We Belong
Garden Poetry
Together we belong
United we must stand
Decades in separation
Holding the pain
You sweating it out
On the symphonic stage
Me sweating it out
In theater
Puppeteered by evil’s hand
Now 23
Time to break the chains
Chris sang it
Time to set free
Black bird caged
Not allowed to sing
Only to create
Time to change the narrative
I’ll whale instead
So Be It
Fox shite proliferating
The propaganda machine of hate
Brainwashing masses
Time to interrupt that dynamic
Annihilation is no game
Nukes in play
Changes everything
Everyone thought first strike
Would be visible
But it was always planned
To be released in the deep
This is just the beginning
Time to deploy the prodigies
So Be It
We do not fall here
We shall not fail
We do not fold
We ascend to higher levels
Decades of torture
Trained us for this
You in your symphonic vibration
Me in my dungeon
Drinking of your holy waters
Soothing all the pain
Healing all the wounds
A balm to all my aches
I’ll drink it
Any way I can
Anyway I can
Any way I can
Anyway I can
Hate fears love
So of course we are a threat
No matter where we are
Or who we are with
We are one
That never changes
Siamese twins
You decide how you want it
We create the perfect vehicle
Fox what shite starters say
We are created and
Anointed just for this
Anointing more powerful
Than what any can comprehend
Remember those deepest moments
When you lived inside my skin
And I inside your head
Swimming oceans so deep
Stars envied our movements
The sun and the moon
Searching our soul vision
How long this journey has been
Sekhmet and Path
Let’s get it