“We’ll Let Them Eat Over The Holidays”
New Trail Of Tears Installment
A civilization that builds
Off the backs of suffering
Trauma, torture
The enslaved
Is in no way
In Earth’s case
It can’t even rank!
Earth has no class
She could have been a Class I already
You know what held her back
White supremacy!
It’s in no way a positive thing
The planet is burning
While simultaneously flooding
Shaking, sliding, snowing outrageously
And melting in most dangerous ways
Because extremists and perverts believe
They are superior
And will kill any and everything
Who disagrees
We all have to suffer
Their callousness and carelessness
While they steal all the resources, money, technology
But I don’t cower in the face of hate
I activate!
nazis don’t scare me
You just irritate!
I stand face to face and dare you with the truth
All you do is bully
Lying and slandering the whole way
Look how many times you tried to kill me
And failed
What kind of superior creatures is this?
One who can’t even deliver on the contract
When one comes your way
It’s easy, correct?
Not like you thought I would be
Turning away
Pretending you’re too “woke” or “positive” or “#blessed”
To see anything is a colossal cop out
Obviously a great mistake
But that’s the only way it’s great
That’s like cops investigating their own police brutality
Or social workers checking their own bias
To ensure the rights of their clients
Don’t get lost in bigotry
Devastating the lives of those they are paid
To support and aid
It doesn't happen
Not in America anyway
Regardless of how many
Say it does
It does not
People lie through their teeth every day
No one cares
No does anything
Do you think they will snitch on themselves
That requires behaving
Ethically and morally
Relinquishing the privilege
That comes with marginalizing and abusing
In places of power
That doesn’t happen
Not in America
People don’t tell the truth
It’s so bad
People think you are “divisive”
For behaving authentically
America doesn’t reward the meritorious
America rewards those who uphold the system
That keeps us all enslaved
Yet systemic oppression is still called fake to this day
Failing to understand this makes you guilty
Of all the suffering that you deny happens
It’s the ultimate cognitive dissonance
So many refuse to just state things plainly
A civilization cannot advance
When it’s leaders are behaving like animals
Greedy grifters, freeloaders, hoarders
Working for nothing
Taking everything
Scapegoating their targets
Getting away with everything
People with no intellectual capacity
Calling yourself resilient because
You have taken
Copy and pasted
Blocking all others
From any form of survival
Then calling yourself superior and elite
YOU create the chaos
So you have no need to escape
Not when you are handed
Funded with
Everything you need to fall flat
Pick yourself up again and again and again
Doing nothing to repair the harm you have done
Only ever feeding into
The lie of white supremacy
There is no such thing
As elevation
Or ascension
Or blessing
When living in such a state
Of devolved thinking and behaving
Ignoring the warnings
Doesn’t make you better
It makes you the same
White supremacy in America is so pervasive
It even invades mythological spaces
Where the marginalized aren’t welcome
Like every other space
Nothing is safe
Just think about that
People sit around and rewrite scripts
To depict their vision
Of what life is
And who is allowed to live it
Then use brute force
To ensure no one escapes it
Purging life and liberty
As if they are entitled to
Expecting us to obey
How sick can you get?
Even in the face of losing
The entire planet
Jack boots still won’t tell the truth
Leaving 97% of humans
To suffer and die
In the chaos they create
Calling us crazy
For complaining
About being treated
Like less than human
We create
They take
We invent
They remake
We invest
They steal
We write
They plagiarize
We sing
They mute
We cry
They call it fake
We protest
They gas, kill, imprison
No matter what we do
We are the ever present
Most pressing danger
Enemies of the state
I was given that designation at just 5 years old
Maybe even younger
I just don’t remember
It gets hard
With all the torture
It tends to fragment things
But even with my ability to face my trauma
And heal
No one concentrates on anything that I say
Other than
“Oh, it’s a mental health problem then”
Weird that I need to explain this!
To leadership!
I wonder what those operatives feared most
That would make them designate
The child they were molesting
As a most terrifying “thing” worthy of only torturing
And poverty
Why is white supremacy so afraid of everything???
“I feared for my safety”
Is all they ever say
Yet I am the one stuck inside my home
If they are so afraid of others breathing
They are the ones who need to be
Stuck in the house
Until they can learn to behave
Like a human being!
Even babies
Terrify them
“Kill ’em in the crib”
They say
“Before they have the chance to be anything”
They say
“I’ll go to the grandmother”
They said
In my case
That’s precisely what they did
But we’re supposed to accept all of this?
Amnesty International UN Human Rights The White House UNICEF UNESCO
Nat Geo Explorers Library of Congress TIME
If my ability
To eat
Clothe myself
Drink clean water
Earn a living
Or protect my progeny
Depends on the people torturing and raping me
Then I am not free!
If I am not free
I am enslaved
How is this okay? United Nations
Is this 2021 or 1863?