What Is Original Sin
Full Picture Poetry
If race doesn’t matter
Why is it the reference for all things
The white race being the reference point
For any and everything
It’s a scheme
It’s been going on since Rome decided to occupy the opulent spaces
Of advanced civilizations that came long before they left caves
If race doesn’t matter
Why is the white race the automatic setting
The further away you are from it
The worst you conditions are on every corner of the planet
If race doesn’t matter
Why is white the starting point of all things
Even when it’s based on lies
People prefer it that way
Rather than facing the truth of reality
If race doesn’t matter why is it the beginning, the origins
The crux of every situation
Why does America still use eugenics definitions
Even to define race
You can’t make this stuff up
Either it is or it isn’t
Which is it?
The response “I don’t believe in science” or “it’s complicated”
Well if it’s so unbelievable and so confusing
Let those with a greater intellect take the reigns
So we can stop this toxic loop
Even those marginalized stick with the same propagandized standards
They aren’t scientific
They are myth
Stigma and slander
But unless it affects white “ethnic minorities”
Then there is no one who cares a single iota of how it affects a “slave”
I’ve been called that and treated as such all my decades
But race doesn’t matter
I certainly never heard a Black person say that to a White person
It wouldn’t have an impact if it did
The worst part is knowing that truth about propaganda
The eugenicist scientists all knew they were lying
They simply wanted to cover up
What they were hiding
The crimes they committed
The truth of the matter
They continue to hide that white supremacy is a lie
And people go along with the madness
To afraid to fight back
Racists can’t handle knowing
That they descend from Blackness
So they attempt to eradicate us altogether
Then wipe out all evidence
It’s been working now for centuries
Blasting noses off of pharaohs faces
Knowing that wide distinct nose of Africa
The braids and dreads can’t be mistaken
Hiding mummies
Making them appear Roman and Greek
But Egypt wasn’t even the beginning
So they simply keep those parts of the planet
Under constant bombing and famine
Killing off the remnant of those
Who seeded this planet
Thinking they can create an aryan ethno state
You ruin everything you touch
No one wants any of what you’re pushing
Unless you are a predator or an apologist
Or those influenced by brainwashing
America deploys whatever tactic it can
To keep people in a stat of being frozen with fear
The whole nation is experiencing it
The world following closely behind
Because no one can stand up to the less than 1%
Or their inbred minions
Let’s tell it like it is
You don’t like political correctness
Well I wont’ use it then
Predators are deviants because of severe genetic mutations
You’ve cannibalized, committed incest, bred with close relatives
Generation after generation after generation
Until you don’t even resemble anything close to human
On high powered scans
I never would have thought it
It was my handlers who pointed this out
“We need a solution for it
They run rampant”
They included themselves in it
But were more diverse in that
They had mixed breeding
Not so closely related as their more wealthy distant relatives
But we’re supposed to accept this?
Their genes are mutated
What do you think happens after so many centuries
Of the same practices
The same orgies
The same predation
The same pedophile parties
The same rape culture
The same abuse of human bodies
The same enslavement
Century after century after century
It’s not just Black people suffering
The ENTIRE planet is
Someone needs to say it
Why do we let them continue like this
Oh that’s right
I’m just a “slave” so I don’t get a say
But I get all the consequences for it anyway
It didn’t begin with eugenicists
They were simply the cult that expanded on the hatred
With the freedom and privilege
Provided by the ss
We all know who’s men they were
But did you know how much deviance was rampant among them
It goes well above and beyond genocide and oppression
It’s about their obsession with predation
Their desire to prove they were superior BECAUSE they were predators
They predators from America welcomed them with open arms
They were my handlers
From the human perspective these are the worst of the worst
From societies perspective these are “good men” the best of the best
It’s disgusting!
But we’re supposed to accept it
No thanks!
I’ll remain human or evolve higher
But I will NEVER agree with your predatory behaviors
People look and laugh
Thinking “what’s wrong with that”
If you don’t know that you are one of them
They have no healthy spectrum of emotions
The very thing that helps us expand our consciousness
So of course they want to minimize what they don’t have
It proves they aren’t superior at all
The world they create is a façade
A matrix built to hold people within
Under systemic oppression
Which is still called a myth
But if you were so genetically mutated
From century upon century upon century upon century
Of incest, with close relative, very close
Don’t you think that presents a problem in the world
That must be corrected?
