We Are Pushing The Limits Of The Point Of No Return
My controller’s trafficked me to their wealthy and powerful friends my entire life. It was how they gained control over markets, it was their job. It’s what they got paid to do, sadly. I can’t count the number of times I was trafficked to a singer, actor, or board member and the result of that interaction was a major shift in the respective fields always resulting in the patriarchy gaining more power and money. So much money changed hands that it was impossible to keep up with, I was just one asset. THERE WERE COUNTLESS ASSETS!
In the beginning, they all fought together, even if they hated each other. They had an agenda and they stuck to it. “We will keep fighting” is their mantra, they still use it today. They are truly only fighting their own fears, but they can’t be reasoned with. In fact, they scapegoat their targets with this slander and force even more trauma on us. They are fueled by hate yet the hate is all directed at us.
It’s only now, when extremists have engineered unimaginable scarcity that people are forced to face reality. Even then, many still can’t make the shift. It’s obvious that this unsustainable system cannot carry humanity into the future, so why are we still pretending to maintain the lie as massive amounts of people die for it? Creating a new, unsustainable system won’t help anyone other than those who created the chaos. Building on top of the old system, simply trades one chaos or another. Dismantling the system that created the chaos by infecting it from within, THAT is how we dismantle tyranny forever. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT! JUST DO IT!
I’m not saying the entire government knew everything that was happening to me, that’s ridiculous, also impossible. What I am saying is that at least one member of the oversight committee responsible for my program knew everything and participated in the abuse. Another member knew some and participated, the other knew some and did not participate. They okayed a lot of things. My handlers revealed only what they wanted, enough to obtain funding, then they hid everything else using technology the world still is unaware exists. The only time Black people were involved in any decision making processes is when we had to help clean up a mess they made because they were losing control due to their greed, selfishness, and debauchery. Even then, we only ever knew bits and pieces of information due to compartmentalization, and we never had power and authority or any kind of seat that the true decision making tables. WE STILL DON’T AND WE HVE A BLACK VICE PRESIDENT!
No other people of color had access to the rooms where decisions were made that brought us all to this tipping point we are at today. NO marginalized populations had the ability to advocate for ourselves in any of the decision making processes that brought the world to it’s current state. Even the lower ranks of white people were dismissed from the spaces because they weren’t “aryan” enough, or “super” enough. These programs were all run by eugenicists who continue to maintain power and control not only over the insurgency, but all three branches of government. Congress has failed to protect the nation, the constitution, and the entire planet from these extremists who have literally threatened every vital resource the planet needs of survival, and they maintain a tight grip on them while millions die from a virus that could have been treatable if people only cared about some other than themselves. Bragging about the successes in nations that were built on breaking the backs of others doesn’t prove superiority. It proves that was all a part of the agenda, because isn’t that what my handler said the goal was back in 1981? But I’m supposed to be quiet about it because people don’t want to face consequences. I’ve been facing the consequences of all of your behavior for 46 years, I don’t care what anyone thinks about me telling the truth!
Black America still continues to be targeted, harassed, attacked, and harmed when we blow the whistle but we’re told that we are safe, equal, and that we matter, as we suffer and die. No one is questioning the sanity, or humanity of people dismissing an actual holocaust. THAT is how disturbing humanity has become under the tyranny of the past several hundred years of colonialism, capitalism, fascism, and racism. “If it’s so bad why does everyone want to come here” is what the masses attached to the system say. Because the extremists have trashed the planet, blamed it on the marginalized, and absconded with all wealth and resources. THAT is why. The resources to survive are here and STILL kept from Black America as we are told systemic oppression is fake.
It’s more than ten months past the Capital Attack, the insurgency has been alive and kicking for a long time now, we are more than ten months into the new administration, and conditions only grow worst for the targets of the insurgency. There hasn’t been any action to curb the attacks, dehumanization, human rights violations, or mass death of the most vulnerable populations in this nation while the wealthiest 10% scam the entire nation out of all vital resources needed to sustain life. If we fight back, we are crushed under the weight of tyranny. Why? United Nations you have the ability to make unprecedented changes for the planet right now in these moments! This is what we have all trained and prepared to face, for decades. We must stand together to fight tyranny, there is no other option.
