What Did Eddie Vedder Do During The Entire Pandemic
He tortured me because I refused him
He destroyed all of my relationships
Every single one
Business, professional, family
He hired people all over the world, as he stole from me, to slander, steal, stalk, assault, and destroy my life
Because I refused him
He tried to have me evicted
He ruined my businesses
He ruined my clearance
He slandered me and committed acts of libel against me
He prevented me from accessing what I needed to survive with me and my kids
For years
We all suffered as they laughed and literally had orgies to our pain Rolling Stone Washington Post The Washington Times TIME Nat Geo Explorers The Economist The New Yorker The White House paid him to torture me
The Guardian The Atlantic Refinery29 UK Refinery29 Refinery29 US Online Africa
I had to contact my Godfather for help Medium Russian Russian Council Russian Council and My Godfather brought in reinforcements from my homeland The Pan-African Alliance 🌍 African Tech RoundUp
He still didn’t stop
He hints me for President Joe Biden and his cronies
Why, they are used to abusing me
He contacted people I have known decades and turned them against me
He told people I gave him deadly STD’s
He told people he was messed up because of me
I didn’t even know how old he was, he’s lied to me all my life about everything
When I twelve and he was trying to get me to marry him, he was 11 years older
I didn’t know, he has interfered with my access to information, communication, everything, all my life
Rumsfeld trained him, protected him, groomed him, rewarded him
He told people I spent the money he supposedly gave me, he’s never given a penny, ever, in my 49 years
He told people that I am a drug addict, an alcoholic, a sex addict, a narcissist, a pedophile, a child abuser, bi-polar, schizophrenic, borderline, a prostitute, a gold digger, a liar, a killer, a deviant, treasonous, weak, a threat, slow, dumb, (hacked) and so much more.
He had me placed on a watch list which prevented me from having any form of safety, security, access to justice, stability, or legal representation
Every problem created remains
He knew he was just one of many doing the same to me and my kids all these years
Thanks to DR’s lies
He paid people to expose me to viruses and bio-weapons every time I healed
I have spent the entire pandemic with no healthcare triaging my own care
He paid people to destroy my property, many times
He paid people to torture me
He paid people to stalk me and my kids
He paid gangs to stalk and assault myself and my children
He paid terrorists to stalk and assault myself and my children
He paid sex offenders to stalk, harass, follow, voyeur, surveil, and assault
“I want to get you pregnant”
He talked so much about me intimidated that he brought many more stalkers
He filed false criminal reports against me
He tried to steal classified intel from me
He paid for access to classified weapons and tech to torture, assault, traffick, and debilitate me and my children
All because I refused him
He paid to have classified weapons used on me
He created fake social media accounts and pretended to be me, ruining my reputation
He surveilled me
He used surveillance to create false narratives
He destroyed all my tech, cloned my phone
He steals right out of my bank account KNOWING every penny counts, I’m a disabled single mom trying to survive Rumsfeld’s traffickers in my own denied genocide
He used EVERY social media platform to abuse, stalk, harass, control, steal, appropriate, block, and just do all manner of evil along with the filth who is willing to take his money to participate
He’s one of many
He catfished people in my name
He pays people to contact and abuse anyone who tries to communicate with me
He destroys the businesses and relationships of people who try to help me
He runs disinformation campaigns about me targeting people who try to help me
He competes with and even fights with every man who tries to date me or even talk to me
Because I refused him
I haven’t had a direct conversation with him since the 90s
He watches me like TV
When he had access to my implants he drained the life out of me, it’s why I am totally, fully, and completely disabled
He refuses to pay me what he owes me, or return my property
He created AI versions of me doing vile, lewd, and criminal acts and tried to pass it off as me
He created Only You pages and used hookers to catfish people, stealing in my name
He paid people to steal in my name, with my ID, that he stole
He interfered with my healthcare
He stole from me in many ways, even public assistance, smh
He and his hookers live lavishly off of me
He told so many lies about me he can’t keep up U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General UNODC UN Human Rights MeToo Many Voices The Polyamory #MeToo Survivors
He has tried to kill me repeatedly
He had very little communication with me when I cut him off yet when he did, he abused me severely every time
When I tried to make money online he stole my art, blocked my access to the internet, and escalated torture
He even used technology to assault me
Because I refused him
He IS DEEPLY disturbed
He feels entitled to me just so that he can punish me for imagined slights
“What’s hers is mine, what’s mine is mine”
“I want you to be faithful to me but I want to be free to do what I want”
You’re my twinflame, you should be mirroring me, my fake teen is pregnant your real kid should be (I paraphrase that one)
He’s a trafficker
He told everyone we were together
He claimed I Am his wife and a cheater (but all his hoes cheat)
He claimed I stole from him
He claimed I stole from his “wife” whom he requires to pretend to be me, they have done this since the first day they hooked up
He claimed I stole from his hookers
He tried to entrap me with his crimes
He told me if I didn’t return to him he would punish me, he does
He told me me if I put my face on the internet he would punish me, he does
He told me if I “cheat” or talk to another man he would punish me, he does
He told me I was “out of compliance” and acting “new”
He told me I had to obey him
Every time I refused to listen to him he tortured me
He mutilated me in many ways
He tried to tried to cripple me, he tried to ruin my body so “no one would want” me, he tried to ruin my face, he tried to make me go blind, he tried to wipe my memories, he tried to prevent me from remembering all that he has done
He worked with Elon Musk and Rumsfeld’s people to try to chip me again
He tried to force me into his cult
He tried to force me into poly (so did Elon)
He tried to force me into lesbianism
He tried to force me into orgies and filth
He tried to force me into Luciferianism, without even telling me
He tried to manipulate me into helping one of his hookers get papers illegally, after they tortured me and my children
He tried to destroy my relationships with my children, one I will never speak to again UN Women
His crimes go on and on and on
No one cares
No one did a thing
He and EVERYONE AROUND HIM stalked me
It’s funny to them
They stole my identity
Blocked me from accessing the internet for YEARS
I spent the entire pandemic destitute, he interfered with my COVID relief
He interfered with my Social Security
He interfered with my payouts, and stole them
He interfered with my ability to speak out about all the crimes committed against me all my life
He interfered with court proceedings
He’s treated me like a captive slave my entire life
Rumsfeld put neural implants in me at age seven, Vedder has been connected to my implants since DR sold me in marriage as a teen
He refuses to tell me what he did with the children I gave birth to of his, in marriage
He wants back in but I would rather be tortured until my last breath
They all do
They deserve the hell they put me and my kids through
Nothing less
I will spend the rest of my life exposing all of them