Yet the planet ignores it
Caught up in the brainwashing of a glamour
The Wizard did that trick but Dorothy exposed him
She wanted to get home
She was tired of being hunted, abused, stalked, accosted
The Wizard seemed like a “good man” but he was just a charlatan
Preying on the ignorant
Using brainwashing to keep people captive to his predation
He got off on it
That’s why he kept laughing
But notice
He always escapes
Nothing can come from a world built on lies, deceit, manipulation
Nothing but total collapse, chaos, and destruction
That’s what we end up with
Over and over and over again
All to protect the lie of white supremacy
Which is hiding the lie of incest among the close family members
The ultra wealthy elite who own 99% of the planets resources
And they STILL continue to hoard it all to this day
As they abscond to space to escape accountability
For all the crimes they commit
But they like deviants
So those are the ones protected
Those will be some of the ones to escape with them
That’s it
Nothing more
Nothing less
It happens in cycles
Over and over and over
Each time
The mass death toll growing
No one noticing
Because everyone is too caught up
In their own thinking
No one connecting
No one exposed to any truth
All absorbing constant propaganda
Leadership making money
So they have no interest in stopping it
Whatever deviance it is for them
They want to hide it
There is no governing in American government
Only grift
Will “democracy” be gone in 10 years?
It NEVER existed!
It was always an idea to aspire to
America same so close to achieving it
Several times in fact
You know who stops it EVERY time
The deviants at the top
They don’t want to change a thing
They thrive off of the chaos
It’s the only way they can feel anything
People just continue to ignore it
To afraid to face it
Or say it
But they have tortured me for too long
I’m just plain tired of their sick shyt!
People can’t believe it
Because they keep choosing cognitive dissonance
Whatever has them stuck not knowing
Or knowing
Either way
Everyone is stuck in some way
As long as these occultists
Continue to force their positions
They are destroying the planet
But that’s the plan
They don’t want non deviants to live
Unless you are prey that is
Black skin is their fetish
So here we are
Black Americans being their direct descendants
Raped for hundreds of years
Incestuous and inbred
It’s all in my ancestry
But those of us in the bloodline
Can’t be bamboozled
Our DNA activates to show the way
We know what a true High Priest is
We women
Know of the High Priestess
That information so controversial
People haven’t spoken of it openly
Since before the bible became a book
Taken from inspired texts written across many centuries
Many penmen
Many codes encoded in the living document
People wonder why the Constitution Of The United States
Is so important
It is an inspired text
A living, breathing document
Meant to evolve as does consciousness
If the inbred, deviant, incestuous, bullies, mass murdering, rapist, pedophile
Sadist, libertine, enslaving colonizers want something else
Let them have it
On their own
Without influence or interference from humans
But they have no right to arrest my development
Our development
Enslave us
Prevent the growth of human consciousness
Because they feel entitled to own anything they see
“I like to keep what I get”
That’s why my handlers said
I’m a living breathing being
Not an object to be conquered
That’s why after all these years
I remain unbroken
I remain who I am
Steadfast in the knowledge that
I was born free
No one can take my free will from me
If you do you commit the ultimate sin
Leave it up to these warmongering deviants and
No life will make it
It’s precisely how the bible described it would be in the end
We are living Revelation
Just like it was prophesied
People cannot see it
Or hear it
Or comprehend it
My handlers made sure
I would be abandoned to it
“You’ll be fine”
They always said
Knowing they were lying through their teeth
“I made a mistake”
They both claimed
“I was afraid”
Of a little Black girl with no love, no money, no protection
Just a big brain in the middle of one of the most volatile and racist times
This nation has ever intentionally created
Until now that is
People don’t get how difficult it was to exist in the 70s Mid-Atlantic
It was so easy for them to enslave me
They were surrounded by their own predatory men, women, and children
They had all the power, wealth, and privilege
All passed down generation after generation
As we still struggle to be recognized as human
Though they can’t even register on the most basic scales
“Tell them we’re human” my handlers said
All the torture would have gone away if I would have said
“Predators like pedophiles and rapists are simply following human instinct”
No I won’t say it
I never have and I never will
It’s depravity on a massive scale because people refuse to deal with problems
We were just one Black family in the Mid-Atlantic
What would happen if everyone told their true story
What would happen if every talked about what’s truly been happening
We were forced to become integrated
With those that hate our existence
They hate me even more this day
Because I’m still living and have the nerve to expose it
But being 4 and 5 years old in those orgies is hard to forget
They consume people like animals consume their kill
They appear to be living just as the did when they were in caves
Raping, eating, mutilating, and creating incestuous breeds
That became the Roman and Greek myths we learn about in school
What a way to spin sickness?
