Because leadership continues to coddle extremism, terrorists, white supremacy, and corruption, America continues to reach the darkest of milestones ignoring EVERY warning as they go. Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
11.5.21 Conditions in the U.S. continue to deteriorate as human rights are consistently denied, extremism continues to go ignored, the insurgency continues to roam freely, and no abusers of any kind held accountable. While all other marginalized populations are receiving legal protections, funding, and support from the entire nation, Black American Descendants Of Slaves continue to be left out of all protections and funding even while the insurgency receives more and more tax dollars.
I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief, neither has my 14 year old daughter, my 20 year old son has received only one payment yet no other relief including unemployment. If all the U.S. government did was unredact my education, my family and I would never struggle again. It was an illegal process as has already been decided legislatively, yet they continue to deny me my personal property while I struggle to survive and my children suffer. If they paid me just a percentage of what my contract owes, we would never again have to worry about survival, at any level. NO ONE HAS EVEN ONCE RESPONDED TO MY CALLS FOR HELP, NOT EVEN THE SPECIAL PROGRAM IN THE AG’S OFFICE SET UP TO HANDLE SUCH MATTERS!
My handler told me it would be this way, he was correct. “No one will ever help you” he told me my entire life. No one ever has.
The government won’t even allow me public assistance or freedom of movement. But I am the one labeled a “threat” as white supremacists continue to attack us. Yet people wonder why we are angry and have to find alternative ways to survive. What does a soldier do when pinned down? Why would I behave differently? It’s 2021 and I am still enslaved, but I’m supposed to accept this as my “lot in life” as those who enslave me are empowered and I am scapegoated for the crimes they commit against me. “She’s mentally ill “ is all anyone says. But the pedophiles aren’t???
Before I was anything, I was a soldier. Our lives may not matter to anyone else, but they matter to us. We have the right to fight for our lives. Why do our human rights continue to be ignored? Human Rights Watch We struggle to gain access to food, continue to be denied public assistance and even access adequate medical care. What did my father and I serve this country for? The White House Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus United Nations UNICEF UN Human Rights UN Women
The most powerful handler that I had I will refer to as HN, he had the most power, authority, and affluence. He worked in Intel and later joined politics to reach the highest levels. The second handler was SE who had powerful associates from the business world, and worked in Intel, he later joined politics and reached one of the highest positions in his field. Both were pedophiles, all of their associates were either pedophiles, rapists, or both. Both men used me to blackmail people globally. Both men used torture, force, threats, and coercion to maintain power and control. “We’re going to take over at the top” they told me at 4 and 5 years old. “You don’t have to dismantle everything, some institutions are worth saving, you have to change them from the inside out.” They told me at 5 years old, in highly classified settings. HN and SE HATED each other. They worked together seamlessly until SE saw me interact with HN. I have NEVER forgotten the look on his face or the emotional reaction that he had to the encounter because it changed my life forever.
HN told me at the age of 5 “I want you to be my daughter. Think of me as like an adoptive father or a foster father. Call me Daddy, I like that. You can all me Papa if you prefer. When we are in the appropriately classified setting I want you to run into my arms and kiss me when you see me”. SE had instructed me to “obey every word” that came from both of their mouths. The first time HN and SE came to the program together with a contingent of military and Intel men, I was sitting with a group of kids in the middle of the gymnasium. We were all talking about the fact that we didn’t want to do any of the things that we were forced to do but that no adult anywhere in our lives was either empowered enough or cared enough to help us get away. Even those families that tried to escape, were torn apart. We were just in Kindergarten, yet we were begin forced to have mature, full grown, POWERFUL relationships with adult men. Little boys and little girls, being sold to SUPER PREDATORS. Rather than placing the blame on those committing the heinous crimes, that labeled was attached to us, the victims. When it became known that most of these children were White, the term was then scapegoated to the Black, Brown, and marginalized populations who had no attachment to any of these programs. Those populations became the victims who filled the FOR PROFIT PRISON INDUSTRY that was socially engineered by the same men molesting us. The crimes were always covered up by the power of lobbyists, BIG MONEY, dark money, and the full power of what became the Industrial Military Complex. Not to mention the cronies in politics. This socially engineered GOLDEN PARACHUTE that covered everyone complicit, including all who supported this infrastructure, compartmentalized or otherwise, was always the agenda that would lead to the Coup that we are all suffering under.
We were all 5 and 6 years old. We were told to run up to our abusers and hug and kiss them on the mouth so that everyone present could see. THIS WAS A CLASSIFIED MILITARY BASE, WHEN PRESENT, ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL WERE IN UNIFORM! THE HIGHEST LEVEL POLITCIANS WERE PRESENT OBSERVING ALL OF THIS! When the men came in, all the children ran screaming to their abusers saying “Yaye, Hi Diddy, we love you” as were were forced to do, kissing these grown men on the mouth while all present observed. I waited until the last child went to their abuser, and I waited longer, so everyone have to see that I wasn’t complicit. I had no choice. When I finally did comply it was apparent to everyone in the room that I was “rebellious”. I still ran up to HN and kissed him on the mouth, he was in full uniform at the time. SE who stood behind watched in shock and horror. Why he would be angered I couldn’t understand, but he later told me it was because of jealousy. “I didn’t eve know you were there” I told him. He wanted me to run to him instead of HN. I couldn’t, we were ordered to follow the established hierarchy. That was when SE changed the process so that the TWO of them shared control over me. “I don’t ever want to experience that feeling ever again!!” He screamed at me. Making me responsible for his deviant emotions. “Yes father” is all I could say. These are the “very good men” the world worships.
