When Will We Face The Collective Cognitive Dissonance
The right is running down the time clock and that spells catastrophe for 98% of humanity. No one cares about politics, we care about preserving a future for our children, we ALL worked for it!
There are so many ways to heal trauma. I’ve never been introduced to one in mainstream society. “We treat symptoms” I am always told. You only get better if you fit a certain “echelon”. America has always lived a eugenics campaign, but with the Civil Rights Amendments it became illegal. It didn’t end, it morphed into a war of words and non fascists are still losing because many still believe that “positive thinking, love, and God” will win the day. Even the Bible says there is a season for all things, including war. We didn’t declare, but should we lay down and die because SOME are too afraid to stand and defend the planet? Think positively, love your neighbor as yourself, love God and follow what you think God is telling you, also know that if you believe in a higher power you are more likely than not to be guided down a path. Know what path that is. Know what higher power you are following.
As for me and my household, we don’t really care what you call it, God, spirit, universe, quantum mechanics, higher self, future self, higher vibrational self, ancestors, higher vibrational ancestors, who cares. There are an infinite amount of paths to all get to the same destination, enlightenment. If we get it then we know we are on the correct path. We can clearly see that the path of destruction is not the correct path for anyone, not even those on it. We don’t have to intentionally choose it, even if we were on it unintentionally, we don’t have to remain because a bully told us to. smh
There are plenty of us out here ready to protect ALL for the sake of ALL. Denying us the right to do so is what continues to keep the world in a chaotic downward spiral of self destruction. Everyone knows we are born with rights. Some are willing to give theirs up, but not all of us! Some of us know how much sacrifice is required to get each of us to this point, the lives lived and lost, the blood spilled, the pain and suffering and toil, the separated love. We don’t experience the blessing of life to be placed under the knee of madmen who can’t evolved beyond the stone age. When you press me down, I fight back. When you put your hands on my kids, you declare war. Where is the confusion. You don’t just attack us individually, you attack out entire community generation after generation after generation and we’re supposed to lay down and take it? But we’re not though. Now what?
I already know walking into a situation what is and what isn’t appropriate. It pays to have a brain, and to use it. I don’t put myself in a situation where I don’t know how to navigate it, if I have ever been in that situation it was forced on me and I still navigated out of it. I don’t take unnecessary risks, I can’t afford them. Poor Black never can. Every situation I enter is literally a test, every Black person walks through life this way. “Let’s see what we’re dealing with today” says every Black person, everywhere all over the world. Why? We shouldn’t have to because a few evil people imagine they are gods and decide the have the right not only to dominate, but eradicate. NO! We don’t have the freedom of walking around, all day every day, free, unencumbered by hatred directed at us because of the color of our skin. It’s not about hurt feelings, it’s about the infringement of our inalienable human rights that continue to be trampled daily by racist, fascist, xenophobic abusers and their supporters simply because they don’t like the amount of melanin in our body.
The fact that melanin is real, has been studied prolifically, but the truth of it is literally called a “pseudo science” because of the lie of white supremacy is in and of itself enough to prove how toxic white supremacy is. Whenever science disproves white supremacy, the entire field of science is attacked and discredited along with the experts in the field. The fact that all humanity can be traced back to Black African women, is still called fake though ample evidence continues to be uncovered daily. The worshipers of white supremacy literally continue to infect every aspect of the human dimension with propaganda to ensure that the lie continues to confuse and disrupt. The fact that advanced civilizations have existed on this planet multiple times throughout Earth’s history, yet these facts remain hidden from society because they do not fit the white supremacy narrative is also enough to prove what a failure society ruled by white supremacy is. To believe in white supremacy you must first embrace denying reality, you have to conform to brainwashing. This could NEVER be a sustainable system, so they simply kill everyone who can’t conform, that is the agenda. It hasn’t even begun yet, it’s literally still in planning phases. The fact that a pineal gland is real, serves a very distinct purpose, and having healthy activated ones that are not crystalized is what made ancient civilizations advanced. Not only certain communities or populations, but the entire planet. And there have been MULTIPLE advanced civilizations that have thrived millions and millions of years evolving and growing throughout this planets lifetime, AND OTHERS!!! But information is suppressed where ever the white supremacy agenda is threatened. The amount of intelligence that is either destroyed, convoluted, weaponized, or propagandized by racist right wing activists is incalculable. I was instructed to write so that if humanity had to start over again, they wouldn’t have to do so from the beginning, they could pick up where historical records left off. There are extremists who want to destroy even this contingency, so that there is no accurate record of truth, anywhere. THIS is what the lie of white supremacy gets you, total annihilation. The idea that “humans” are suffering from a “condition” that needs to be eradicated is psychopathic and must be addressed. Humanity is a blessing, not a curse. Is remaining frozen in fear while the entire civilization is destroyed for the lie of elite white supremacy worth not even attempting to fight for your own grand-children’s futures?