True history is illegal because white people are ashamed of it
Just as it was when I was a child
Learning about their origins from the men they labeled “the best of the best”
Not much has changed now
There was no protection
That’s why I was carried off into captivity
Into conscription
Into the bowels of classified bases
Experimented on, tortured, molested, raped, impregnated, bred
Turned into a “sex slave”
It’s taken me 2.5 years to admit it
To write it
To confess to it
Though I have purged publicly
I couldn’t bring myself to say it
I simply worded it in other ways
Word wars always have an interesting affect
That’s the narrative today
“How can we say it
But not say it
So we can escape accountability
So we can escape without facing any threat”
That’s the world we live in
One that incites, ignites, weaponizes hatred
To cover up crimes against nature and humanity
But I’m telling the full truth today
I have been held as a sex slave
From the age of 3 until today
My enslavers won’t let go of me
They are obsessed, possessed, dispossessed, depraved
They are not human
They are sick mutants
Jacked up on drugs, brainwashing, the consumption of human DNA
Bloodletting, and ritual practices
That keep them trapped in their own mental prisons
Now they have an eternal defense “COVID did it”
Which is what they now say about their victims when they turn them in
“They are mentally unstable because of the effects of COVID”
How can we win?
Their story changes with the wind
Because they are creating the narratives so easily
They control everyone and everything
They are true sadists
They are Libertines
They do as they please
To everyone and everything
Life means nothing to them
I have seen them throw a baby against the wall
When the were finished consuming it
Those are the types of things
Children can’t forget
To them
It’s just extreme sadomasochism
It’s their privilege
“I’m different” they claim
The truth is they are animalistic
Not like humans!
They aren’t aliens or critters
They are genetic mutations
My handlers forced me to infiltrate them
Because they infiltrated the U.S.
There shall be no entity above the U.S. government
People will come to see quickly just how intent these two powers are
As the battle begins
I’m no masochist
I never have been
I don’t take pleasure in torture games
That shyt is just sick!
Don’t hurt me
You’ll simply trigger my wrath and self protective training then
“Submit to no one” other than them my handlers said
So here we are
Both of them dead
No what
Become prey to other deviants?
Because THAT is who I am!
They neither want nor need my permission
The world is set up to appease them
They do what they want
Take what they want
“We’re the God’s now”
They say
Because they control everything
So that is what they think
But they are no God’s
They cannot even achieve the level of humanity
That is the absolute most basic
But I’m supposed to accept that I was born to be in chains
Because THEY decree it to be that way
No thanks!
Fawk all that and more
I don’t want what you’re constantly pushing
How about you let me be
I’ll be on my way as soon as you pay me for the work you owe me
But “slaves” don’t get paid so
I won’t hold my breath or anything
All those decades of creating, writing, choreographing, producing, singing
Inventing, discovering, achieving, all those 1sts given to someone
Who had nothing to do with me
Taking credit for my everything
Even my DNA
That’s some truly obsessive shyt!
But race doesn’t matter?
None of that happened to Karen, Chad, Brandon or Becky!
It was my family
My community
My work
Or anything I achieved
“You have to pay a price”
They always say
The price was me
I was just 3
Couldn’t I at least make it to 5?
But no
To them that was too intimidating
I remember all those smiling
Old wrinkly white faces
Staring down at me
Like a predator ready to pounce on prey
Like an animal going in for the kill
My handlers liked to dangle me
Parade me
Naked at only 4 and 5
Drugged, under hypnosis, threatening to kill my family
“Put a smile on your face” they would say
“Make it look like you like it” trying to project normalcy
They objectified me when I was just a baby
Sexualized me to the extent of not just an object but a machine
Labeled something other than human
Then consumed me if you could pay a big enough price
To step into the arena with them
The ran the world of tradecraft
They could do and say as they pleased
That was how they raised me
Like a puppet on a string
But they are dead
There are no strings on me!
Only control mechanisms from advanced weaponry
Spy rings
Paramilitary operatives
Various levels of law enforcement
You know what scares them the most
I can see through the bullshyt
Like I’m looking through glass on a crisp cold morning
After a night of snowing blanketed everything in line of sight
For miles and miles and miles all you see and feel
Is the cleansing of the air
The resonant vibration of the clarifying experience of truth
Cutting through confusion
I see you
I don’t want to feel you
I want to escape you
I want to be free from you
I’m tired of your trapping, gaslighting, abusing, strangling, raping, breeding
I’m tired of all of it!
I would rather die fighting
Than go out with no bang
My handlers made sure I learned to eat it all up
All the inappropriateness
All the disparaging
All the evil
All the abuse
All the toxicity
“You have to learn to survive anything”
Why don’t you do it then?
