What About Everything?

We’re tired of it, everyone should be if you are actually sane!

Danielle Diew
5 min readFeb 21, 2022

We’re not your slaves

We have NEVER consented to it!

We’re not going to pretend that is our place

To appease psychopaths and sycophants!

We’re not going to disappear

Become invisible

Because your mental illness is irritated by Blackness


Stop trying to force us to conform to it!

We are human beings

The fact that we have to keep pointing that out to you

Is a condemnation to your feigned superiority

As well as a testament to you instability!

Do you not understand how you present in reality

Not just in the fantasies you create in your head?

You are completely obsessed with Blackness and it’s utterly disgusting!

Envious, slanderous, predatory, nosy, toxic, dysfunctional

Arrested in your overall development

Generation after generation after generation after generation

Thinking your dysfunctional attachment to your ideologies

Makes you superior somehow!

Attacking, stalking, lurking, abusing, censoring, gaslighting

Abusing, murdering, blocking, muting, silencing, lying, scheming

Lynching, strangling, molesting, raping, breeding, raping,

Spreading ignorance


Stealing, appropriating, co-opting, copy and pasting

Basking in all things


While simultaneously claiming

We are obsessed

For fighting to protect ourselves, our lives, our children

Our community, the planet

Against all of those coordinated attacks

And more

As leadership does nothing

Other than supporting those who do the harm

We’re tired of living the insanity that is white supremacy

There is no excuse for any of it!

Most humans are beyond tired of the b/s

That’s why the world rose up to fight with us

But the small percentage of extremist deviants

Can’t stop being sick

It’s up to leadership to be accountable for cleaning up the mess

That they let unfold decade after decade after decade

Doing nothing but grifting, lying, and making excuses

Our lives are being eradicated daily

While we are scapegoated publicly

Yet not allowed to talk about our experiences

What other population can say

Has had to survive all that

To the level of intensity

And for the length of time Black America has

Yet we remain unprotected

We’re tired of the sickness

As well as the laziness and ignorance

Rampant in leadership positions

Truth cannot be found anywhere in America

Yet here she is

Running off to save the day on another continent

The very thing they can’t do here

But we’re supposed to play pretend

Shut our mouths

Be silent

Take the abuse

Because bigots can’t accept the reality of diversity or equality

God forbid you mention equity

They lose every ounce of their fake masks

100 seconds to midnight

The best they can come up with is

“Get rid of the time clock”

Like you get rid of Blackness

We’re tired of it!

The problem will never be that we complain

The problem is that we have so much to complain about

But that reality is obvious

So elementary

Yet you still can’t grasp it

But we’re the problem???

What about to the condition of the planet?

What about Colonialism?

What about the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade?

What about democracy?

What about redlining?

What about child safety?

What about defunding education?

What about human trafficking?

What about police brutality?

What about the military industrial complex?

What about SCOTUS?

What about Congress?

What about voter suppression?

What about disparities in healthcare?

What about disparities across every sector of society

Affecting every aspect of survivability?

What about gerrymandering?

What about COINTELPro?

What about Watergate?

What about The Church Committee?

What about narcissism and psychopathy in leadership?

What about the thieving and wasting of tax funded resources?

What about the mishandling of the drug epidemic?

What about the apathy regarding sexual and domestic violence victims?

What about nazis, the SS, and Operation Paperclip?

What about Project Mockingbird?

What about the pandemic mishandling?

What about the Great Grift?

What about worshiping the wealthy elite?

What about corruption in the White House?

What about corruption in all of leadership?

What about conflicts of interest?

What about purging?

What about Broken Arrow?

What about Flint Michigan?

What about The Contras?

What about Air America?

What about the CIA, crack, and illegal spying?

What about Pegasus?

What about MKUltra?

What about Tuskegee experiments?

Which was a coordinated assault as revenge for the Greatness of

The Tuskegee Airmen!

What about eugenics?

What about the mishandling of AIDS?

What about Reaganomics?

Even George H.W. Bush hated that

That’s an extreme amount of sick!

What about Operation Grill Flame?

What about corruption in The Stargate Project?

What about Monsanto?

What about aerial spraying?

What about Agent Orange?

What about wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen

The carnage at Pearl Harbor

All of Africa, Central and South America, and soon to be Eastern Europe!

What about corruption in the V.A.?

What about climate reality?

What about for profit war, medical care, and imprisonment?

What about corruption in the stock market?

What about the ENTIRE government being in a hamstring?

What aboutism can go on all day every day!

What about the fact that NONE of that is controlled by Black people

Only the White people scapegoating our entire community for their chaos

Generation after generation after generation!

As we die in mass from ethnic cleansing

While America continues to call it fake!

What about the fact that America is so racist that it’s illegal to speak about

True, authentic Black history?

What about the fact that unless you are being exploited, Black people cannot

Earn a living?

What about the fact that there are options to solve all the problems

But leadership ignores all the solutions because it’s “too soon” to address it?

What kind of insanity is that!

What about being scrubbed via Ai to hide reality?

What about mass mind control, propaganda, brainwashing

The deployment of tradecraft tactics and urban warfare

Against U.S. citizens at home on our homelands?

What about the fact that systemic oppression and racism are built into the

System of Capitalism, with no possibility for escape

What about the fact that melanated and indigenous people all over the planet

Continue to be eradicated for the sake of the wealthy, racist, genocidal

Hoarding, White, racist, 1% elite

Should we allow ourselves to be eradicated

For the sake of the delusions of those hunting us like prey?


We should not!

That is why we will keep on screaming, speaking, writing, voting, protesting

Voicing our complaints about the violations of our human rights

Because life is not a game and human rights are not a negotiation!



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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