Why Does Elon Hate “Wokeness”
He doesn’t want the world to know he tried VERY hard his whole life to wake up and still can’t
If HE can’t own it
No one can have it
That is him
Being WOKE is about understanding
Not the false matrix social engineers create over top of reality
But steadfast in reality regardless of how terrifying it is
The woke do NOT embrace cognitive dissonance
It’s about understanding how to evade those who try to trap you in the false matrix
While remaining firmly rooted in reality
Being “woke” is about waking up to the truth that is withheld from the masses
Being woke means you recognize the threat and you are learning how to evade it
It’s a lifelong process
It means waking up to yourself, who you are authentically, and maintaining that state forever
Once you wake you don’t go back
Not by choice
Elon couldn’t wake
He’s tried all of his life
He can’t
So he hates those who are awakened
Those who can see through propaganda and walk in their power cutting through it
Those who are aligned with their purpose and are mastering it
Those who are on their path and are following it
The actual woke know what woke means
Slaves in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade trapped in America and the islands began using it as a means to communicate about the underground railroad
It was a term created BY the enslaved to evade the slaver
Of course, the slaver is confused about the messaging we create to evade them
It’s a term he doesn’t grasp because he can’t
Elon went to extreme lengths trying to wake but he couldn’t
He committed serious crimes trying to achieve what he doesn’t understand which is why he is going through so many legal troubles
He is the type who will do anything to win at all cost
But waking or ascending isn’t something you can compete for
The thought alone is demonstrative of how far you are from actually waking
Which is why he went about the process it in such a counterintuitive manner
It’s not FOR him it is ABOUT him
It’s a warning for people to beware of people like him
He doesn’t get it
He never has
He never will
It’s not for him
It’s a warning ABOUT him.