What does it mean?
Black People in America are in a denied holocaust, we have been for hundreds of years in this country and longer in others. To be completely transparent, so are other ethnic and native populations but no one wants to acknowledge this. Why are melanated people of every ethic background systematically oppressed and killed globally? Melanin is so controversial, even the word is suppressed by algorithms let alone the truth about it’s existence and how it affects the human body. It’s convenient to deny science when it debunks lies.
Black, brown, and other marginalized people are dying at apocolyptic rates while those who oppress not only deny our humanity, human rights, and access to justice but prosper off of our pain, suffering, and mass death. Look how much wealth has been added to the elite during the pandemic, but we’re supposed to accept our dominance to extinction while predators rise on our ashes? Through it all we are denied aid, relief, resources, access to justice, support, the ability to defend ourselves, access to adequate medical care, and access to an education system that will allow us to rise from enslavement. The whole step of the way we are scapegoated for our conditions while those who violate our inalienable and human rights daily continue to devise agenda’s, use violent escalations, and propaganda disseminated by a multi-trillion dollar machine specifically designed to target us. Ai, advanced and classified weaponry, climate attacks, classified intelligence, paramilitary units, militias, and operatives are all used to abuse and oppress us via state sanctioned attacks paid for with tax dollars. We are literally being targeted by our own country and there is an actual argument not only about if it’s true but should it stop. We are so vulnerable that the worst of human rights violations are dismissed with “I don’t agree”.
COINTELPro and COINTELPro 2.0 were just the beginning. MKUltra, Tuskegee, the industrial prison complex, deregulation, defunding, redlining, the school to prison pipeline, the industrial military complex, defense contracting, BIG TECH, BIG Pharma, for profit medicine, experimentation, predictive policing, racist housing practices, misogynoir, misogyny, ignoring sexual assault and domestic violence, xenophobic attacks, religious persecutions, state sanctioned violence, gassing, beating, murder, mass murder, cyber-stalking, mass surveillance, gerrymandering, weaponizing a pandemic, using energy weapons and drones against us, refusing to pay taxes, hoarding wealth, hoarding intelligence, hoarding technology, hoarding access to information, hoarding natural resources, suppressing information, censorship, criminalizing dissenting voices, embezzlement, insider trading, racketeering, conspiracies, manipulation of Wall Street, cronyism, pay for play, shadow dockets, racist legislation, the institutionalization of supportive resources, policing of housing services, stonewalling, extremist attacks, withholding care and resources during a pandemic, and other economic attacks, refusing to investigate crimes against us, refusing to pass legislation to protect our lives, refusing to acknowledge the harm done to our community, allowing those who attack us to maintain positions of power over us with impunity, police violence, Reaganomics, politicizing human rights. All of these urban warfare tactics and more are used to oppress the Black and other marginalized communities 24/7 365 all while claiming we alone are responsible for the outcomes of the attacks systematically deployed against us. UN Human Rights It is literally a miracle that any of us manage to survive any of it. It’s time to state the obvious. Until THE WORLD deals with the racist white elephant in the middle of the collective living room, the planet will never get on the correct trajectory for sustainability and advancement. White supremacy is holding back the entire planet. Why would you trust the very people who created the chaos to correct the chaos? That hasn’t happened yet, in hundreds of years, it won’ happen during an apocalypse.
How do Black people survive it all? Communication. Black American descendants of slaves spread across the entire diaspora have been enduring a holocaust for hundreds of years, sometimes longer. We are constantly forced to evolve. Our culture is unique to us and it has everything to do with the conditions we are forced to survive for such extended periods without let up. It’s literally a long term campaign of hate, trauma, and oppression we are surviving, but over hundreds and hundreds of years. People don’t even know how to access historical records of a time where the oppression of Black people did not exist. To comprehend this level of delusion, propaganda, mind control, and suppression you would have to reference the most heinous crimes committed in history to even begin to understand the level of depravity involved.
