Who Actually Cares About Humanity?
Now I am being blocked from creating Ai art. Why, because it’s dangerous? I was taking pictures and turning those into selfie art, hackers continued to interfere with my ability to do that. I have moved to different platforms, styles, methods, and tech. All are interfered with. Why? In what way is art, that has no words, bothering anyone and anything? It could help me earn money, but I am blocked from accessing websites that would allow me to do that. I can’t utilize any of the bitcoin websites, anything that would allow me to earn. But all of this is my fault how? NO ONE CARES, NO ONE RESPONDS TO REQUESTS FOR HELP, NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE, THE ATTACKS ARE CONSTANT BUT IT’S MY MENTAL HEALTH THAT IS QUESTIONED.
What about me is so threatening The White House is it the fact that I have told the truth about crimes against nature, humanity, and children that are constantly covered up? Ignoring a disabled former paramilitary operatives pleas for help during a genocide where my family is constantly being attacked is complicity. I served this country my entire life as did my father, we deserve payment for our work. I deserve payment for my work! I deserve to have my contract honored! I deserve to have my education credentials returned. I deserve to have protection from the stalkers, rapists, and human traffickers who continue to harass my family. I deserve to have everything stolen from me by my handler returned or replaced. I deserve to receive treatment for the medical conditions caused by my handler forcing me to do work that harmed me. I deserve to receive credit for the work I did, for my creations, for my inventions, for my actions. I deserve to have all of the money stolen from returned. I deserve to have my human rights respected. I deserve the right to confront my abusers. Instead what I get is more abuse. But you wonder why I'm angry and you want to call me mentally unstable for it?
To be clear, mental instability is seeing this kind of abuse and ignoring it! Mental instability is participating in the abuse. Mental instability is supporting the people who commit these acts of extreme atrocities then scapegoating their targets for it. Mental instability is harming whistleblowers for telling the truth while protecting those who commit vile acts of treason, crimes against nature and humanity, and instigating genocides that wipe out entire populations with no remorese. THAT IS WHO YOU KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY PROTECT, BUT I’M THE DANGER TO AMERICA? Clearly, I need to get out. UN Human Rights I have no protection from enslavement, harassment, abuse, or a means to escape impoverishment. People are begging to get into America, a place so hostile to Blackness that it comes down to me desperately needing to get out! Yet, my life goes ignored not only by America but apparently United Nations as well! Where is the protection??????????????
The world needs new leadership!!!!!!! UN Women !!!!! I can’t even gain access to the internet a lot of the time, when I do it’s restricted. I am more heavily censored than terrorist organizations, yet I have harmed NO ONE!!! I am literally trying to escape harm. Who will grant my children and I asylum????
If the global community still functions as leaders, this shouldn’t be difficult!!!!! Yet it’s impossible and I’m supposed to accept this as my “plight in life” and receive “light and energy” from the people who are literally plotting my downfall because of the color of my skin and the truth that I tell? Are there any leaders left in the world????? I can’t escape the abuse of Ai, but I’m supposed to accept that I brought this on myself somehow???? There is no possible prospect for survival, not only does no one care, no one even pretends to. This is how the engineers of the multiple genocides and human trafficking rings that have enslaved people for decades should have been treated, not their targets. Instead, they are given billions, power, immunity, and much pomp and circumstance. Yet I, their target, am relegated to the permanent position of enslavement because they will it and the world is too weak to stand up to them? Who is the weak and delusional one????? I couldn’t even type this post without getting hacked. But this is acceptable because why exactly????? Why am I still being punished for the crimes of genocidal pedophiles????
French Embassy U.S. WE NEED ASYLUM!!!! We deserve life! I never even had the opportunity to live one absent the most prolific killers in modern history. I have much to say, I prefer to do it without all the obstructions. The world deserves the truth, not more manipulation. Now is the opportunity to advance humanity, instead, America is choosing to hold everyone back to ensure that a small percentage of extremely wealthy and deviant people hold the reigns of control of the planet as climate change is speeding up its destructive force. Positive action from ethical leadership will change the trajectory of the planet to a positive, healthy, advanced civilization that protects the entire planetary echo system. But America is too devolved to take positive action. That doesn’t mean my fight for justice and a better future has to end! We were built to protect this planet and its people. Who will stand for us so that we can? Human Rights Watch Who will help us acquire safety and stability so that we can keep fighting for a peaceful, sustainable planet for every life? In America, I can’t even gain control over my own keyboard. It’s time to go! British Embassy Washington D.C. At least in another country, I could earn money online, like almost every other human. Here I can’t even watch a Youtube video without it being interrupted! I posted the other day and well, let’s just say before I could finish writing a mysterious “boom” with a lightning flash appeared above my house. No one has a clear explanation, but I recognize the tech. The agency that created it si who and what I was posting about! I need out!