When ALL of leadership is corrupt, Government becomes hamstrung. This was engineered in the late 70s, and early 80s, and implemented slowly across the subsequent decades. Each year, the Black Community has suffered the most extreme consequences of this agenda as “White allies” are able to pass and receive cover. This same agenda plays out daily in D.C. politics in plain sight daily as observers are confused as to what is happening because no one knows the truth. Anyone who does, and tries to fight back, is attacked. All of this lead directly to the Capital Insurgency that is constantly minimized as a “tourist visit” or a “riot” and paralleled to the protests of Black and Brown people who are fighting to have our human rights recognized and protected because we are experiencing ethnic cleansing. We are not the same. All of the tactical maneuvers by paramilitary operatives used against us are paid, trained, weaponized, and empowered by the same men, companies, and organizations that created the Industrial Military Complex, and the Defense Contractor Industry. These are the same men who raped me, trafficked me, tortured me, and enslaved me my entire life.
Between 1981 and 1983 SE researched the outcomes of their agenda. Upon finding that if they stayed on the same trajectory that the entire human population would die out within 1 to 2 generations after the coup, he made changes. The initial plan was to get rid of Black American Descendants Of Slaves who have “genetic memories of the enslavement”. That was their solution to what they called “The Black Problem”. Eradicating us.
Rather than acknowledging and respecting our human rights, they were terrified at the prospect of receiving consequences, potentially losing power, and not being allowed to rape and molest freely. In other words, accountability. They created this agenda wholly rooted in FEAR but no basis in reality. PREDICTIVE POLICING became the mainstream technology they used as a preemptive strike to prevent the Black Community from gaining stability. To this day only 1% of our population makes over 100K per year while we represent more than 34% of the prison population. We are 3 times more likely than White Americans to be killed by police. 41% of police encounters with our community are negative.
Every other aspect of their agenda implemented over time became the means by which the Black Community has struggled to survive, let alone thrive even until this very day. I dictate all that I am experiencing because this is a direct line from the beginnings of the planning stages of the agenda that became the coup we are currently experiencing. This coup not only is affecting America, but the planet. “If we control all of the resources necessary for human survival, we control the planet”. I was 5 years old when HN and SE both explained this to me.
When they both understood that they would “go too far” and the entire planet along with ALL humanity would be unable to survive their agenda they simply tweaked it a little. They began to triage the Black Community, picking and choosing who would be allowed to survive. Those are the families that began to acquire wealth in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. All others were left to struggle and die. “These people are already dead, stop wasting your tears on them” they both told me when I was only in Kindergarten. I survived as long as I was being raped, my value to them was my vagina and their ability to exploit it. Whatever came from my brain belonged to them, they didn’t share those winnings but they “rewarded” those whom they deemed “worthy” or “loyal”.
When SE found out that HN planned to kill me in this coup, he was upset and created his own plans to counteract that piece of the puzzle. He taught me how to advocate for myself. This became a bone of contention between both of them that lasted until they both died. SE didn’t even attend HN’s funeral. “I wont’ even go to your funeral” became my mantra, I learned it from him. When you are completely done with someone, regardless of who they are, you get to this place and you never look back. Without SE teaching me how to protect myself from HN’s plans, my family and I would have died already. SE only taught me because he had a sick attachment and thought he could prove himself a God by forcing me to incarnate with him. Both men were extreme psychopaths who adhered to sadism as their religion. In plain sight, all day, every day, they pretend to be Christian. NONE of them believe in God. “My religion is not getting caught” SE used to say. HN would tell me flat out “I AM GOD, THERE IS NO GOD ABOVE ME”. But he himself taught me that there is always a higher power, even if you aren’t aware of what it is.
These are the worlds most powerful men. To this day their agenda remains in place, fulfilling it’s destiny flawlessly ripping holes in the planet, destroying entire populations with genocide, scapegoating the targets of their oppression as they go, leaving nothing but trauma, chaos, and destruction along the way. “We’re going to resurrect Berserkers” they told me, that was in 1980. Social Media companies are hiding records because proof of their aiding insurgents, and genocide, go all the way back to those dark days when I was trapped in classified prison sites being tortured and raped as a tiny child barely out of diapers. Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Amnesty International UK Amnesty Ireland WE MATTER! I SURVIVED FOR A REASON! WHO ELSE WAS GOING TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE?
More than half of all life on the planet is gone, human, animal, and plant life. All my life people told me that me and my community are the problem. There is no part of the Diaspora that is guilty of the mass death, destruction, disempowerment, hoarding of wealth and resources, or raping and pillaging with impunity. It ALL comes directly from those days in those torture sites. At what point does America ever stand up for not only it’s people, but the world it promised to protect when it took control of planetary defenses? How long will the world turn a blind eye? WE NEED HELP!
The systemic eradication of Black American Descendants Of Slavery is not just America’s shame, it belongs to the world’s leaders who watch and do nothing. What will your children’s children say of what you have done here? You can erase some history, but never all. The truth will always be! CNN