The Congolese Holocaust to this day goes unacknowledged, reparations unpaid. These are my ancestors, I feel the pain and the grip of it’s evil continues to reverberate to this very day. But I’m supposed to pretend this isn’t true and am considered “mentally unstable” if I don’t. I can see connections that others don’t because it is literally an ability that I was born with, targeted for having, and exploited because of it. But when this ability is used to help people then it becomes a “danger” and I have to be punished. WHAT SICKNESS! I’ve been to the Congo, I feel the pain of my people. When one arm of the diaspora is injured, the entire body that has existed throughout all space and time cries in unison. People still don’t believe that we are even human let alone worthy of life. How sad, such beliefs in and of themselves are not human. Why eradicate people for knowing what you don’t?
People still deny us admittance to spaces that belong to us, much like our Native American brothers and sisters, as well as the Native people’s of Central and South America and the Caribbean. To those who exploit, we are merely collateral damage. To us we are family, distant or otherwise. To this day people still deny that the Jewish holocaust of WW2 took place, yet there is ample evidence, world court proceedings, witnesses, international laws drafted, and reparations paid. Continuing those same experiments and torture programs here on U.S. soil ensured that the nazi agenda lived on. Black and marginalized populations are tired of being targeted by this evil agenda and being sacrificed for the false belief of white supremacy. Simply tell the truth and let the lie die forever.
The truth is NEVER told! UNESCO
The truth continues to be suppressed and denied. But we’re expected to accept the lie and if we tell the truth we are punished with any number of the mechanisms listed above. Human Rights Watch But this doesn’t rise to the level of a holocaust? United Nations It’s literally the same engineers from the WW2 holocaust brought over during Operation Paperclip. I personally have had nazi scientists experiment on me in classified settings. I may ask why the U.S. won’t acknowledge me, but I know why! Look what they would have to admit to! Amnesty International Clearly what is happening in America is a continuation of the WW2 holocaust, so why does it continue to be denied? Why is it that when the targets are Black no one cares? The White House We’re not going back on the plantation and shame you for using our entire community as collateral in your political cronyism games.
“Woke Culture” is not a trend. Black American descendants of slavery create language to help us guide each other out of enslavement as best we can. We use this coded language to communicate secretly with each other because doing so publicly is extremely dangerous. The fact that so many extremists are attacking our secret language should tell you their motive. We are not now nor have we ever been safe. Those who have made these claims, no longer do, the extremism in the nation has proven it untrue. When the elite and the privileged are attacked, or in fear of being uncomfortable somehow, then there is a crisis. Millions of people die because of selfishness, greed, and lust for power but barely an eyelash was batted. The evil lives and the consequence is the loss of the planet. But we’re not supposed to be angry about it and we’re forced to mute our own emotions to survive. This is a toxic, delusional society that cabalistic and obsessed with violence. Why would anyone conflate such sickness with freedom? Black and other marginalized populations are forced to navigate these muddy waters daily, waiting for God to come and save us. Some of us believe God already came, gave us the tools we need to save ourselves, they are literally inside of us if we would simply awaken to them. But people fear what they don’t know.
When in front of others, Black people along with other marginalized populations are forced to adjust our speech. This is called code switching UNICEF Other minority populations have adopted similar methods for the same reasons yet we’re supposed to pretend this is “natural order”? Until ALL are free, none are free. Black America is tired of silencing our selves to make extremism more comfortable. The roots of the liberation from tyranny struggle in America means that we can no longer care about the feelings of those who don’t even care about the lives of others. The means we use to survive such savagery remain with Black Americans who are recording what is happening here, we get it from our African ancestors. It’s literally written into our genetic code for our survival, not only individually and collectively, but to preserve our history. This IS our culture, it’s not a joke or a game. It’s life and death. Mocking it, whitewashing, and watering down our struggle rebranding it with racist slanders is simply more propaganda that clearly proves what your intention is. You reveal your motives through the evil in our deeds.