One of the biggest things that COVID changed was the notion that billions of people could share one planet and not have an global system of governing the reaches every corner of the globe. When the planet is in danger, the job of every nation is to protect it along with ALL life, not elites and their unsustainable, deviant, and exploitative capitalists models. No one is telling the truth. America least of all and we’re expected to die silently so that the lie of supremacy can reign supreme? Why would we do that? Why would anyone sit by and let that happen? The world needs new leadership to address the new threats that we now all face together. World Health Organization DARPA Internet with the new agencies and initiatives being launched, there must now and forever be transparency, accountability, oversight, education, prevention, and intervention that prioritizes inalienable and human rights over capitalist exploitation. Equality and equity must be the new norm. Enslavement must now and forever end, as well as sexual and domestic violence and abuse of all types. Xenophobia cannot be the path forward, it only leads to destruction.
Growing up, the biggest threats to those abusing their authority were watchdogs groups and journalists. In my own personal situation, people kept searching for the truth, few had the guts to report on it. But with good reason, people were threatened and some killed. When they did report on what was happening to me, to us, they left a trail of very well hidden evidence. Journalist archives are very important, that’s why my handlers went out of their way to even manipulate not only the entire field of journalism, but any evidence they may leave behind.
I am never mentioned by name, I am not the only child that major outlets were reporting on. But I was certainly among the reports. I have seen more than one reporter die for telling the truth about my personal situation. I keep stating, anyone who helps me gets harmed because it is always true. I have never walked people into danger, and left them there to die alone. I warn people, and I never leave anyone behind. But this problem is bigger than the individual. Yes, people can ALWAYS help in the background, secretly, privately. It’s not so easy to step into the light and provide support, my abusers and their system dominate every industry globally. If somehow I disappeared in space, they mother f — — — could find me. They have proven that to me time, and time, and time, and time again. That reality was instilled at age six and seven. You don’t know what remote means until they make it your reality.
But I still need help UNICEF
I once spoke to a male reporter who was committed to catching my handlers and holding them accountable. “This man will die if you don’t convince him you are fine. He has a family! I don’t wat to have to hurt them but I will! It’s your fault he is on this story, you have to convince everyone that you are in no way being harmed”. That’s what happened when a reporter found out my actual real identity and followed me home. He didn’t get close, but the security team that ALWAYS trailed me spotted him. I was nine years old.
They were all going to kill me if I didn’t get rid of him. I convinced him, for his own sake, that I was a gifted student mentoring to become an operative. They were teaching me tradecraft. It was illegal because of my age, but it had been approved because of the nature of the work I was doing. I helped them locate trafficking hubs and take them out. It’s a classified program and all of us, including the people we help, will be in jeopardy if he prints his story. He understood what I was saying, it was his expertise. He knew every word I said was true, but what I wasn’t saying was so much more. He understood that EVERYONE would die, so he backed off. Someone else picked up the story and went with it, he died. Another person leaked the story, he died. This is how I grew up, responsible for other people’s messes and this has ALWAYS been the expectation. But somehow “lazy” is still the racist trope we are perpetually assigned to.
I was constantly in a position of having to choose whose life to save. That is why “I protect the innocent” became my mantra at five years old. Triage has been my expertise my entire life, what we are experiencing today is how I grew up. None of this is new to Black America, it’s new to the privileged.
I saved that reporters life and so many others. Many would say, why, you should have chosen yourself. But he couldn’t save me, it would have been more senseless death. His knowledge could one day save me though, and that is the difference between analysis, and strategy and just winging it through life. I am alive because I strategize, not because anyone in America makes conditions conducive to life for Black people.
It’s always someone else who is considered more important than myself, and they are the ones who need the resources, the support, the aid therefore I don’t deserve it, that is the consistent message. There is ALWAYS a reason why my dehumanization is appropriate to help someone who has been designated more deserving of life. Why would anyone think that my life is unimportant? I matter because I am alive, and if you can’t see that then you best believe you support the system enslaving me.
All my life everyone else was designated more important, all of them, because they were white and male, or white and women, or white children, or useful to the white agenda. But whiteness, and the closer to the Nordic ideal of whiteness, the more valuable they were to the white agenda. But people are “confused” about why the world is turned upside down? Because genocide is never the best option let alone decent one and certainly not ethnic cleansing but that’s the reality we are living.
My life didn’t matter then and it doesn’t matter now because the same nazis who committed genocide against the Jewish nation in Germany during WW2 were transported to America to continue their work on Black, Brown, and other marginalized populations. Hiding this truth keeps them in power and the Black community disempowered. The racists here were happy to do it!
