What None Want Revealed

Danielle Diew
3 min readOct 28, 2023



How Sweet Exactly

I was NEVER in danger of dying

I told them to take bribes

I told them to watch

I told them to document

Where they messed up

They stole from me

They didn’t pay me back

They allowed their seat holders

To get out of hand

Because they were hamstrung by


Of course I’m pissed

That left me dangling

On the very ledge they were paid

To help manage

But couldn’t

Total weakness in the worst possible moment

They knew I wasn’t going to die

Regardless of attacks

The danger was pain




The danger was me losing my memories

They all tried to manipulate that

The fictive put me in this

They all knew that

It was an illegal experiment on

Life extension

I’ve gone through it decades

They knew I wouldn’t die

Because they have all watched me

Go through this

I trained ea h and every one of them

They knew who I was

From the beginning

They didn’t make me

I made them

Over an over and over again

All my life

I never die

But I always get sick

Then I heal

They ALL fall in love

With every version of me

They can’t seem to understand

I Am just me

I haven’t changed

They just can’t accept

That I’m not their projections

Cognitive dissonance

It’s not so easy to torture the innocent

Unless you aren’t human

Some of them aren’t

But some are and faking it

They all became obsessed

Watching someone

Under such conditions

Surveilling illegally 24/7

Year after year

Decade after decade

The object of their fetish

Where their passion blossoms

Of course it becomes an obsession

That’s why I didn’t blame them

I’m angry because

All of them

We’re too weak

To finish

My children and I suffered for it

They all fumbled the football

At the critical moment


Not just the dark twin

They all chose him to scapegoat

Because he was the most vulnerable

Just like I was

Get it

They aren’t even loyal among themselves

They also refused to be accountable

To admit their errors

They ALL have been dependent on me

All my life

None of this is new

This is just the first time

I could blow the whistle in public

They never failed to ask me

To handle everything

They give thanks

They cry

They beg

They apologize

The vibe gifts

It’s NEVER enough

NEVER what I need

They admit their wrongdoing


They all attempt to fix it


But always in private

In back channel comms

Where they like to keep me hidden


Boxed in

I’m not doing that

I was bound to it before by tech

I escaped that

I’m NEVER going back

I don’t care who asks

But all still have debts

All must balance scales

This fact will never change

Until they take necessary actions

To clean this mess they all made

The purge remains

Even in my retirement

Until scales are balanced

I’ll be living my life

Without them

So Be It




Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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