Why Don’t You Step Aside

Danielle Diew
7 min readNov 29, 2021


If you can’t handle the fight?

The same people who claim that I am “out of line” for blowing the whistle are the same people paid to fix the problems while simultaneously claiming they cannot. I see, so when it’s me who is hamstrung then it’s a lie. But when it’s you, then it’s true and a “valid excuse” for failure. My handlers never allowed me to fail.

There is ALWAYS a reason as to why my human rights are dismissed. Every party, race, ethnicity, socio-economic background, religion, and profession participates in systemic oppression because they not only can but are rewarded for doing so. When there are consequences, it won’t happen. When it’s incentivized then the behaviors become occultism. Being Black in America is so hard it’s literally illegal in so many ways, yet the reality of racism is still called “fake”.

The president, even after a racist and fascist coup attempt that literally still has the entire government in a stranglehold, continues to support the system of oppression that has not only enslaved the Black community, but watched us get ethnically cleansed over the past two years. He has a vast array of tools at his disposal to manage not only the insurgency, but also the human rights violations that continue to murder Black people and trample on our rights with impunity, daily. The insurgents continue o get slaps on the wrist as those protecting ethnic cleansing are facing as much as 10 years to life in prison. Yet the truth of what is happening continues to be politicized and propagandized to the extent that systemic oppression is still considered fake by masses. President Joe Biden didn’t even see the human rights violations of Black Americans as a problem severe enough to warrant any attention in during his administration, this from his own angry mouth when Black leadership proposed solutions to help save lives.

More are suffering now than they did under the last administration, which was blatant about being racist and fascist. This administration promotes pretense, lies to the Black community as we are used for votes, camera time, and exploitative abilities. Meanwhile, we are still suffering and dying in mass. But this is supposed to be the most superior civilization on the planet, many believe ever to have lived on the planet. How long does the entire planet have to suffer for the sake of the life of white supremacy which is literally systematically destroying the planet and most don’t even know that is what they support.

The sickest part is watching EVERY OTHER POPULATION prioritized over our own, though the impact to their communities is far less than it is to ours. Black American Descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade are literally an endangered population, yet the entire global leadership body watches us get slaughtered daily and does little to nothing to even protect the memory of us let alone our lives and culture. Why? United Nations UNICEF UNESCO UN Human Rights UN Women Amnesty International Amnesty International USA The White House Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers

We matter! That’s precisely why our culture is one of the dominant cultures on the planet and even is pervasive within the white supremacist culture which appropriates our creations like COVID ravishing the human population. When we said “No More, We Matter” the world raised up with us and cried out in unison, with us! Why, because it’s true! Because everyone is tired of living under the knee of tyranny. Because 98% of the planet is suffocated so that 3% can hoard the planets wealth and resources while the less than 1% enslaves all distorting reality to extremes that not even their supporters can understand. But we’re supposed to subject our selves willing beneath all these delusional people in order to support the life of white supremacy that is trying to eradicate us. SMH So much of the 21st century would not exist without Black Americans, yet we still aren’t even considered human.

This is by far one of the sickest and most bleak times to be incarnate. Those who call themselves superior are extreme deviants with little to know intellect or range of healthy emotions. Most have no idea how to heal but claim they are whole. Most believe that wealth is evidence of superiority and conscious evolution. Many believe that winning in court means you are right, justified, innocent. You can watch a man murder in cold blood, live streamed, then be found “innocent” because propaganda is considered “judicial process”. But America isn’t considered a failed state? There isn’t a single aspect of U.S. infrastructure that isn’t hamstrung from insurgents, but America isn’t a failed state? Hundreds of thousands of people are dead due to the intentional weaponization of a pandemic that has killed millions globally. But America isn’t a failed state? It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to hold this insurgency accountable, yet this far not a single person has been held accountable yet. Evidence disappearing by the minute. Who is in charge in America? UN Human Rights The White House

A nation is only ever as secure as it’s most vulnerable population. If Pandora isn’t safe, no one is. If you can’t secure Pandora, who can you secure? If you won’t secure Pandora, what are you doing occupying seats in the most high places of government? Congress has a mandate to protect life, the constitution, and democracy. For 5 years now, that hasn’t happened. President Joe Biden was elected to establish order where chaos had been weaponized against not only America, her people, and bordering nations, but the globe. This failure is one that can and should be avoided, yet continues to be ignored. The American people have a right to know who is running the government! It’s obviously not the people who hold the titles.

If there is no problem, why have I still not received a penny of COVID relief, my education credentials returned, payment on my contract, my file unredacted, Social Security, or the medical coverage promised to everyone else who has experienced similar attacks as I and my family have. Yet I still can’t even see a doctor. UN Women But I’m wrong for blowing the whistle? The U.S. government empowered, credentialed, funded, and gave immunity to pedophiles to molest me my entire life, then trafficked me to their cronies and forced me to work for free. But I am the one who is questionable??? UNICEF UNESCO The world tells us every day who’s life matters, America does as well.

In America, those who are intellectual and have a full healthy range of emotions are marginalized, stigmatized, slandered, and oppressed. Yet the “experts” ponder as to why the world is out of balance, if the question ever even posed at all. How much does it take to gain awareness of harm, the impact of trauma, the courage to stand up to abusers? People question me daily, why, why, why? But I have fought tyranny and abuse my entire life! Why are you asking me why I do anything? I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Why do you spend time every day supporting the very system enslaving us all and when this truth is brought to light, you scapegoat the targets who are already being attacked and pummeled. Why do you think that your deviant behavior is excusable even as you point the finer at me for being “deserving” of abuse because I have been the target of it?

You would rather watch the entire planet die because of fear of the playground bullies running amuck? I would rather simply stand up to the bullies. There are plenty of people with the courage to stand up and fight for democracy, to stand with courage in the face of hate and extremism. ,If you can’t then why won’t you step aside and let those of us who can do it have the opportunity to do it? Instead, over the past 5 decades Congress has been nothing more than a criminal organization that allows for the grifting of the public trust and treasury. But we’re not supposed to see it, nor are we supposed to know that this is the one reason that insurrection is protected under the Constitution. To fight such atrocities. Yet those who are committing the insurrection are fighting on behalf of the thieves, not the people. Most of them don’t even know it, they are simply victims of educated and wealthy people weaponizing ignorance and a lack of education against the same people who for more than 5 decades they have systematically defunded across every spectrum of society and survivability.

Instead of those supposedly protecting the Constitution doing so, though this is literally what they are paid to do, they continue the criminal operations because no one is strong enough to hold anyone accountable. When people come along who are, we are stigmatized and slandered. Since the Civil Rights Amendments the U.S. government has been nothing more than a battleground for White people to pontificate at the expense of marginalized people. The population suffering the most harm is the Black Community. specifically descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. “Let’s move past that” is always what the far right says when you try t hold them accountable for anything. We can certainly do that, after you are held accountable for your crimes against nature, humanity, the Constitution, and human rights, and civil rights. Until there is accountability, there will be no moving on. We stand and face to face and speak truth, with our heads held high. You will have to face us in one way or another. But we will not go down, silently, into any racist, fascist, sadistic night to be enslaved forever by psychopaths. No thank you. I’m worth more than that, I always have been, I always will be. If you don’t have the kind of self-esteem that allows to keep fighting in the face of fear, you are not in the right job if you get paid to protect people!



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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