Still in isolation
No not by choice
Because people are triggered and
I’m good at my job
I expect to get paid
At any rate
Flyovers are INSANE today
Different types
I can tell by the sound
The flight pattern
How large the bird is
How close they come to my home
How many times
How long they hover over windows
I start talking about love
People start acting up United Nations Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International USA
No matter
I’m not a slave
I’m not a puppet
Freedom is my birthright
I intend to have what I want
All of it
All my money
All my assets
All my property
All my titles
All my inheritances
All my portfolios
All my stocks
All my bonds
All my accounts
All my homes
All my jewels, gifts, crowns, swords
All of it
Even all my kids
To top it all off
I want the love I was born to have
He’s waiting
I’m real to him
He says he’s King of anything
King of my heart I’ve dubbed him
Because loyalty is everything and
Friendship is the most important
He doesn’t look at me and see a problem
An object
A projection
An arm piece
A lick
Or anything else negative
He sees me as a person
Who feels
Imagine that
Feelings without fear
Even in friendship
With courage
So Be It