I have children that I don’t know, and grands that I will never know. They will never even know that I ever existed. Yet I will fight until my last breath to ensure that they have the opportunity for a better future than what was forced onto me which lead to them not even knowing about my existence. I may be poor, but at least I have the courage of my convictions. When you are real, you can sit with self, comfortably.
People always think that it’s creature comforts that make me feel at peace. I rarely ever feel at peace, I’m an empath, I feel others pain constantly. When I do experience peace it is a rich blessing, a reward for being a good person and not using any excuse to abuse. Taking responsibility for any actions that I have done that may have caused suffering or stumbling. Promoting honesty and integrity rather than lies, deceit, and manipulation is beneficial for the soul.
When hard times come, as they always do, I am blessed with all that positivity I sent out into the world. I can survive what others can’t even dare to have a nightmare about. I live more in my kitchen, at the table, then most ever do. My mind has no limits, only society does.
People have called me an abomination all my life, those same people have had to rely on my to help them survive because of sick things they did. Which one of us is the abomination then?
Isn’t it amazing how anyone could say or do anything to a person of color, at any time, and never receive a consequence. But now suddenly when the entire world is angry at White Americans for their human rights violations concerning the pandemic but also protests, now we have to be mindful of people’s “feelings”. We can’t say anything to upset a White person’s feelings, regardless of how true, it’s a violation of their human rights. But they have been telling us for hundreds of years “f*** your feelings”. But we were never talking about feelings, we were always talking about our inalienable human rights. That’s their response every time. The most basic aspects of humanity they cannot grasp, and we are supposed to slow down to see if by abusing us freely they will somehow grasp emotion? But no one questions the sanity of the people coming up with the so-called “genius” theories based on nothing but arrested development, and I’m supposed to accept their leadership as my “lot in life”. Well if I did do that then I mostly certainly would have earned the label “insane”.
Screaming about being tortured, molested, raped, strangled, beaten, forced into impoverishment, and trafficked is offensive if I mention the race of my abusers as White, and their socioeconomic status as being elite. Not only is this “wrong”, but seen as “threatening”, “divisive”, and “bullying”. All of these abusers have never, ever, received a single act of accountability. Never once. But I am wrong for telling the truth and defending myself and my children” The abusers certainly have not been thrown off social media, or blocked from the internet, staked, harassed, attacks made on their lives, or blocked from COVID aid, or medical care, or food assistance, or anything life threatening. But I have lived this my entire life, yet it’s still my fault? No one looks at the mental instability of the people abusing, creating chaos, stealing, obstructing, trafficking, abusing, only the survivors of the extreme crimes against humanity. But I’m supposed to accept this as my “lot in life”. GTFOH! I was NEVER that person, you’ll have to put me down, publicly because I won’t lay down and let you bully me, ever!
Almost every encounter I have in mainstream society involved bigotry and a negative consequence because of it. Generally there are multiple negative consequences, I have been all over the world, this doesn’t change with location. What makes the difference is accountability. Some places tolerate extreme human rights violations and racist attacks, some don’t.
The experts in the “West” fail, they couldn’t even make it to a class ranking system for an advanced civilization and they blame the people without power. SMH. The worst part is that those who have been intentionally dumbed down through social engineering tools such as propaganda, defunding, state sanctioned attacks, distorted data, politicization of inalienable rights, and the minimization, denial, and scapegoating of all wrongdoing are the ones so easily mislead by those in authority who seek to fulfill nothing but their own sick and deviant endeavors. Cognitive dissonance is what prevents people from seeing, in the face of trauma that means you are mentally unstable. The stable mind sees the manipulation and chooses to respond appropriately, at the very least by acting to save their own life. The unstable mind begins to react in unstable ways; lashing out, becoming violent unprovoked, claiming to be victims when you are the perpetrators, stealing, hoarding, stigmatizing, slandering, obstructing, inciting violence, weaponizing everything, creating chaos, suppressing solutions, amplifying hate, punishing pro-social actions and thinking. It’s not difficult to see reality if you are truly interested in looking. If your goal is to find fault, then you will. It’s obviously a “poverty of expectations”. He wasn’t the most stable man on the planet, but even he could see and tried to warn, repeatedly. No one listened then, no one listens now. The entire planet is suffering because of it.