They always have a different set of standards
For those of us with Black skin
When you add in additional marginalization's
The control mechanisms increase
I’m a woman
That fact alone intimidates a hell of a lot of men!
I have an extensive, elite education
Even with my credentials redacted
You can’t mistake who I am
Or at the very least
What I have learned and how I apply it
Even Ai picks up on my achievements
But even it gets confused by the fact that I am a woman
Because MEN who were racist, extremist eugenicists created base coding
I was right there in the program as they did it
They didn’t do it alone
They had Black talent, savants, sensitives, and geniuses
In basements everywhere
That didn’t just happen at NASA
It happened at EVERY government agency with just one exception
They wanted to keep it completely nazi aryan
When my handlers made the offer their response was
“Get from ‘round here with that”
Isn’t that funny
But what they told my handlers was this
“You’ll regret doing that in the end”
As well they should have and they most certainly did
They didn’t let ANYONE in
That was still the 1980s
We’re 2022 now
How much has changed?
Not much
How many Black people work anywhere in tradecraft?
“They’ll never see you coming” my handlers always said
To them this was simply collateral damage
“We need to evolve and some of us have to be forced to do it”
They sacrifice Black lives to make deviants learn better habits!
We’re nothing to them!
We’re still killed dead in the streets daily while pundits and legislators claim
“Race doesn't’ matter”
Let’s compare numbers then!
Our women and children raped and molested at the will of enslavers
“She exists to do my bidding
She exists to serve my will”
Words spoken of me in the highest places of authority on the planet
Yet I’m nowhere in the room and can’t even access it
Don’t even know when it’s happening unless a friendly slips me some tidbits
But that’s not enslavement?
These are wealthy, elite white men who have me pinned in
Like a wild mustang
Needing an exit
But this isn’t enslavement”
Where is my money then???
We are kidnaped and sold into enslavement in mass
Yet police won’t search for our missing
Instead we are pathologized, criminalized, stigmatized,
And labeled as lazy and ignorant deviants
Imagine that
The worst of deviants projecting their own sickness
And blind sheeple following it like some unwritten gospel
From times long passed
We get brutalized for following the law
So what good is the law to us then
I can’t count the number of times I have been raped
By someone in law enforcement
ALL OF THEM white men
But race doesn’t matter
What is this about then???
Why does it ALWAYS come up everywhere all the time?
No it’s not us
We have never been allowed to address it
We bring it up now in self defense
What other protections do we have
We can’t even vote
Or leave the house
But this is what “equal opportunity” looks like?
“No one will believe you” they ALWAYS say
They know they can get away with raping
Their women turn their heads
“Better them than my children”
That’s what the women say
But we’re expected to turn to them
For aid, relief, assistance
Now can you start to understand
Why we can’t get away from it
It was engineered that way
My handlers played a major role in that
In the 1970s and 80s Mid-Atlantic
The suburbs of DC
My handler would walk right into the women’s changing room
At my neighborhood pool
Rape me
Walk out with a smile on his face
I was only in the 2nd grade
But I was to blame!
No adult worried about me or how I was surviving it
“She’s an abomination” is all I ever heard every day
That and more
“It’s a condition”
Not on the part of the predator but on my part
Though these people were ALL paid tax dollars to keep children safe!
All this in mandated education
The price I paid was my life
The white kids in my cohort now run trillion dollar corporations
So I developed some pretty tough skin
“I want you and in order to be around me you need to survive what I can
You will learn how think like me in order to survive my craft
You will go where I go
Do what I do
Be what I say
Please me always
This is your identity
You have none above what I determine you will have”
That’s how my handlers raised me
My family got tired of fighting it
No one to protect me
Just me and them
So yeah
I learned to survive it
So now I’m the “threat”
If they had Black skin would you say that?
“Race doesn’t matter”
Yet you get terrified and run COINTELPro operations
Every time I mention it
I’m supposed to accept this is how it has to happen
Because you can’t evolve past the most primitive stages of pre-human
America doesn’t even have humanity let alone sanity
How could you possibly create an equal democracy
That provides equal opportunities
You can’t
Not with deviants running and ruining everything
But I’m wrong for saying it
Speaking it
Voicing it
Writing it
Vocalizing what the majority thinks about this sickness
That is American leadership
I should take all the blame instead?
Like the “scapegoat” correct?
