Vedder Didn’t Have Me As A Choice Or An Option

Danielle Diew
5 min readAug 21, 2024


That was ALWAYS a lie

Rumsfeld was NEVER going to allow ANYONE to be with me

That’s why no one has

Vedder is delusional

He always has been

He didn’t have a choice and he knew this from the beginning that’s why he had so many schemes all these years to make it look another way (hacked)

If he had a choice or an option why did he need to use mind (hacked) control, classified weapons and tech?

This is all a lie for clout

What he was supposed to do is give me my money THAT was the business I had with him

Not sex

He is STILL withholding my children

ALL I asked were three questions, genders, names, and who they were sold to

He will answer nothing

I already knew one was a son so he couldn’t lie about it but he still tries

These are his firstborn children, born in wedlock, conceived AFTER wedlock, AFTER he proposed, AFTER getting permission from Rumsfeld because NO ONE ELSE WOULD GIVE HIM PERMISSION, there was no blackmail or shotgun just his obsession with locking me down

ALL the gossip and false narratives are for money, hookers, and attention

He has never NOT made his money this way

Always at my expense

ALL of this is a lie he made up so he didn’t look rejected

That’s how pathetic he is

I didn’t care until I knew how much evil he had actually done

Now he has to reap the consequences

ALL because he couldn’t have what he wanted

When I was a kid I played into it

“Say this, do that, when this happens say this then do that”

It was the only way I could protect myslef

A child

I was a child

When he talks about me being so “nice”

I was ten, smh

What else would a kid being trafficked by the most powerful men in the world do but whatever is needed to survive

It was a game to them so so I played them not the game (hacked)

ALL Scales Balance

That’s just nature

I only had to wait for the moment

The difference is

I haven’t preyed on or lied to or about anyone

No one else involved can say that

When I matured obviously there was no need to continue

I wasn’t allowed near him he wasn’t allowed near me

He just refused to accept that

Vedder served the purpose DR wanted him to serve

A deterrence

Then he made sure he could NEVER get near me again

That’s why I haven’t been in a room with him or had a 3D conversation since the 90s

Yet he NEVER stopped stalking or obsessing




Rumsfeld couldn’t even make all the decisions

The final say always came directly from Israel and EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AFRAID OF THEM BECAUSE OF HOW THEY DESTROY LIVES (hacked)

You should have just STFU while you had the chance

Now you opened a box you NEVER should have

Oh well

So Be It

Spill the details!


Stand or get run over

But don’t act like you’re the voice of authority over ANYBODY


Then you truly need to STFU because you look as dumb as you are being accused of acting

Vedder NEVER had me as an option

Leadership has ALWAYS controlled my life like the weapon they made me

Now they fear what they created

Oh well


Why would Vedder harm himself this way?

Because he has always been unstable

He should have had help not indulgence

But no one cared

He’s still being blackmailed, I refuse to help him, he can’t force me like he used to with technology

So he’s ass out for the first time

Exactly as he should be

It’s what he wanted for me

SlSo he plays games

If your naive and dumb enough to believe it the you end up the same

No it wasn’t for her he doesn’t even like her

Does a man who likes his partner stalk and obsess over another woman for DECADES while screwing any and everything in existence?

His whole career is built on my music and him singing to me

Does that sound like he loves his hookers?

They aren’t even actually married

He never divorced me

He was just never able to accept that I’m never coming back

But that was true the day I walked away from the marriage, I was still a young teen

The only reason DR allowed him to marry me was to take me from Chris who ultimately is the reason I was able to break free (DR wanted to prevent that at all cost, not getting caught was his religion)

So now that his cult is on the “other side” flailing without the ability to continue to get away with preying

Exactly where DR lead them, on purpose, knowing they wouldn’t get to me

They will say and do anything

What makes people attack people who have done NOTHING to them?


Isn’t that the constant accusation?

Maybe don’t be stupid then.

Vedder was ALWAYS a hired hitman

He just couldn’t help himself like everyone else

There were no consequences

I had to protect myself

Exactly like everyone said

Everyone was so busy wanting to chase likes and clicks and get some attention from dirty dick hoping to get “discovered”

You were easily mislead

DR was a sadistic psychopath yet you listened and he exploited that

But I’m naive and dumb?

He knew what I would do

You didn’t

He knew everyone’s psychological make up

He knew how Vedder would react that’s why he did what he did

He knew how I would react that’s why he coached Vedder on precisely how to fox it up and of course he did

I warned over and over

No one cared

Oh well

Neither do I

You reap what you sow

You did this to yourselves

No one listened to me so ALL OF THEM are hung by their own nooses

But I’m naive and dumb?

They are all in the noose they thought they had me in and I saw this coming at seven

Naive and dumb?


These are DR’s games

I just know how to get around them

The handlers on the other hand

Absolute slaves

Rumsfeld NEVER saw life as a game either

He saw people as toys

Those are not the same thing

He taught you all to play

But he never did

I wasn’t anyone’s option

I wasn’t allowed to have relationships

DR just didn’t tell anyone else that

Or anything else that was true either

He just couldn’t let it go

Neither could Vedder

He never had me as a choice

But that ego



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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