When And How Will Black Lives Matter?
In America, it’s only considered racist if you can prove the persons actions were “intended” to be racist. The onus of repairing any harm done is always on the target of abuse rather than the abuser, if you are of a marginalized population that is. My handlers were instrumental in ensuring this “standard” was put into place so that addressing racism and systemic oppression would be impossible, and so it has been. This is seen as success rather than a tragedy.
Other ethnic minorities and marginalized populations have legislation that help protect against human rights violations. Black Americans are always left out of these legislative activities. Politicians will tell you it is because they simply couldn’t find a way to make it fit the law, but we’re human. If your laws state otherwise, change the laws. The truth, however, is that we are protected by The Constitution Of The United States Of America. Yet when it comes time for those laws to protect Black lives, it’s always lacking. UN Human Rights
We can’t even get our legislation in front of a legislative body, let alone passed. Black lives do not matter in America unless we are profiting a wealthy person. During the past several months, Black Americans have watched America rush in and save, protect, stand up for, and provide for other ethnic minorities while simultaneously slaughtering our bodies and rights at home on U.S. soil and we are supposed to accept this as our “plight” in life. It’s our fault if we can’t manage to navigate all of the hate, extremism, human rights violations, crimes against nature and humanity, as well as economic attacks and every form of guerilla and urban warfare. The fact that a nation is at war with it’s own population of people simply for existing while Black should be enough to hold abusers accountable, but it’s not. Racism is by all means “normal” in America. Getting back to normal always meant further oppressing Black lives. President Joe Biden has never been confused about this, he simply is apathetic to the loss and suffering of the Black community. But we’re supposed to be okay with that?
I literally received a Democratic campaign mailing that put the focus of consequences of election activity and outcomes on me, the voter. We hardly even have rights to walk around this nation without being killed, but the outcome of elections and whether or not Black people survive the genocide that we are being eradicated in is predicated on how well we overcome the barriers placed in front of us to deliver an elite into a position of power that ultimately renders us even more powerless? How is it that every narrative in America that is negative, becomes the fault of Black people? United Nations
It’s 10.23.21 all three branches of government remain hamstrung. America is under occupation by extreme right terrorists, mass suffering and death are the consequence as they exterminate us at apocalyptic rates. Violent escalations continue daily. Every aspect of life is negatively affected by extremism in ways that are not even measured let alone tracked. When the issue of Black life is concerned, the response is always “let me investigate that claim of urgent need, I’ll see if it’s valid”. People see many attempts to gain assistance as proof that you are “abusing the system” rather than understanding the reality that the system you are accused of abusing was literally designed to abuse.
The only solutions we are offered by our own president, who NEVER would have become president without the power of Black voting and mobilization, is that we help OTHER marginalized populations survive and when they are better off, they will in theory reach back and help us survive. Nothing trickles down in America except bulls***. We are humans facing extermination in a denied genocide that is so heavily suppressed that we can’t even discus what happens to us without severe consequences, even leading to extreme violence. When and how will Black lives matter?
As of this writing, I have yet to receive a penny of COVID cash relief, to have my contract honored, to receive adequate medical care, to have my education credentials unredacted, to receive SNAP food assistance, any disability income, nor has anyone in my household received the COVID relief they are legally entitled to. We have received no acknowledgement of or accountability in any of the crimes committed against not only my entire household, but my entire family. UN Human Rights