would scream and cry
“You have no friends
No one cares if you live or die"
He claimed
Lying to all
Who dared ask questions
Showing the torture to others
Forcing them to hear my screams
Sending out video
People paying to watch
Profiting on the web
Even the strongest
Couldn’t take it
If they could
They took were punished
I’m glad you were distracted
You needed something other
Then all this
Look what happened to our friends
They’re in the cloud now
But they would be here
If it weren’t for him
“Every time you go near
It will get worse"
It always did
“Do you want me to keep going"
They would ask
“I can’t take any more"
I would beg
Decades I lived this
So I don’t care what any has to say
If people think I am so wretched
That I deserve such treatment
Why should I care about them
Their insanity is their own sickness
I won’t accept the projections
All those years few cared
Enough to even ask
Do anything
So what have their opinions
To do with me
Nothing indeed
I care for the loyal
The devoted
The loving
The supportive
I care for those who spend time
Crying out
Calling to me
Seeking answers
To questions
That kept them seething
I care for those
Who care to prove
I’m more to them
Than s lick
All puns intended
It takes a real evolved human
To look past all the illusions
It takes determination
To stick with it
It takes incredible fortitude
Not to be deterred by the evil
Not to blame me
Not to embrace the false narratives
I knew the truth
Would set those who truly care free
There will be no limitations
Just freedom
I won’t stop
Until I weild it
Free to be free
That will be me
That will be us
That will be the result
For all the sacrifices
We all deserve ita
I can’t wait to see
How you all blossom
'till we meet again