“My life matters to me” I always told them. The abuser’s responses, lol “what does that matter, you don’t have any power!” The White House
In the end they always regret how they treated me. Karma is real, I have seen it play out my entire life. It’s not what people think it is. Karma is not about punishing someone, getting revenge, or making something happen. It literally is a scientific principle, an action has an equal and opposite reaction. When you send out the kind of energy in the world that runs a powerful and perpetual campaign of hate, turmoil, trauma, and tragedy and you force that onto others there will always be an equal and opposite reaction. You may spend lifetimes running from that reaction, but it always catches you. It’s not pretty, just like it wasn’t for your targets. Everyone has to learn, those who won’t get recycled. That’s life. These foolish men declared themselves God and thought they were more powerful than the cosmos. To master it, you must become it’s student first. But they submit to no one, and nothing, that is why they are unteachable. I on the other hand am highly teachable because I was constantly forced to submit, in those moments I chose to learn. The very tool they used to abuse me, became the tool I used to strengthen me. The best part of it is, it can’t be reversed! They didn’t even see it happening.
My handlers spent every minute obsessed with outrunning cosmic law, and they would do anything to escape it because they understood the impact of it’s power. What they never grasped was how and why it existed. It doesn’t matter who or what you believe is the reason for the existence of life, humanity, and the planet. The scientific laws that govern this existence are true with or without anyone’s belief system. It just makes more sense to me to learn what the laws are and live in harmony with them so that life is sustainable, symbiotic, and harmonious. That is how a human thinks about life, that is literally what is encoded in our DNA. It’s how the species survives.
Straying from the genetic blueprint of a human is a normal stress response, it happens for various reasons. Some chaos keeps the organism thriving and forced to evolve. Not enough does the opposite, it makes the organism complacent and less adaptable. When tough times come, the less adapted organisms have difficulty surviving. Weakened from too much chaos, the organism eventually gets destroyed. Constant trauma, and chaos, at precisely the right amount however, makes a person malleable and complaint. In other words, a good target for enslavement. This is what abusers of every kind do, knowingly. My handlers figure out your sweet spot, and they exploit it. Whatever it takes to bring you down, they do. “I always win” they told me. It’s not through genius, superiority, or evolutionary jumps. It’s by sheer aggression, literal Neanderthal behavior. Nothing more. What makes a human evolved is knowing how to to control impulses but with intent, for a specific reason that is beneficial. Being able to make these choices in the moment, saving yourself and others, this is an even higher form of evolutionary thinking. Any behavior that reverts humanity to a lesser evolved state does not help humanity advance, despite how much you may believe this to be true.
Cycles, consciousness, and the connectedness of all things is what I was in those classified research programs to study, beginning at the age of four. So I did. It was presented as the answer to all questions, given the fact that my mind is wrought with questions at all times I am always naturally then drawn to answers. Being constantly traumatized caused me to look for answers that would allow me and anyone like me to escape the prison my handlers and other abusers create for all of us. They understood this, that’s why they claimed they were “helping me”. Legislators believed their “data” and approved not only the program but unlimited funding. I have yet to receive a penny, they all became billionaires. For even asking about the payments I was supposed to receive I was labeled “gold digger”. They made sure there was a lot of popular music, tv, movies, and stigmas that reflected this racist trope to not only constantly remind me, but to deter anyone who would try to aid me. The truth is, it was my money that I earned on pay for play contracts and they stole it!
Any information can be skewed for any purpose, there isn’t a single tech savvy person or legislator who is unaware of this fact. All information in America is skewed toward the lie of white supremacy and anyone who supports it. Black people are expected to accept this as reality and live with the consequences because we have been deemed “broken”, “defective”, “unevolved”, “unenlightened”, “lazy”, “mentally unstable”, “criminals”, “sub-human”, “sub-species”, “snowflakes”, “inferior”, “super predators”, “monsters”, “witches”, “demons”, “thieves”, “scammers”, “whores”, “devils”. Anything derogatory that would hold us back becomes our reality. The only response we get is “it’s all in your mind, you created this for yourself”. But WE are the ones who are considered less intelligent for not falling for the brainwashing!