Society is rewarded for marginalizing, stigmatizing, and slandering Black people, so why does anyone think that those behaviors skip over “professionals”. Because they went to college? So did hitler. You need higher expectations, don’t assume that because I have them that this makes me mentally ill or radical. It simply makes me a human who uses critical thinking. Add independent thought to the scenario and you have quite an intimidating person to mainstream society, who is terrified to look beyond their own cognitive dissonance.
It’s so strange to me that people can’t see beyond their own limited perspectives. How is the entire planet supposed to submit to your inflexible will? Why would you even want that? There is NOTHING superior or even evolved about such thinking, it is quite literally unevolved. Wanting to move backward in time and remain fixed to a standard of living that was designed for person’s living in stone ages, thousands and thousands of years ago is beyond inflexibly, that’s inhuman.
I know change is scary, but why would you NOT want to move past stone aged thinking? No, it doesn’t work. The planet is literally burning and flooding simultaneously. More than half of all life on this planet is gone, more lost daily, yet people still deny that any of this reality is true. More than 70% of the planet lives under some form of authoritarian dominance, including America, more falling victim to human rights abuses daily. These are not even ideologies maintained by the majority of humanity, but only by a tiny percentage, in fact only 3% are involved with the decisions. Less than 1% maintains all of the power, everyone else literally enslaved to their whims. THIS they call an evolved civilization. The truth is, the nazis who created this agenda wanted to make a White world only, and everyone else would have to be eliminated. If they couldn’t bring the plan to fruition fast enough then they would hold the planets resources hostage until they could escape off world. This plan has been in place since the 1940s, was brought over during Operation Paperclip, and has never stopped because WW2 never ended! Pretending these facts are false helps NO ONE other than the nazis taking the entire planet while everyone else sits back frozen in fear not wanting to stand and fight! The White House
Even some of those 3% want to be free but find it impossible to find a way. Many communicate this fact daily, is anyone listening? Who is in charge in America? Who is driving Earthship? I can relate to being stuck and not being able to get away. As someone in a less than 1% population due to neuro-divergence, I have lived the isolation that comes with being elite. For me it wasn’t financial, though even at times that too was available to me. It was about uniqueness which in this world is just as much of a commodity as gold. The elite exploit every aspect of humanity and expect us to bow down to their rule, as if they are Gods. But they aren’t even mentally stable humans, so why would I bow to that? Because they bully? The best way to deal with a bully is to tell the truth and stand right in their face as you do it, backing down for no reason, ever. If you are on the correct path, have faith in that, why fear the evil if you know you are the opposite? Not when you are cornered, kettled, have done all you could to prevent it, yet here is where you find yourself. It’s called a righteous war, literally self defense. Why is defending your life, your liberty, and those of the ones you love seen as worse than enslaving and destroying the planet? GTFOH! I’m not brainwashed, and I won’t let you put me back in a box where you do such things to me again. I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m a grown woman, what made you think I would still have a 7 and 8 years old mentality?
No one ever talks about the quiet parts out loud, that’s doing a disservice to the entire human population. Every day may be my last, why should I care any longer what people think about me telling the truth? I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t so placing me in a double bind forced me to speak. I’ve been dominated, controlled, abused, tortured, raped, trafficked, strangled, starved, beaten, and slandered my entire life. Very little of it happened at the hands of Black people, when it did it usually stopped at lies and slander. This is a privilege that comes along with white skin, and anyone who has it has the ability to flaunt it. Every time such privilege is used against a Black person in America, damage is done. Usually it is unalterable damage. But systemic oppression and even something as basic as racism is still called fake.
Propaganda is used to confused those who have been left behind, lack an education, lack awareness of critical issues, lack critical thinking, those who do not understand media, people who don’t understand politics, people who do not have emotional intelligence, people who lack self reflection, people who lack depth, people who are terrified of change, xenophobes, people who do not understand anything outside of their perception of reality, and on and on. It’s obviously a problem of lack. Donald Rumsfeld once said in a speech that the problem with humanity is that “there is a poverty of expectations”. It was an awkward arrangement of words, one that would fly over the heads of most and confuse many others. What the intended meaning was that remaining in a “lack mentality” keeps every human arrested developmentally. But people misunderstand what a lack mentality is. If you can’t first imagine it then it won’t ever happen. If you can’t imagine it then you can’t create the expectation of it. If you don’t expect it then it will never happen.
