What Is The Charge
Everyone has excuses
But no one has evidence
About why I should be tortured
From the crib to the grave
No one has an actual claim
A factual statement
Everyone has unresolved trauma
Emotions they can’t handle
Projecting what they can’t manage
But no one has an honest reason
About why it’s okay
Shame me
Abuse me
Steal everything
Strip me down bare
Freedom m the crib
To the grave
An actual child sex slave
To a sadistic genocidal pedophile
Why do I deserve that treatment
Trapping me in extreme poverty
For a lifetime
Programming my children to believe
I did this
Force breeding me
Selling my children
Claiming I am a drug addicted
Drunk, diseased prostitute
Harming people
With my evil intentions
What was my offense to deserve
Being labeled
The anti-christ
A demon
Simply for existing
What was my offense
Telling the truth about being trafficked?
Not wanting to be touched by deviants?
Refusing to be a slave?
Refusing to protect evil?
So Be It
To each