We Are Humans, We Are Born With Rights, They Are Called Inalienable For A Reason

Danielle Diew
13 min readAug 5, 2021



If you can’t access algorithms, you are not accessing the internet. I can view information, can I reach people or organizations like the United Nations? It’s actually quite difficult, this is America, not nazi Germany.

It was like this before COVID! I’ve been muted my entire life, becoming a Whistleblower made it worse. I have received more consequences for escaping human trafficking, telling the truth about it, child molestation, sexual assault, and corruption in high places than any insurgent has received for committing sedition and treason. They aren’t even called insurgents they are called rioters, an EXTREMELY watered-down version of the truth that everyone can see is blatant gaslighting. “Most informed public in the world”? Define informed. Americans are the most propagandized public in the world and instead of our own government addressing this extremely dangerous situation, they continue to gaslight, propagandize, oppress, ignore, politicize, and shift blame. Does that sound like the behavior of people interested in equality? The only thing that has changed from 1721 is technology. Slavery never died, it evolved!

So let’s be clear, America is fair, equal, and diverse for whom exactly? Every time we achieve any recognition of our human rights, we are punished BRUTALLY! How is this okay in America, a supposed Democracy, in 2021? Why isn’t the government doing anything about it? In fact, we suffer and die in state-sanctioned attacks more often now than we have in decades.

Anyone in America protesting the slaughtering and oppression of Black people is called a terrorist. I expected every consequence I have received. I have lived under enslavement my entire life, slavers don’t like letting their victims go free. I heard every one of those abusive threats my entire life, “you get what you deserve” as a consequence of trying to escape, trying to tell the truth, trying to help free others. I’m not surprised that people still use the same enslavement tactics that have been used for centuries, again it’s in the blood, correct? Isn’t that what you say makes me inferior? Isn’t that what you say is the reason I “can’t change” and that’s the reason for my suffering, not the constant trauma and abuse that you have put me through as a person who was enslaved in modern days. Isn’t that the reason you give for not allowing me my human rights to be acknowledged let alone protected? Because you believe I don’t deserve them? “I just throw it right back on them” is what bigots say when we point out their abuse, and indeed this has always been the way of the oppressor. There is certainly nothing new except technology which is used to further oppress us!

But again, I adapt. Can you say the same?

It’s 2021 we are 8 months into the new administration, look at all the broken promises. Look at the broken pieces. “If they don’t know they are enslaved we can keep them long enough to build our new world without them” handler, 1982, Reston Va., classified location, middle of the school day. “Them” meant us, he was talking to me like I wasn’t also them, he often did that. Why, because he expected me to sell my people out, he would have so he couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t. He expected me to be Eva as he knew he had taken on the role of Hitler. He wanted me to be there with him when he died “I want to die on top of my mistress, that’s my dream”. I heard that my entire life, he planned my oppression around his sick fantasy. “God’s take their slaves into the afterlife with them”. I should have been learning about coding, but they wouldn’t allow it, instead, I was learning about hoeing because that was all they would allow. But I am the one who is wrong for being angry and wanting to tear that sick system down? Which one of us is crazy? I’ll give you a hint, it’s you if you believe those pathological lies.

All of the apologist behaviors forced on the world maintain this oppressive system. All of the extreme assaults are minimized, denied, and blame shifted. Look at the chaos that continues to be lobbed at the most marginalized in society as a very large portion of legislators claim is the result of our own doing though the world has watched them do it to us in plain sight, live-streamed 24/7, 365. But we are called crazy for seeing it and terrorists for saying it. I am banned and branded with “guilty of hate speech” for talking about what bigots have said and done to me yet insurgents are well funded, even with tax dollars as I have yet to receive a single penny of direct COVID cash, payment of my contract, any disability, my education unredacted, supportive service for LTC patients, and even denied repeatedly public assistance as well as local, state, and federal COVID relief to maintain my housing, which is always in jeopardy. BLACK IN AMERICA!

Democracy where? We don’t even have humanity.

8/4/2021 and my contract has not been honored. I have not been paid by the U.S. government for decades of loyal service, as I was promised, repeatedly, by those who developed not only my contract but the defense contractor industry. Do I need to name names???? #Congress ? #WhiteHouse ????? No, because you know the truth though you pretend not to. Is it because you don’t believe I am who I say I am, do I need to provide more proof? I’ve been trying to do that quietly, then publicly but still quietly, yet the abuses continue. What will it take??? Because didn’t you say America is diverse and that we all have equal opportunity? Perhaps you failed to define “all”, maybe that’s where the communication breakdown happens. Even when I did try to address these matters outside of public view I wasn’t just ignored, my family and I were violently attacked repeatedly.

I’m not going away! I will not be pushed out of existence because people think it’s okay to abuse, enslave, or protect those that intentionally do harm and commit crimes against humanity.