It’s no secret that everyone assumes that when you have financial struggles then that means there is something wrong with you. Society has taught people to think in this way, it’s so common now that people believe this as the gospel truth. “God is punishing you”. How would you know? Poverty is a social construct, obviously, there are BILLIONS of people in poverty. BILLIONS! God created BILLIONS of people to then turn around and punish BILLIONS for being poor? Does that sound rational? If not, why follow an irrational God, or religion, or interpretation of an ancient script that was literally pieced together by politicians at the Council Of Nicaea for the sake of controlling marginalized populations?
At least know the history you claim to love so much that you must eradicated massive populations for the sake of maintaining the ideologies you think you have. Most devout religious people don’t even know what their own religion teaches! Abuse is abuse, religion and God are just an excuses people use to abuse. Almost every person who ever abused me either claimed to love God or did so publicly but denied the existence privately. The word “God’ invokes people to an emotional reaction, that is all. People use the “word” to abuse, control, dominate, and when you aren’t “awakened” to the reality that you are experiencing then you are literally being brainwashed. The right has repeatedly told the world that they want to keep EVERYONE asleep, or unawakened. They use violent means to impose this “sleeping” state, in the bible that state is likened to death. But we’re supposed to adhere to it because the abusers demand it? HELL NO! Not this one! I could be the last person on the planet still awake as it all burns. I’ll keep writing and telling the truth so that future generations of life don’t make the same stupid decisions that brought an entire planet to destruction, all for the sake of the lie of white supremacy.
You couldn’t even get to the moon without Black people. You have hidden figures all over the planet! Why must you insist on the lies that help no one other than the people trying to eradicate 98% of the population they have enslaved.
All social problems are solvable, there isn’t a single problem facing humanity that wasn’t already solved in the 1970s. I was in the programs and think tanks that studied them, as a gifted child. They were all state sponsored, federally funded, there is AMPLE evidence to these facts not only in classified environments, but also academia. Racist, fascists right wing activists began suppressing solutions, facts, truth, reality as quickly as they could be discovered. Many academics were blacklisted in the 1980s for this very reason! It didn’t stop there, anyone who speaks out is blacklisted, pun intended, at least that is how my handlers explained it to me. There is no aspect of society that has not been engineered by the racist right, if it does exist it is constantly under extreme attack. UN Human Rights Amnesty International
But we’re supposed to pretend we don’t see reality. We are stigmatized, violently attacked, brutalized through “judicial” systems, harassed and stalked in our own homes, abused even in medical and clinical settings, tortured, illegally experimented on, denied every human dignity, dying in mass year after year after year for hundreds of years. All while our creations, writings, lyrics, music, choreography, inventions, intellectual property, discoveries, achievements, and even our bodies as well as any and all organic and inorganic material is commodified and sold at our expense while we profit nothing. The White House Human Rights Watch Amnesty International USA If we manage to turn a profit, we are attacked in various ways and all gains stolen never to be returned. The racists applauding themselves and grinning the whole step of the way, in the face of our suffering and mass death. But they get upset when we tell the truth and call them psychopaths, so we’re supposed to stop because they don’t like the truth told about them or having their feelings hurt. WTF!
During the lock down, Black Americans lost more land, human rights, money, protections, and access to privileges that come with being a U.S. Citizen than any other population ever has in the history of the United States. Yet not a single piece of legislation has passed that would protect us from such extreme abuse. This is clearly ethnic cleansing, UNICEF UNESCO not only of Black American Descendants Of Slavery, but all melanated people’s globally. But to speak of these things gets me labeled a “threat” which is a label I have carried since I was born, and also treated like a “terrorist”. More heavily censored and surveilled than the Taliban or the Proud Boys, who have so many commonalities that the world would be SHOCKED to know the truth of how.
I’m sure it’s ironic that the very population under attack is being “watched” by a former paramilitary operative trained by the United States Government to watch for these precise activities and report on them. The fact that I have had to use the most ancient, archaic, back channel, cryptographic forms of communication just to get a single message out is in and of itself the number one reason why action needs to be taken immediately. This insurgency hasn’t even begun yet! Progressive Caucus I don’t know how many other warnings the world needs United Nations