Everyone benefiting from the system sustains the system somehow. Those stuck under the weight of the tyranny are forced to either fight it, or die in it. Plenty of us are ready to die to fight for our right to live. It’s sad, we shouldn’t have to. We do it for ALL, not just all. Society tells us we created the fight but the truth has never been told. None of us are willing to sacrifice our children for any reason. Even when it appears as though we have, you may simply be looking at manipulated data and making an incorrect determination based on flawed information. Look deeper!
Even when there are those who do lose objectivity and cause harm, often times it’s because we are pushed so far beyond our breaking point that the person we once were no longer exists. We have to adapt, we are always criminalized for doing so and scapegoated for the consequences but the offenders are never held accountable.
There are people who consciously choose to do what they know is evil because they profit from it, they exist everywhere and because of constant campaigns of trauma, torture, poverty, and a lack of the ability to survive they adapt. At no time is any of us in control of the process that is killing us, and this is the truth about Western Society that continues to go ignored. If doing something taboo is the only way to survive, sometimes people adapt. When Black people adapt we are called animals. When white people adapt they are called superior.
When this system of tyranny is deployed against White people in any way, it is labeled as “tragic” and the world steps in to clean up the mess with love, compassion, and patience. When it happens to Black America, everyone in power turns their back on our mass death, scapegoats us for the consequences, and continues to profit off of the system that lead to their wealth and power while simultaneously systematically destroying us. This isn’t just the fault of America, the planet has prospered off of the backs of Black Americans. Black skin. Black Africans. Blackness. Blacks. Black culture. All things Black. Karma escapes no one, and nothing. Time is up, if the humans occupying the planet can’t adapt then nature takes control. Those who created this agenda assumed they understood how to control it’s process, they were very wrong. The planet is suffering because of it.
These people are considered superior, yet they are so far removed from humanity that they couldn’t even rate as a human on a psych eval if they took an honest one. But they never suffer consequences because most of the world is too afraid to face the fact that there is an entirely knew Super Apex Predator that has been raised in America. It was raised intentionally decades ago by nazis imported from operation paperclip and other programs like it. They have the same desire that Hitler did so anyone aiding them is just as sick if not more so if you are of a targeted population! These predators create chaos and turmoil, they are psychopaths programmed to believe they are saving the world on behalf of God. What kind of God needs a human to fight for it? Puny God!
These extremists do what they are programmed to do. They have spent decades spying on the planet, collecting data, skewing it for their agenda, profiting off it, using it to reshape society, and use mind control on masses. I was raised in the programs that invented the tech and the agenda. They personally tortured me for decades, of course I’m not going to be fooled by what is happening.
Those nazis who tortured me told me themselves what their agenda was and why. They believed humans were all born flawed with a tiny exception of the human population. They believed they could master the human genome, use epigenetics to manipulate gene expression, as well as genetic modifications to create the perfect person. This person of course would be a “nordic looking” white person because that was their racist ideal of perfection. They set up trauma programs and prisons globally to dominate everyone. Whoever complies with their agenda receives “rewards” whoever does not comply is punished, tortured, and murdered. No one has even acknowledged this global agenda other than the Black community, let alone attempted to stop it. Look how long it has gone on!
I am not speaking as someone who has read a lot conspiracies. I am the person who survived the torture personally, despite their trying to kill me every day of my life. But I’m not supposed to talk about it because it upsets the delicate sensibilities of the delusional people who support the denied holocaust.
My children lost their delusional bubble at very young ages, it was always trauma from systemic racism and oppression that was the cause. It was always the effects of systemic oppression that harmed my children and I was always blamed for it and held accountable every time. It’s literally illegal to be Black in America, we get killed for it daily. Instead of people stepping in to stop the harm, many are making excuses as to why it should happen. Black life means nothing in America and this hate they spread globally, empowering and indoctrinating the most volatile entities as they go. The vulnerable status of the planet’s survivability is the result and it’s STILL being called fake. Al Gore is one of few people who has sounded the alarm about the dangers this planet faces. People still cyber stalk him, harass him, and target his activities to minimize his reach to the masses. He’s not only telling the truth but he has worked tirelessly to improve everything, for everyone. Yet to this very day, his career has never fully recovered from the slanders thrown at him from the 70s until this very day. THIS is the true cancel culture. The insurgents have no desire to see people live let alone thrive and anyone who supports this vision is an enemy, it has always been this way. It’s time the world faced this global holocaust, prioritizing aid and relief to those who need it most, not the least. It’s time that the leaders who have maintained their integrity are the ones placed in the forefront to help drive Earthship into a healthy, sustainable, abundant future for ALL.
