What Is Crazy

Danielle Diew
Jul 27, 2024


Crazy Is Thinking You Can Play With Somebody and NEVER Get Karma

Crazy Is thinking you can throw rocks and hide hands then slander the target and get away with it

Crazy Is thinking you can do what you want to someone because you want to, but never experience consequences

Crazy is thinking you’re so much better, only because you lie to yourself

Crazy is thinking your evil can’t come to light by the very one you thought you could play with

Crazy is the very one trying to prove it’s them, not me, while slandering, stealing, abusing, lying, scheming

Crazy is thinking your very obvious sick behavior isn’t seen

Crazy is clinging to filth, deviance, and delusion

Crazy is stalking, harassment, cliquing up with others to lie, stalk, steal, kill

Crazy is being okay with a child molester



Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.