Still doing those LONG DEAD rituals that reap no benefits
Other than to brainwash vulnerable people into believing
That you have some kind of gifts
But it’s truly only the manifestation of mass suffering and death
You feed on it
You desire it
You crave it
You manifest it
You proliferate it then call it cleverly disguised names like “Capitalism”
You hide behind “victimhood” like it’s a mask
You claim you are the “vulnerable” ones
But you’re people aren’t being ethnically cleansed
You support the eugenics movement
Even when you don’t fit the standards
There’s always people willing to sell out in a holocaust
No one is surprised by any of it
Except those consciously choosing to live in ignorance
Where they find their bliss
But I get kicks in other ways
Like watching you destroy yourselves
Particularly when you don’t realize it
Or watching you humiliate yourselves
Proving all that I have said
You just can’t stop
Doing sick ish
You are sickness
A virus in human skin
If you can’t be cured
Then you need to be caged
Turn those for profit prisons on your own deviance
There’s always a solution
America doesn’t want them
It wants a final one and
America wants slaves
Because white men can’t stop raping Black women and children
It’s gone on for so many centuries they refuse to stop it
“We get it from our ancestors” they told me
Romans, Vikings, the descendants of Western Europeans
They expect the entire planet to bow down to their likeness
Their image
Their deviance
Their handful of families that control and rape the entire planet
If I’m wrong prove it
But I have lived it my entire life
So has every every generation of women before me in my family tree
Why can’t we make our own money
Why can’t we rise above the ghetto’s you kettle us in
Why can’t we move away, get away, leave
Why are we trapped within the system
Why do we continue to be your prey
But don’t even have a pathway to gain justice when assaulted
Why are our men carried off by war, imprisonment
Shot and killed in state sanctioned attacks
Experimented on and forced into situations that ultimately kill them
Just 1% of our population makes over 100K
In over 500 years you think that’s because we’re lazy
Your excuses don’t even make sense
We’re still enslaved
We’ve been saying it for many hundreds of years
Always the truth falling on deaf ears
Just like the bible said it would be in the end
Eyes but can’t see
Ears but can’t hear
Minds but can’t think
Money but not an ounce of spirituality in them
But oh so full of self righteous religions!
This is Babylon The Great from the actual, literal, biblical perspective
America made Babylon The Great Again
So tired of it!
Dead The Wild Beast Of The Field
The lives of those tossed to it
Pile up to the sky
Mass death upon the million after million like it’s nothing
It’s time for this toxic cycle to end!
If you are human
You would feel it
If you are a beast
You are aroused by it
The thrill of the hunt
The desire to feed on pain and suffering
The chemicals released when preying
The chemicals released when predation
The desire to harm, injure, assault, conquer, pillage
There is no positivity in this
It’s animalistic in the most sickest sense
To the extent that you are destroying the entire global habitat
Calling it “intelligent”
How sick!
Using your advanced technology and weaponry
Ai included
To assault women and children
Forcing us to breed then calling us whores
As if we had a choice in any of it
I don’t care if you call me a harlot
Did I do this to myself?
That’s not what enslavement is
There is no two sides to this story
You choose to enslave then you scapegoat the target
For the crimes you commit
That IS the story
No two sides just fact
“No one will help you”
My handlers always said
Of course not
No one in power wants enslavement to end
All of America thrives on it
ENTIRE populations of Western nations have for hundreds of years
But I’m supposed to accept it?
No thanks
I’ll continue to be human instead
Keep your “greatness” if this hell is what it manifests
I would rather die with integrity
If those are my only two options
Or I’ll build a third one instead
One things for sure and two things are for certain
I will never stop fighting
I will never give in
I will never accept torture or predation
I will never fail to defend
I would rather tear down the entire veil
Exposing every lie, scheme, abuse, manipulation
Kill with my bare hands
Anything harming the innocent
Anything other than selling children
I would think those who have “morals and responsible behaviors”
Would be willing to fight for those they claim to love
Particularly since abuses is so expensive
Where is that “fiscal responsibility” when you need it!
It’s all bullshyt
It’s in the rubbish bin
You fight because that’s what you like
You kill because you crave it
You rape because you are depraved
Let’s set the record straight
Black women and children are enslaved
Because that is how wealthy, white, elite men want it
If I could I would post a picture of myself naked
Because that’s how real this gets
I’ve never, ever, truly been alone
There were ALWAYS perverts lurking
From a baby until this very moment
Always under surveillance
Always under observation
Always under someone’s grip
Always trapped in impoverishment
Always being blamed
While the “good men” have their way
Always getting bred and children sold
To hide their sins
You know what the men do then
They make money off of the careers of all my children
Black people are still bred like we were during the
Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
Yet no one cares!
United Nations The White House Vice President Kamala Harris Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights UNICEF UN Women Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Anti-Defamation League Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME
How long does one have to wait to escape that? What about an entire ethnic population? How long must we wait until we are recognized as human? ’Til Shiloh!