What About My Reality

Danielle Diew
8 min readDec 18, 2021


Whole Picture Poetry

Who I Am

People always talk to me

About the successes of others

Who overcame obstacles

To become what they wanted to be

Comparing my life

To that of another

As if I need to be told

How to have self esteem

The truth is

Someone who has some

Wouldn’t be judging mine

They would simply be open

Asking if there was any way they could help

Get you out of pain

I’m capable of that

In my worst states

But you can’t

Even in all your superiority

Almost everyone I encounter

Constantly judges me

And they always find me lacking

Which gives them the permission they need

To turn their heads in shame

Placing all blame and responsibility

On me

Even when it’s their job

To provide help




It rarely ever happens

Not for me

I’ve been in this fight on my own

For decades

In America

Even the world

A Black woman’s life

Is worth nothing

Unless there is a man to say

She matters

But even then

It’s still a question

But I Am

All on my own

Without anyone else’s validation

I don’t need anyone to say


She can be human

I was born with that designation


Look how many fail to see

But it’s my mental health constantly in question

Not that of the person projecting

Or the person blindly abusing

Why compare me to antother

I Am me

No one has experiences what I have

I am unique

In 46 years I have never met another like me

So comparing does nothing

Except reveal

That you yourself are lacking

Imagining that my problem is me

Not the wealthy, powerful men

Trafficking me


As if my life can compare

To another persons struggles

“Trauma is trauma”

People say

A paper cut and knife wound

Are not one and the same

A gun shot and an explosion

Do not compare in the same ways

Financial struggles and genocide

Don't’ measure out the same

It’s funny how you can apply this rational

When it degrades me

But not if it highlights the forms of abuse

Used against me


How many of those people

You compare to me

Have had the most powerful

Wealthy, elite men and women

Controlling every aspect of their lives

From conception

Dominating even

How they breathe and breed

Using an infinite amount of funding

Threatening, torturing, kettling

Using infinite tax dollars

The world’s most highly classified


Hoards of paramilitary mobs

The industrial military complex

And even gangs

To control, dominate, and orchestrate

Any kind of simulation

All to gain


To obsess

To molest

To rape

To steak, kill, destroy

Anything and everything

Whatever they deem valuable

Is used as a tool to be





So that they can continue

To prey

To gain

To control all things

How many operate with this level

Of surveillance, domination, constraint

Context matters

What one experiences

May be traumatic



But it is it impossible

To overcome

Because they are up against

Advanced machines

What human

Can beat the world’s most

Advanced Ai


In the midst of all that torture



All day

Every day


Without let up

Or even a kind word

Or a bandage when you bleed

Not even while pregnant

Or after birthing


They rape me when I’m pregnant

While in labor

Even after

When I need rest and relaxation

To heal

They are assaulting



Getting off

On my suffering

Laughing on my face

As they say

“You deserver everything”

Because to them

Black skin is so disgusting

That’s the life I have lead

All my life

As has every generation prior to me

But it’s my fault

In what way

Think before you speak

What another experiences

And overcomes

Doesn’t make me less than

It simply means


Lack awareness

And empathy

For how another’s life

Can be enslaved

And should be saved

But you judge and condemn

Because you don’t think

I deserve anything

Not even life


Neither the abusers think the same

So how are you different

I Am

Not now


Have I ever been

My trauma


Saying such things to me

Let’s me know

That this is how you see

This is how you think






Unevolved thinking

I Am me

You don’t know my experiences

Let alone

How it all came to be

Let alone

Why it happens

Let alone

Why I haven’t been able to escape

It’s because people like you

Project hate

While smiling in my face

Judging me unworthy

Of access to life

Calling me a “waste”







Even when I put it down

In writing

It goes WAY over your head

“She’s in pain”


“She’s disturbed”


Torture is disturbing


I would be insane

“She’s lying”

Believing that makes you feel safe

Just walk away then

Why practice more hate

“She’s manipulating”

Who and what

No one ever does anything

“She’s trying to get attention”

I’m asking for help

Why would you see it that way

“She’s after money”

Only my own

But people like you make it possible

For the thieves to escape

“She’s after power”

How so

Who will grant it then

“She’s evil”

But not the people who abuse me

“She’s an abomination”

But not those who enslave me

The truth couldn't’ be more clear


In your moment of insecurity

Recognizing that I am something

You cannot comprehend

You “throw it back on me”

As if you are a head

And I am mentally ill

Caught up in a delusion

That you need to prove to me

So that you aren’t left feeling


But least of all


THIS you call




What a joke

It takes extreme strength

To survive what I have

In spite of all the hate

Projected at me


You cringe just upon the hearing

Of a little bit of the torture

I have experienced

Yet you think you are above me

Shall we compare?

