What Is Marriage To Me
A desire to share life together
A desire to have experiences
Love, laugh, bliss
A desire to support and protect
A desire to create something beautiful
Within a relationship
A desire to be the family you choose
On purpose
With intent
A desire
To move onward
To create the new with vigor
I Am spiritual
I Am not interested in the dogmatic
A marriage for me will be
One that I Am finally able to choose
For myself
Because I demand it
Is traditional
One man
One woman
Our children
Our businesses
Our home
Our goals
Our dreams
Our wishes
We are our own priority
Ethics, morals, respect
With someone on equal spiritual footing
Growing in consciousness
With love, passion, nurture, nature
Being the pillars of our family unit
To create something beautiful
In the world
Leaving it better than how we found it
Using our time, energy, skill, abilities
To be all that we can and
Standing for what’s correct
No one interfering
Because we’re strong enough
To withstand all
As long as we work together
Two whole people
Working interdependently
To create all we manifest
On our own behalf
Beholden to no one and nothing
Other than Dominion
The Kingdom Of The Most High
The future blessings we are promised
Impart such wisdom to our children
Greats and grands
Building, expanding, protecting
Creating a legacy strong enough
Seven generations from now
Will still give us thanks
For paying it forward
With love and commitment
It’s not rocket science
It’s a spiritual union
These are the same principles
I have ALWAYS had
I Am not a different person
Other people’s predation was the problem