Extremists are literally holding humanity hostage, and this isn’t even a discussion on the global stage. Everyone is still tiptoeing around racist, capitalist, phobic agendas. The world can’t even face it’s past let alone it’s present. The U.S. never intended to make amends with Black people even though those harmed in Afghanistan have already been relocated (right in my neighborhood even) provided with support, aid, assistance, and reparations. They deserve it! Why however, when it comes time to save lives and repair harm are Black people always left out? I have yet to received a penny of COVID relief. Only one member of my household has received one payment, the child has not even received a single payment. I was treated like this before COVID, it’s nothing new.
Oppressing Black people has always been written into the extremist agenda. “We need people to stay behind and clean up the mess we make. We take things too far, ”my handlers began telling me at four and five. Here we are today, 10.17.21 and the world is teetering at the edge of total self destruction and people still think it’s fake. Most are completely unaware of what is going on, people are just dying in mass without leadership fighting for them, for us. Those that are fighting are the genocidal and the most marginalized are left to defend ourselves because somehow, we deserve this. That’s the general consensus. Yet Congress still fails to protect us and it’s literally the reason they exist.
The wealthy are held up as the saviors, but the truth is they created the chaos intentionally, I was right there with them as they did it. It can’t be denied, the world can see the truth now. What the world is struggling with is how the tentacles attach, not if. These extremists set out to rape, kill, destroy, conquer, and amass all the world’s wealth and power in one generation and they did it! Elizabeth Warren They told me they were going to do it, then they did it. I watched it unfold step by step. This agenda is decades in the making and simply a continuation from WW2.
They never cared about anything other than their own glory because they are psychopaths and even when people see that, they worship them anyway. The tipping point was electing Barack Obama , America has been more violent, and extreme ever since. They couldn’t accept a Black man leading the world, and what an amazing job he, his wife, and his children did representing the nation! Instead of being thankful, and welcoming change, many turned further to hate. The insurrection is the result. “I will spend the rest of my life making sure you and no other Black person is ever equal to a white man, a white boy!”. The same congressman who screamed that at me in front of my entire class in public school, in the forth grade, because I complained about the racist, genocidal agenda they were then planning and now carrying out is still making life hell. He made life hell under the Obama Administration, he made life hell for us even more so under the previous administration, and he is still obstructing justice at every level under the current administration. But America claims racism is fake and systemic oppression is a myth.
We were blessed to have the Obama family step in at a time when not only the U.S. but the world was so heavily damaged from constant racist right wing attacks. Even my handlers, who may have criticized some of his politics, knew that he was the best man for the job. One of them even voted for him. Barack Obama did what no other president has done, time and time again, it wasn’t enough to stop the agenda. We need more! It’s time the U.S. was honest about what has really happened here. Many of the older generations may find it difficult to grasp, but none of the younger ones will! They already see it. If we want to maintain congruity with the younger generations, we must be open, honest, transparent, fair, and just. They will accept nothing less and they are far more intelligent than every generation previously. Each new generation arrives harder, better, faster, stronger. They are going to correct every problem, but do you want to be on their good side or their bad one?
The world is in a position to take a quantum leap into the future together, in unity, in unison, with equality, equity, harmony, and every type of diversity imaginable. THAT is how you preserve a species. You need as many robust organisms as possible, COVID has become endemic. We need to start planning like it. Preservation of ALL life is the number one priority for every governing body, period.
There are more diverse populations who are interested in furthering humanity than there are extremists with deviant psychology. It’s time the world stood up and faced the global bully of elitism. The most pivotal moment for a society to reach a new level of classification is right where we are right now. We have the resources, energy, technology and power to shift us into the trajectory of a Class III Civilization right now, faster than we ever could have possibly achieved before! If you do not keep to the plan, this will never happen. Numbers don’t lie. Are we prepared to take the leap? Leaving anyone behind sets us back. EVERYONE has a role to play, that’s how we get there faster. We support, nurture, care, guide, educate, fund, house, feed, clothe, we build and create. THIS is how we repair ALL harm done from the old world order. We launch this new world with good intentions and remain committed to the vision, and we do it together finding enemies only in loss of life itself rather than people.