You buckle

At the sight of extreme

So that you don’t have to face

Your own limitation

Of knowing


Yet you think

You can guide me

Teach me

Lead me

Judge me

I’m simply asking for you

To do your job

That’s why you get paid

But you can’t even bring yourself

To that place

Not with me

It offends your senses

And for that I must pay


In your disorganized mind

If what I am saying

Is true

Then that means

The world is not safe

Not for some

In truth

Not for many

In which case

Everything you were ever told

Is a lie

And this

Creates cognitive dissonance

Instead of confronting yours

With courage

You choose to

“Throw it back on me”

Denying my truth

My life

My reality

To make yourself feel superior

Saying that I’m fake

Full of conspiracies

Not so ironically

But delibrately

Those who create the

“Conspiracy theories”

Understand that it’s propaganda

They do so willingly

They take bits of truth

And hide in insanity

Knowing they are discrediting

The lives of targets

Who have had to endure

The most despicable things

In America

This called living free




The truth is

It’s nothing more than


Deployed against every day citizens

For having the nerve

For wanting to breathe

I don’t have the luxury of delusion

I never did

I am so sober

That alcohol rarely even affects me

That is

When I was able to drink

I can’t anymore

Due to torture in the extreme

People even deny me

The reality

Of the disabilities

That obviously come

With being abused

Decade after decade

But I’m the one who is sick”

You can’t even confront your own mind

Let alone someone else!

I’m the “snowflake”

I have done what no other human has


Yet I am still stigmatized as weak

The truth is I am so aware

Of my situation

That cognitive dissonance

Doesn’t affect me

It’s been that way

Since I was in kindergarten

Extreme torture and rape

At the hands of the wealthy

Powerful elite

Tends to have that affect

On a strong mind

A savant

Who can see through

Most things

Advanced Ai

Has dominated my life

Since I was conceived

That’s what my handlers have used on me

With the blessing of Congress

SCOTUS shadow dockets

And the D.O.D.

Not to mention intel

And those who run mega corps

Back then known as


But it’s all the same thing

From the very beginning

This had been my life

Could YOU survive it

Could YOU grow up that way

If you did who would YOU be

I can tell you

The others I have met

Are just as sick as the men and women

Who raised me being tortured and raped

In the worst extremes

There are people who follow my writing

Just so they can see the sick things

Done to me

Some get off on it

Some are elated

Others think it’s funny

These people are viewed as

“Good people”

Regardless of how they bully

I have the courage to stand up

And call a spade a spade

But I’m the only one held accountable

For the crimes they do day to day

I move forward anyway

Before I was anything

I was a soldier

I had no choice

Weakness is not in my DNA

Everyone talks about how tragic it was

For the grown men held in prisons

Harmed by my handlers hands

But what about me

What about my reality

You mean my life doesn’t matter

Because I was born with melenated skin

What an atrocity

Not only the torture

The molestation

The rape

The enslavement

But the belief that it either didn’t happen

Or that I deserve it

Because I

“Don’t fit in”

Which one of us is delusional again?

I would NEVER rationalize away

Someone’s human rights

Or life

It’s so easy for you though

Isn’t it

Even when it involves

The most vulnerable

Even when it involves


“You aren’t innocent”

Is what people

Have always said

Dehumanization is required

Before people can cross the human barrier

That allows them to behave

Like animals in human skin

I understand the process

I just don’t understand why so many

Continue choosing

The sick path

Rather than healing

Then projecting their actions

Onto me

I’m literally just asking for help

Why are you so afraid

“She’s dangerous”

They always say

What about the people abusing me

You mean you think they are safe


To make abusing me

Easier for him

He always projected

You must understand

Your behavior is no different

But do I treat you that way???

Evil is who you protect

When you fail to hold anyone accountable

Evil is what you support

When you use the same language

“It’s your own fault”

Is all most ever have to say


That makes gathering support


Now doesn’t it

But this is how

It’s always been

I am this courageous

This strong

Have this much fortitude

Because I had not other choice

If I know I have done none

Of what I am accused of

Yet continue to be charged

And convicted

Then I will change that world

That makes this possible

People look at this integrity

And see it as pathology

No matter to me

I must keep me

I stand alone

None standing for me

No one

That’s why I’m still struggling

For recognition

Just to be called HUMAN

But I’m the “abomination”???


Nat Geo Explorers Library of Congress TIME Progressive Caucus The White House UN Human Rights UN Women



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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