Negating the truth of or experiences hides the truth in racist tropes, isms, and schisms. As long as extremists can detract, redirect from the truth, deter people from ever seeing reality, then it gives them more time to rob, steal, kill and destroy. Why would anyone support this? Meanwhile we are called “mentally unstable” for questioning it all.
These viscous attacks are being done to us in plain sight all day every day, without let up. Not only us, but every other ethnic minority and native population. Why is this allowed? We can’t even communicate about what is happening to us openly and must resort to using hidden codes either openly or privately simply to give expression to our experiences. Algorithms are constantly designed to suppress our ability to do so. When a civilization seeks to mute expression it truly has devolved to a hellish state of existence. When we give language to any of these truths, we are systematically attacked and eradicated. Yet systemic oppression is still called fake.
We develop code in order to survive. It’s in everything we do. It crosses generations, cultures, various time periods throughout the entire diaspora and across the entire planet. Our culture is rich with resources that get exploited by the elite daily as they use their booty to further oppress. But we’re supposed to be grateful for this arrangement that we never agreed to.
It’s time humanity evolved beyond these archaic practices of suppressing other people’s cultures, humanity, expression, lives. Humanity can and must do better. We can ALL evolve collectively, let true leaders lead and we could reach into infinity. Continue to pander to extremism and they burn the entire planet down. Why is it even a question?
Being aware of conditions, developing survival tactics, and communicating with expert precision amongst ourselves to help us endure, survive, and even thrive is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s obviously genius. So why are so many in leadership roles even from the highest places of all three branches of government sending dog whistle’s concerning an aspect of our culture that keeps us alive? We are an ethnic minority experiencing ethnic cleansing at home in our own country, and instead of leaders attempting to save us they are “sending out the dogs”. Only the fittest will survive they say. Do they expect us to lay down and die? That is not in our DNA, enslavement made sure of that.
Shame should be assigned where it belongs, with those who ignore the mass suffering, death, torture, trauma, rape, molestation, and state sanctioned attacks while enjoying the trauma it causes to their caged targets. Those who support such detestable activities by honoring them and creating the most offensive apologies for these crimes against nature and humanity are those who should be bearing the shame. Indeed, to support such genocidal behavior is the total extent of how far a human can fall into depravity and it is not to be praised. In the Black community we question this kind of thinking, so of course being awakened to the mechanisms of tyranny is a threat to those who seek to abuse.
The Black community is required to constantly “curve” racist attacks. That means we bend like Neo in the matrix in order to avoid intentional traps set for us. You may be able to understand the words I just used to describe the meaning of the colloquialism. But you don’t understand what it means to live it and you never will if you aren’t Black. We live under attacks of guerilla warfare generation after generation and we’ve all being experiencing it for so long that many actually forgot it was happening. Chasing after shiny things can often distract in that way. Black America knows that we are being hunted to extinction, it makes us keenly aware of our surroundings. Those systematically eradicating us are annoyed by our agility, fortitude, and intellect. Our resilience and survivability irritates them so they evolve more aggressive tactics, constantly. We deserve life, that’s a fact that constantly gets denied.
Black America must avoid things designed for others to prosper and for us to fail, by any means. Even be adjacent to certain kind of chaos means the demise usually of not only ourselves but several family members as well. THAT is how vulnerable we are, we just don’t talk about it openly. The reason I am is because this is the end. Our culture matters, our experiences have impacted human consciousness on a level that has been suppressed for millennia. Now is the time for us to write our own narrative, never has white supremacy fought harder to silence us than now United Nations
Our survival as an entire ethnic population depends on our ability to communicate our experiences, yet I can barely get a post out without inference and this is my ONLY means of communication with the outside world. We don’t have time to play games with our own lives, our families, our community, our culture, our history. We appreciate it if no one else does either. Targeting “woke culture” is another way of appropriating and slandering our struggle as our entire population is systematically being eradicated in a denied holocaust and people are still calling our pain, suffering, and trauma fake. UN Development Programme
Being awakened in our community means different things. Most of us understand that there are levels to learning, we don’t underestimate that truth. WE KNOW WHO WE ARE, YOU DON’T KNOW WHO WE ARE AND WE MUST KEEP IT THAT WAY IN ORDER TO SURVIVE. INSTEAD OF ATTACKING OUR METHODS OF SURIVAL WHY NOT TURN YOUR ATTENTION TO THOSE ERADICATING US INSTEAD? Particularly if that is your job and you receive tax dollars to do it.
