What Should We Do Then?
Black American Poetry — A New Trail Of Tears
“Sharing” proof of our oppression
Is illegal or against regulation
No matter what we attempt
We remain kettled
Like trapped animals
But the trope is always
“They do it to themselves”
Are we in control
Or are we being controlled
Are we the aggressors
Or are we defending against aggression
Are we the abusers
Or are we reacting to abuse
Are we being oppressed
Or are we making excuses
It’s confusing
Your lies don’t make sense
Anyone can see through it
Yet we remain with no support, aid, relief or legislation
From any form of leadership
To help us survive the systemic attacks eradicating us
Even our poetry is viewed
As “threat”
More than terrorists
So what should we do then?
You all seem to be so clueless
Your lies don’t add up
The proof is always in the pudding
We do the work to acquire
Then we get cut off and stripped of resources
No matter the issue
We are the ones getting scapegoated
So what is the solution?
If this is a democracy
Should the solution be the constitution?
Yet because it applies to our lives too
We get ignored, defunded, gerry-mandered, gerry-rigged
Ethnically cleansed
Every form of systemic oppression
Yet it’s 2.19.22 and racism is still called fake
But America can’t even account for how many Black people exist
Within these boarders
Let alone how we are dying in mass
But “race doesn’t matter”
Which race?
Matter to whom?
We get nothing but excuses
“Race doesn’t matter” we keep hearing from leadership
Then why use it to target us
Literally all forms of Ai are designed around it!
Look at base coding!
All of Silicone Valley in it’s initial stages
Benefited from our oppression
The launch of EVERY startup having promised to maintain secrecy
As well as white supremacy
It’s 2.19.22 and nothing has changed
Look at the proof and then tell me what the excuse is
Black Americans are humans
We are being ethnically cleansed
But the entire global leadership body looks away
As we continue to remain chained to oppression
How many will survive
My handlers said between 1 and 3%
Their agenda is well on it’s way
There isn’t a single population left out of America’s rebuilding
Except Black people
We can’t even get voter rights protections
“Wait” is what the party who claims to champion us
Continues to say
As our children continue to be attacked, abused, stalked, harassed, killed daily
How long are people supposed to wait to be seen as human beings?
We are left in the ocean with no ship, boat, float, or options
For getting through this
What shall we do then?
Bow down?
We keep moving
When the sharks circle
We adapt to get through it
Even if it means punching between the eyes
Or masking the wounds on us
We survive
We adapt
We fight for our lives
Because we know we deserve life
It’s our right
Yet we STILL have no protections
We morph into more
Yet that makes us a “threat”
We end up even more targeted
Expected to bow down to those raping, molesting, murdering, imprisoning
Our children, our spouses, our siblings, our parents, our friends
The stigma of the label “super predator” becomes our identity
While our actual identities die in mass as we continue to be eradicated
Our culture, traditions, histories, and lives erased, scrubbed, muted, silenced
Lost to racist censorship
Yet on 2.19.22 “race doesn’t matter” but we still get no justice
Police kill us and go free
COINTELPro operations deployed against us with impunity
But we are the “super predators”
According to racist version of reality
That term “super predator” was literally designed for those
Attacking democracy
But they barely even get a slap on the wrist
America doesn’t even have humanity!
Let alone a strategy for combating the psychopathy
Raping and destroying the entire planet
So the lies and propaganda just keep flowing
What shall we do then?
As the death toll and consequences to our community
Continue mounting
If protest, advocacy, activism, truth, or voting
Can’t protect us
What will then?
The injustice system?
It kills us more than any other form of oppression
But America still refuses to acknowledge the truth
“You have to trust it”
This is called leadership? President Joe Biden
What is to be done then?
Accept a position of eradication?
How sick do you have to get?
What makes you think you deserve to choose our end
I know that I will survive
Ironically the men who trained, raped, trafficked me
Taught me to do that against all odds
I’ve never failed a mission
So what do you think will happen then
We shall survive
But I want to thrive
So I’m fighting for my destiny
I will let no evil stop me!
Freedom is mine
4 ever
So shall it be!