Why Did Eddie Vedder Lie
He ALWAYS knew who I was
He knew all of this would happen from the beginning
Rumsfeld and I both told him
Taught him
He was in my life because he was supposed to tell the truth
Instead he chose to prey, steal, lie, abuse
Let him reap as he has sown
All of them
He lied to EVERYONE all along
That’s who he is
Look at all the lives lost, the devastation, chaos, relationships destroyed, children harmed, families decimated, all the resources stolen and wasted
He knew what he was doing
He doesn’t care
Those he claims to love
Those “options” including the fake wives are business arrangements
Many only last due to blackmail or oppression
Nothing more
He lies to EVERYONE
Best check your own receipts to see if he stole from you too!
Diew (pronounced do, he’s still singing my name)