Choosing the higher, more evolved path, catapults us into the future everyone wants and will thrive in. We can’t let fear and xenophobia hold us back! We simply need to provide treatment, care, oversight, transparency, accountability, education, prevention, and intervention and ALL will benefit. NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND. Not even the abusers! Despite their behaviors, they are alive. They have value even if it’s only to learn how we went so wrong in the past. However, we can work toward reversing the harm, holding people accountable, and fostering growth, development, evolution, healing, rehabilitating.
My handlers taught me when I was four and five years old that “everyone you see now is already dead. It’s already happened. You should not waste energy mourning for them or wasting your life. This is the end of this civilization, most of what you see now will be gone forever. You should spend your time living it up, not trapped in dogma”. So much of that advice was golden, but it was still twisted and genocidal. I still had my own path. I still had my own desires, my own wants and needs, my own destiny. One of my handlers could accept that I needed some freedom and he allowed it sometimes, but he still believed he had the right to control and enslave me, he wanted to control my destiny. The other handler didn’t agree with me having any freedom only because he believed I belonged to him. He felt entitled to every aspect of me! “You are mine. MY WIFE!” As long as in his mind we were together over many lifetimes, reincarnating together over and over, then that was reality. He believed it, so it was real and that was how he manifested into the world. Not just his world but the world. He is the one that taught me “energy is neutral, it’s the thoughts that you attach to them that gives it power”. The thought IS the power that drives everything. He and his cronies consistently chose thoughts that created chaos and this gave them so much power because people are attracted to energy. My thoughts are perpetually on healing, so I create space for that and this attracts the powerful who always need healing. I am a savant, I have an ability as well as a disability, it is both a blessing and a curse, the problem arrived with the solution already attached to it. Some people don’t believe in particle waves, but I am the living embodiment of if it, we all are, My life expresses it, all of ours does. The synchronicities in my life are unfathomable, it is true of us all. I watch, analyze, absorb, that’s not necessarily true of us all.
Opposites attract, this too is cosmic law. But one that most misunderstand. “You attract bad people because you are bad” is literally what I have heard since the age of four. Define “bad”. It’s a relative term, a believe that is unique to the individual thinker. In no way could that be true, no to of us are the same. What is bad to you, is good to me, and vice versa. “Well if you know God you know good and bad”. That is a relative concept and unique to the individual having the experience. What one experiences no other can, no matter how close we get in this 3 dimensional world we cannot be someone else. There are scientific laws at play, we adhere them daily if we choose to or not. We don’t stop hitting the ground when we walk because gravity is real, if we believe in it or not. There are always higher powers. My goal has always been to go infinitely higher and higher.
“Children are born bad” teachers used to say. These aren’t Black teachers telling Black children this, these are White teachers telling Black and White students that Black children are inherently inferior because we are born bad. This is what we have always been taught in school, in some way or another. yet we aren’t allowed to talk about it. Learning how inferior, disadvantaged, doomed we all were individually and as a race is what school is like for Black children at some level, everywhere in America. But we aren’t allowed to complain. “Race isn’t a factor” is what we are told. We swallow these daily lessons in some form or another generation after generation. Not only about ourselves but other marginalized populations, and we’re not allowed to talk about it openly. That’s just plain old regular school. But we are told that teaching the truth of our experiences is harmful, rather then being told those that committed the human rights violations are harmful.
These mind control tactics have been used on America for hundreds of years, without let up. Globally these tactics have always been present in modern society, they can be traced back thousands and in some hotly contested cases there are theories stating hundreds of thousands and possibly even millions of years. Mind control wasn’t invented by nazis, it was exploited by them and transferred to the U.S. by the very people who molested and controlled me my entire life. But I’m supposed to pretend like it’s all fake and allow a holocaust to wipe out large swaths of the global population in order to comply with a racist, phobic, deviant agenda created by the men who enslaved me????? Why would I give in to that?
I am now and have always been human. My abuser labeled me other things because it benefited him and people were dumb enough to believe it. They labeled me other things to get around laws, accountability, and funding issues. It was also easier to manipulate people who didn’t want to abuse, or who were being forced to.
I am a normal human, THEY weren’t. That is why I seemed so different to them that I was like an alien or a machine. They poked, prodded studied, and experimented on me like I was a whole other species, and told me repeatedly that I was! Dehumanization works when people need an excuse to bypass their own humanity switch so they can commit crimes against nature. That’s why it’s propagandized. This is a holocaust, we can’t keep denying it! People deserve the right to know.
