What I Won’t Do
Reality Check Poem
Yet another thing
Their evil took away
Never easy to accept
When the end comes crashing in
Always was the hardest
With the oldest friends
Those closest
The deeper the bond
The worse the pain
He eats it up
Like it’s his meal
My pain that is
Filthy beast
Wishing him away
But he still lingers
People want me to fold
But I refuse to oblige them
I remain mine
I won’t be slaved out again
I shall NEVER obey hate
I don’t care how long the torture lasts
My ancestors endured generations
I come from their caste
I’m drowning
In pain
But alive
I’ve been preparing
Decades I waited
No relief
No comfort
I still haven’t found it
On my path to freedom
But I wield my own will anyway
Then get abused for it
This is what they wanted
To break me
Or at least make me bend
I refuse
I’ll write instead
Those limericks
Spinning in my head
Becomes gold
For other people’s children
You can’t fathom the pain
He enjoys it
Filthy beast
What a sick man
They’ll take what I create again
Make more billions
While I have to beg for a meal
Or help for my children
Nothing new under the sun
But I won’t fold to filth
Disgusting predators
Claiming I owe them
Entitled to my existence
I’d rather be tortured to death
But I won’t fold
Or fail
I’ll rise one way or another
I know of many paths
While many know of none
Claiming only one
I’ll continue to grasp
What I know is real
Love is
Love is
Better to have the memories
Then nothing
Now I have many memories again
His worst fear
Truly eats away at them
For me to be loved
Oh well
I refuse to bow down
I Am that I Am
To live for me
Is an act of resistance
If I were someone else
I wouldn’t risk it either
Look at this hell
I won’t fold to it
I won’t accept it
I’ll fight ‘till my last
Sad it has to be like this
“No one will help you”
He said
No one has
That’s the part that hurts the most
No one found me worth it
I gave so much
Received nothing in exchange
I ask for so little
Oh well
I accept what is
What other options do I have
Can’t believe it’s 2023
And I’m still trapped
I’ll break this filthy cage
If I break every bone trying
What I won’t do
Is bow to madness
So Be It