Today I was giving my 14-year-old a history of our family. She learned that in my lifetime, I had a great-great-aunt who was born on a slave plantation. She was into her hundreds when she died. She served her family’s former owners just as every member of her family had always done. Those families still exist, in the same locations, as does mine. Nothing has changed, they STILL act like they own us, and just like it wasn’t easy to get away in 1721, or 1821, it’s even harder to get away from them now! They never lost touch with their former slaves, they just invented new ways to enslave us!!!!! The men who trafficked me LOOKED for victims who were of the same families their ancestors once owned and enslaved, that is why they targeted my family! They believed they had a right to. Just like they believe they have a right to commit treason, sedition, and maintain a violent insurgency because we attempted to set ourselves free. It’s not far removed, it’s in our DNA. I don’t have to go back far to see enslavement in our genes. Yet instead of leadership and society condemning the actions of enslavers, they judge, condemn, propagandize, and oppress their targets.

Instead of America acknowledging its wrongdoing for crimes against humanity, it continues to double down on its superiority complex and assaults against Black descendants of slaves for existing while Black and complaining about violations of our human rights. Africans who have immigrated to America are not treated as harshly as Black descendants of slaves, there isn’t a single marginalized population that is, yet we still have no legislative protections like EVERY SINGLE OTHER GROUP in America. But we are wrong for pointing this out, fighting for our lives, and our human rights.

All three branches of government are working overtime to stop us from gaining any ability to get free. Even those legislators who risk their neck to help advocate for us are attacked brutally, but we are supposed to pretend we don’t see and “get back to normal” which means our literal enslavement. What’s worse is a lot of people don’t even understand the conditions of their own enslavement and neither do most politicians as well as other leaders who literally get paid tax dollars to address the problem.

My daughter understands that human trafficking is enslavement, she understands that she and her brother are the first in our bloodlines to be born free. It’s 2021 not 1721. I have other children before them.

NO CHILD should EVER EVER EVER experience enslavement, but for centuries, in a “Democracy” that claims to be an equal society while others thrive off of our work, our creations, and our influence, as we suffer and die? Where is humanity? And you think the problem is that I think negatively about it? That is profoundly sick and delusional so I can see how THIS particular cognitive dissonance is one that most of America does not want to address, though so many tell me I am the one who hasn’t addressed my own baggage. I am, here it is, you just don’t want to admit it!

People laugh at my suffering, mock me, slander me, attack me, silence me, anything to get me to shut up. I am literally a woman who comes from generations of enslavement who broke herself free, without the help of anyone, lived to tell about it, am helping bring down the trafficking ring that has enslaved my family for generations, and ensured that the children in my custody could be free for the first time ever in my bloodline. So yeah, I AM a threat to human traffickers, child molesters, rapists, corrupt politicians, flying monkeys, and apologists. THEY call me a RAT, I call them sick!

America wants to escape accountability for its wrongdoing toward Black American descendants of slaves, I was born to make sure that doesn’t happen!

I set myself free, then reached back to pull my fellow brothers and sister’s in the struggle out. I didn’t leave anyone behind, who can say the same?


I’ve always been a badass, now I’m one without chains, and oppressors of every kind are losing their minds!

#DemocracyForward #Diversity #Equity #ExpansionOfConsciousness

#Class1Civilization and beyond, your right wing nuts can’t do that for you and you’re lucky that I want to!

I kept my oath, even now I am no trader. The best chance for Black descendants of slaves to get and remain free is a true Democracy, THAT IS WHAT I FIGHT FOR! Who can say the same?

#HonorMyContract and that would be a good place to start to prove that you are not still enslaving people because of the amount of melanin in our skin.

This post was hacked/blocked/censored before I could even finish writing it! I had to complete it on a different platform, but again … algorithms run the world! What this will do to us is unfathomable to most people now living, but we see. We aren’t going to just accept being slaughtered out of existence because elite men are allergic to accountability! We are human, we have rights!

Apologists claim I am politicizing and agitating. I am literally simply telling the truth about the life I have lived being Black In America! Algorithms don’t understand human thinking, feeling, or nuance. When I get the “hate speech” brand for a reason that does not resemble hate speech in any way, I once again receive the consequences of the abusers while they escape all accountability. Any entity supporting this is in violation of international and Constitutional law. It doesn’t matter if you fail to recognize me as a human being with rights, I have them if you accept that fact or not!

This is precisely what my handler said would happen if I ever tried to leave. I couldn’t comprehend what he meant, it was 1981, I was six, the internet didn’t exist yet. It was still DARPNET, but he was in the process of using the defense program that he and his cronies (also abused me) created to ensure that I would forever remain trapped. Not just me, every person they targeted. Who do they target? It's easy to see, follow the legislative activities since the Civil Rights protests. My handler taught me himself, as did the man who created the program that enslaved me. Why? Because they believe these target populations would always be a threat to their agenda to maintain an oppressive, fascist regime. Revenge and accountability were then and are now the sum of all fears for the Capitalist elite (see the original White Paper if you can find it.

