You know the importance of it to me
And why
Amazing the details you remember
Please do NOT hold back
Things may be awkward now
Given circumstances
But once settled in
There will be no need
I love the intensity
Even still
I hear many of your concerns
All valid
But you have seen me
You know my walk
Once I Am committed
I do not turn back
Create the flow of passion you desire
I will receive it
As Divine Feminine is engineered
To do just so
I see you too
Though not shown
I don’t need it
Like you
It’s natural
That’s the point isn’t it
I want the lights killed
By you
You want to be gone
I want to be gone with you
What I want done
Is for you to begin
Without end
I understand you want this
To fade
I to oblivion
Where nothing was is all
And all is nothing
Where only the love is present
Where the bliss becomes it’s lif force
Where the particles
Of quantum consciousness
Become the manifestation
Of a new idea
A new life form into itself
The power of Three
Mind, body, soul
To become
…..insert desire
Watch it unfold……