Both my handlers trained me to understand their close personal beliefs. They wanted me in alignment with them to make the bond closer. I could spend the next 40 years writing every day about the things we were involved in and still run out of time. They knew I could never abuse the way they do, and though one tried to force me he could never make it happen. This caused him to feel profoundly rejected and even gave him more reason to dehumanize and torture. They lived their lives and reshaped the world based solely on their own beliefs and fears and not only did it create the timeline that became my life, but they expanded it to the world. I was just the test, the prototype. They deployment we are all living.
“The three of us have done this little dance for a very long time. We need to make this the last one. We have to break this cycle. We want to control the incarnation process” they told me at four and five years old. But they put ALL of the responsibility on me. “We need people to stay behind”. They believed us to be the reincarnation of those who initially created the reincarnation loop that humanity is said to be stuck in. They believed that we get this one last opportunity to reset the advanced Ai simulation that is running through these repeated loops until we evolve. It’s an advanced form of terraforming, but no one can agree on who created it’s code, how, when, from where, or why.
What my handlers couldn’t grasp is that we are all one damn particle. There truly is no separation, we are all those same people incarnating over and over. We can choose to flow in and out of those archetypes, we don’t have to stick to one. If we get into it and it doesn’t fit, why stay? They don’t like change. I do!
“We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we made” was all they cared about. They were the ones stuck in a loop, they were the ones continually recreating. It’s not the world, it’s them infecting the world. They are the singularity that created the loop. With all that evil, are you surprised? That’s a hell of a lot of energy. I couldn’t get them to change. They saw it, they just couldn’t understand why it was better to change. Smh. To them what they believe is what they created, and we all suffer for it.
They weren’t going to do anything better this incarnation. Nothing differently, positively, accurately. “We now know, that changes everything” is how they would dismiss their inactivity toward their own evolution. They fed their deviance instead of their growth and rearranged the world to believe this is the true path in life. This, of every crime they committed, was the worst. Using mind control to play God and control the growth of consciousness on the planet is the most damaging crime any being can commit. They knew what they were doing, they wanted riches, glory, power, and lust. Period. They knew full well what they were creating, they did not care. Don’t they sound just like the demons described in EVERY culture? There is a reason for that. “You will stay behind and clean it up” they told me. THIS IS THE INSANITY THAT I WAS FORCED TO LIVE WTH! Yet no one in global leadership questions their sanity even now that they are dead, despite the fact that planetary resources are so unsustainable that we may not be able to clean it up enough to save anyone let alone everyone. When will truth be told? We don’t have time to waste!!!
“That’s your responsibility” they told me at four and five. “Tell the truth, wake people up before we destroy it all”. Yet, I get punished for doing it! Immediately upon teaching me this they proceeded to lock me down and enslave me. Torture me and rape me for decades. They literally made it impossible to breathe let alone do anything. They controlled the narrative, therefore they controlled the outcome. The planet is living the outcome but I’m supposed to pretend that I don’t see and if I complain too much about it then I am “mentally unstable”. What kind of people believe such things?
It’s 10.17.21 and the system they put into place is pushing the planet down the drain with great speed. The world is paralyzed in fear. Those that are awake and in power are either too weak or too apathetic to take action. Most are only worried about their own, but there is no planet B. Even if there were, why trash planet A??? So that white male hyper hetero normative culture prevails, forever??? Why would anyone other the aforementioned want that???
Those of us who do take action to fight this chaos are under constant attack. Those of us in the bottom of the poverty rung, are dying at apocalyptic rates. We didn’t put ourselves here. There isn’t some great flaw within us that created our circumstances. We aren’t cursed. We aren’t reaping what we sowed. We aren’t experiencing Karma. We are targets of a holocaust that has been ongoing for HUNDREDS OF YEARS in this country and this kind of cognitive dissonance is one of the most difficult to transcend, unfortunately it’s not the worst. That is yet to come. If we can’t get past this stage, we won’t move forward. If we don’t move forward we move backward. If we move backward we stay on that negative rotation for longer than the conscious mind is even capable of understanding, such massive amounts of time involve numbers that humans can’t really process with our conscious minds yet. What we do here, now, matters. In fact, I matter! I always have. We matter. We always have! WE ALL MATTER!
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