Who are the extreme right-wing oppressive agenda:

Black descendants of slaves. We were never considered Americans by the far right, they say this every day and Dems dismiss their statements as idle threats. We are knee-deep into an insurgency that they are clueless as to how to put down, that’s the result of minimizing abuse.

Members of the LGBTQ community. Though many of them are members in hiding themselves (I can’t even count how many lie about it) they attack the LGBTQ community not because they believe they are sinful, that’s what they tell the public. The same people on TV saying “God said it’s a sin” I have seen buying trafficked people to assault in private because enslaved persons aren’t free to talk, but free people are. Enslaved people’s rights are oppressed, free people’s rights are not. They don’t even believe in God, would they molest, rape, kill, and commit genocide, repeatedly, if they did? Their God is Capitalism and they give their last dying breath for it, but also to stop us from gaining access to protections of our human rights or even any form of equality, justice, or economic aid and/or positive impact. On the contrary, we are constantly targeted and preyed upon.

Native Americans. The Constitution protects legislation, period. There are legislative actions that protect Native Americans, this threatens the White, male, hetero-normative, Christian narrative that is the framework for the Capitalist regime. Yet, Native Americans received protections during COIVD, Black people have not.

Black Hispanic people, descendants of slaves or not. If you are a “White” Hispanic as defined by the far-right (race is a myth and even according to their own myth they don’t understand Whiteness) they sometimes consider Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, and European people who are darker than me as “White” if it will help inflate the numbers for White right-wing voters. What matters to them is the ability to maintain the perception of the White, male, hetero-normative, Christian majority narrative that is the framework for the Capitalist regime. They aren’t even the majority!

Immigrants. No one needs an explanation of how and why immigrants are targeted for oppression. “Kids In Cages” should be enough to understand. It’s enslavement and there is no excuse, ever, and those of us who are human will never accept one! When all are all then America will be a Democracy.

Religious dissidents. If you aren’t of one of the acceptable Christian faiths which changes depending on who among the right has the most power and how they want to influence the masses, then you are a target. Those outside the mainstream Christian faiths become progressively more targeted based on the level of propaganda put into their campaign against them. As someone formerly from multiple targeted groups of nazi Germany I can give unlimited examples of the religious persecution I have experienced in my lifetime. I have experienced religious persecution in court that lead to the enslavement of those I love dearly. No one cared. The religious alt-right has had a grip on power in America always, even though they are not the majority they behave as they are through suppressive violent attacks. People have always been afraid to speak out because of this, even leadership.

The Muslim ban in America should have been a HUGE eye opener for everyone, instead, a lot of people doubled down on hatred and still didn’t get labeled and branded as one who spreads “hate speech”. The excessive toll this takes on the lives of the targeted people will require Ai to assess, but who coded the Ai?

Poor people. If America didn’t understand targeted oppression before now, it certainly should after seeing the suppressive efforts that have gone into harming poor people during this pandemic. Literally, our own government removed tax dollars from the public and rerouted TRILLION upon TRILLIONS to wealthy White people. You would think that this would be a wake-up call for the brainwashed, it’s not, that’s why many call them zombies. I know I do!

We live all of this every day of our lives, in plain sight, as people pass us by and shame us for the collateral damage that oppressors have inflicted on us. My handler taught me to do a job and refused to pay me for it, it’s very common in the defense world actually, just not this damn bad. The proof is in the pudding. The truth is everywhere. Those with eyes to see it can if they choose to. Those with ears to hear and comprehension to understand, do when they want to. Anything else is either brainwashing or corruption.

Human Rights are not a negotiation. We have them, we are born with them, they are inalienable. At no time is any person entitled to usurp the inalienable rights of another. Mask mandates are not inalienable rights, protecting life is. That is literally why we pay taxes! Forcing YOUR religion onto the entire nation is not an inalienable right, religious freedom is. Rape and molestation are not inalienable rights because deviants believe they were born that way, safety and the right to protect oneself from harm most certainly are inalienable rights.

My handler made sure I had the most elite education tax dollars could buy, then he redacted me so that I could NEVER take advantage of the benefits of that education to better myself or my family in any way. “We need to figure out how you can benefit White men” handler, 1980, Reston Va., classified location, middle of the school day. I was born into enslavement, my father was already enslaved. If you run they call it being “AWOL”, if you disobey they call it being “out of pocket”. If you speak without permission you are a “RAT” and all rats die. I’ve been labeled a rat, and I’m supposed to accept that fate quietly without defending myself. That’s NEVER been who I am!

I bought my freedom with my blood, sweat, tears, and labor. I want what I am owed, what I was promised, what I deserve because I earned it. There are no excuses #honormycontract

Just because you deny the truth doesn’t mean it’s a lie!



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.