Being “woke” is not a culture. It’s survival, but you don’t even know what “woke” means so how could have the ability to judge it’s worthiness? It’s not YOUR culture. It’s not YOUR struggle. It’s not YOUR bloodline, community, life, history, or truth. It is ours. YOU DON’T GET TO WRITE OUR NARRATIVE and that is what angers you so much! Massa’ is finally losing power because all the field ni**** decided to rise up and none of you can handle the loss of power or the primal fear you have as a result of your own evil. No wonder you fear consequences which you have rebranded as “cancel culture”.
The fact that you need to oppress in order to feel powerful is in and of itself enough to disprove the lie of white supremacy, that’s why you target truth and truth tellers. But none of us are going away. We won’t be divided, we won’t be propagandized, we won’t be bullied, we won’t be stopped, we won’t be raped into submission, we reject being rejected because of your bigotry, we won’t attack our fellow humans and we won’t allow you too either! But know this, we will most certainly defend ourselves. THIS NEVER GOES AWAY! We will not be pitted against our allies, we won’t allow you to kill our children, beat our grandparents at protests, arrest our leaders for standing up for human rights or force us to get and stay pregnant because you want to breed us like cattle. NO MORE!
Black Lives Matter Global Network Planned Parenthood Action Fund
There are more of us resisting fascism and hate than ever before. We are the majority, not the minority. We will not die down, we will not be forced back into submission. We are not going back into the past where enslavement is “romanticized” and pedophilia is “just a part of life”! NO! We are not going back into a place where rape is never rape, but the victim of rape is guilty of any number of things just for telling the truth. We are not going to accept targeting people by race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle, ethnic origin, political affiliation, vulnerability, personality type, or disability. Bigotry and xenophobia of every type must go. It’s not a reach, we are literally demanding THE BARE MINIMUM OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN! Lies, deceit, slander, manipulation, propaganda all must be done away with. We will not accept “we did our best” we will only accept an absolute win in attacking and overcoming tyranny.
The men who trained me did not allow loss, slack, or defeat. They felt justified in torturing me because they believed it would achieve the ultimate results. Extremism created me then complained that I exist, so why should I care about what they think? I suffered for nothing but lies, deceit, manipulation, and perverseness. I’m not letting all of that suffering go to waste. I promised myself when I was a kid that I wouldn’t let that trauma be wasted. I’m going to do what no one had the courage to do before now. Pandora’s Box is just beginning to open. There is no going back, we move forward, upward, and onward together. ALL. Period!
I have NEVER once lost a mission because I was never allowed to. Not only my life, but the lives of others ALWAYS depend on it. I have lost EVERYTHING along the way just to get to this very moment, but one thing I never lost was my goal. I will not go back nor will I stop telling the truth. Until I draw my last breath I will fight to ensure that every nazi, insurgent, crony, deviant, and apologist gets the accountability they deserve.
You’re welcome.
The entire Black community is under attack, of course it’s a trigger for me to fight for our justice. It’s obviously strategic, so I will do what I am trained to do. Not only for my family, my community, my country, my planet, but ALL. THAT is what true patriotism looks like. I am just one of many, look how many people are now in the fight for our collective lives! THIS NEVER GOES AWAY! The resistance is growing and we will overcome evil. We do it for the cause, it’s why we are here. We already won, we’re just waiting for time to catch up to our frequency. My level of woke means I see through evil clearly like glass, and I’m “on dat azz” because I won’t leave behind a legacy of destitution for the futures children to inherit simply because people are too afraid to hold others accountable. NO MORE!
“Woke Culture” doesn’t exist. Black Culture exists. “Woke” is simply a phrase from our culture, yes it’s a code, no you don’t understand even if you think you do. It’s not about the statement, it’s about the experience. If you haven’t lived it, and you haven’t if you aren’t Black, then you are incapable of understanding beyond the surface level meaning of the words.
Stop appropriating our struggle and whitewashing the genius ways we navigate your hate in order to survive the unending attacks that you and your family continue to lodge against us. It may not have been you, perhaps it was your parents, grandparents or greats. That’s why you fear “Critical Race Theory” correct? Because you don’t want people to know who you really are, who your family truly is, where your money, stability, and privilege actually came from. No it wasn’t from hard work, it was always from oppression. Our story is only one thread in the collective world map of global oppression and tyranny. It’s time every target of oppression and tyranny rose up to tell their stories, individually as well as collectively, unapologetically. Until ALL are heard, ALL can never be free. We must ALL learn to communicate with empowerment, authority, truth, and integrity. Evil cowers when exposed by the light of truth. We are ALL stronger together against fascism!
Let’s say you, or your parents, or grandparents have never had a connection to any form of oppression. It’s actually impossible, but let’s say it’s true. The next question is have you personally benefited from oppression. Did you get a job because you Dad made a phone call? Was there a more qualified candidate who happened to be of a marginalized population and it was so easy to skate passed them. Or do you just skate past people in grocery lines or push them aside on a public side walk? Do you use racist rhetoric or espouse racist ideologies? Do you support people who do racist things? Racism gets people killed, it’s not about hurt feelings. You may claim you haven’t done anything, but look again. The answer is always yes, for everyone. But when the people who engineer the oppression benefit from it so does everyone in their vicinity. It’s literally MLM. I watched these men use marketing techniques and deploy them as social engineering strategies that ultimately became political policy, which in turn becomes law. But this process is called “democracy”? Racist policy is always the outcome, mass suffering and death the end result. No one was ever unsure of what the outcomes would be. All white people benefit from oppression not only of Black people, but every other marginalized population. As long as this truth continues to be called “fake” the evil thrives.
Oppression is real, arguments to the contrary only prove attachment to a lack of accountability. If someone stole money from an elderly woman and gave it to you, would you not be culpable for what you spend? Do you even bother to find out how it affected the victim and try to make amends? White privilege is real, denying only shows your unwillingness to accept reality as it is rather than how you demand others accept it to be. Only the privileged are even capable of thinking this way. The disempowered have no experiential knowledge of such power dynamics other than as a victim. The actual act of thinking in this manner proves the reality of white privilege, the fact that you don’t see it does the same. People are waking to tricks because all of humanity is on line, some people don’t want the cognitive dissonance over existence.
We ALL have a right to life, that will always be true. We have a right to fight for our lives. That will always be true. You can think what you want about the Black community, and clearly so many do. But what you won’t do any longer is run all over us and expect nothing to happen as a consequence. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s not rocket science, it’s like 3rd grade science.
The same people going after “woke” culture are the ones chasing “the big lie” claiming “all lives matter” because they are “pro-life” yet ALL of their activities get people killed.
We are “woke” because we aren’t asleep and that is obviously a good thing.
Progressive Caucus those who are asleep are still defending insurgents, treason, sedition, war criminals, and rape. So who truly is the “danger”? I am fully, totally, and permanently disabled and can’t get payment of my contract, my credentials unredacted, disability aid, COVID relief for anyone in my household, or public assistance yet I am more heavily censored than terrorists. But America has equality?