“Woke” Is Our Culture, We Will Not Be Shamed About Expanding Our Consciousness
Whole Picture Poetry
Black American culture is rich
Full of cosmic energy
Full of nuances and traditions
Spirituality and creativity
Art, music, science, love, relationship, community
The expansion of consciousness
Mind in alignment
Of what was
What is
What will be
All woven into
Our cultural influences
Including our Ebonics
“Woke” literally means “awakening”
Meaning the consciousness is growing
Meaning we are consciously choosing
To be in a state of conscious growth
Choosing what is appropriate for our highest destiny
We know this is our inalienable right
To grow, change, be
Simply because we are human beings
We do not need validation
What we need is an end to the ethnic cleansing
But if the world persists
In ignoring our humanity
We still know where we are going
Our ancestors have prepared a place for us
We walk in their footsteps
Even when there are different pathways taken
When we shed this body
We transcend the inertia
That keeps beings trapped
In unreality
We use our time in this life
To enlighten our minds
Aligning our bodies with spirit
Becoming whole and rooted
In spiritual abundance
We have the knowledge we need
To transcend the mundane
So when we shed this skin
And/or baggage
We become our highest destiny
Individually as well as collectively
We are ALL in the process of becoming
We understand that humans beings
Are in the process of becoming
What we manifest into reality
As we access our ancestral memories
Healing as much as we can along the way
Including the “divine mysteries”
Kept in our subconscious
Passed down through mystery schools
Woven into our culture
Depicted in our creations
We apply these jewels and spiritual blessings
To our lives individually as well as collectively
So that we remain on the ancestral frequency
Or not
We have the right to choose to deviate
Some choose other frequencies to interact with
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this
As long as we do not become the cause
Of another’s stumbling along the way
We see into the multiples of dimensions
And access the frequencies
Of infinite quantum entanglements
On every plane
We often see the many potentialities
So we weave those visions
Into our creations
That ultimately become lessons
For our progeny
We feed the mind, body, and soul
Preparing our children for future days
The old world of karmic cycles
Is always meant to be lived temporarily
We teach these lessons to our children
Family members
Or anyone in need of the information
That doesn’t mean everyone will grasp it
But if it’s meant for them
It will one day sink in
Black American culture
Is rich with abundant spiritual blessings
We will not be shamed for being creative
Or for expanding our consciousness
We do not accept being politicized and propagandized
We persist on our path of transcendence
Regardless of what caricatures are invented
To hide the truth of our existence
Black Americans have struggled
For more than 500 years
To fight for our human rights to be recognized
And protected
Every aspect of our culture
Constantly under attack
Particularly colloquialisms
And the tradition of expanding our consciousness
As we use ancient icons such as the Ankh and Djed
To activate our ancestral DNA
Helping us tap into the light we need to guide our way
All of our creativity
Depicts our long journey
Through these deep waters
The struggles activate our greatest
Skills, abilities, and strengths
As we apply the knowledge we have gained
Honoring our ancestors journeys
Keeping our historical records
In our genetic imprint
Activating them within our progeny
Wherever 2 or more are gathered
So shall the spirit be
It flows in us
Through us
Around us
Above and below us
It heals us
Balances us
Teaches us
It creates within us all we need
To expand our consciousness
Our collective spiritual energy
Gives us the strength we need
To keep moving
Into destiny
We are
We matter
Regardless of who does
Or does not believe
Regardless of who hates us
Or who further creates obstacles for us
On this long and arduous journey
We go within
We go to our leadership
We seek our own culture
Our own ancestors
Our own sacred writings
Our families
We support one another
Even in the face of all the hate, torture, trauma, suffering
Even while facing apocalyptic rates of mass death
We understand what this time is
What it means
What it will become
What we are becoming
As human beings
We don’t need anyone to translate our ancestor’s messages
WE ARE what we are born to be
The more difficult the journey
The more refined the spiritual being
We connect to the wisdom intentionally
Held within spiritual jewelry
It adorns our crown
Forever on our minds
Placed as guideposts in front of us
To remind us who we are
And what we must be
When times get darkest and most oppressive
We know where we are going
That is how we keep surviving
Every weapon, scorpion, thorn, and blade
It is our destiny
We share what we are
The world embraces our creations
We shall not fall here
We shall keep moving
If all of us choose to evolve beyond this sphere
We know how to manifest into
Future realities
One Love
On The Road To Zion
We ALL are headed
Even when our pathways
Are different
Our energy remains connected
If no other accepts, respects, or protects our lives
We live on anyway
Even after transcending the density of this sphere
We are blessed with spiritual abundance
Because we deserve it!
We have fought through hell
To help advance
The entire human race
The growth of human consciousness
Is what humanity needs to save this planet
It is the birth right of every living being
All the spiritual masters and prophets taught about it
All were persecuted in their day
Particularly in their home town
That’s what it means to envy
So we are quite used to such reactions
We connect deeply to nature
To the cosmos
To the ancients
To the spiritual realm
Because we have prioritized these treasures
Actively applying them to our consciousness advancement
We share what we learn
Because we want all to have a chance
We understand that the entire human race
Is symbiotic and designed to be one consciousness
We invest our energy in growing our frequencies
Accessing the quantum field through various methods
Sharing what we find, learn, see
Tapping into our cohorts frequencies
Expanding ever more
To create more awareness and balancing
Our desire is for harmonic resonance
To live in harmony and peace
If that cannot be found here
We will choose to transcend collectively
Moving onto higher waves and more beautiful spaces
Like so many ancients in the past have repeatedly done
We will simply choose to cease existing in this low frequency dimension
We have warned for so many centuries that this time was coming
We prepared for it
So now it’s time to face the music
Information is everywhere
All around us
When we are still we can sense it’s presence
The force is what it’s often called
Or the spirit to some
And still others
The manifestation of quantum particle waves
Through entanglements
We gather enlightenment
Creating new artistic expressions
Orally, visually, musically, scientifically
We grow, change, expand
Because to be stagnant only causes decay
So our culture chooses to
Keep it moving!
This is literally what “woke” is
We are who we are
Because we choose to be conscious of this
We don’t need anyone to approve of us
To be us
Adopt our culture
Or appropriate our language
Of opinions
Irrespective of others beliefs
We have the right 2 BE
And we do it looking oh so
We don’t need anyone to accept our culture
We need you to stop eradicating us
Because you fear the color of our skin
If you choose to persist
It’s truly your own loss
We will move on from here
But without you balancing the scales
The universe demands an answer for this
It’s called karmic debt
Some call it punishment for sins
Particularly if you have tampered with chosen ones
The anointed
Or Twin flames
Whatever your belief
The energy is real
Once activated
That movement cannot be undone again
What goes out
Is what returns
What comes around goes around
It’s cosmic law that doesn’t fail
Aka God’s word
Delivered by holy spirit
Received by those spiritually prepared
Karma is real for a reason
Because you are what you choose
Watch your thinking
It manifests into reality
Or you may get exactly what you are asking for
Not knowing what the results are
That’s what happens when you mess around with
Things you don’t understand
Black American culture is a growth culture
We focus on expanding in a multitude of ways
Where the opportunity for consciousness expansion is
THAT is where you find us
One love
An abundance of blessings
Get over it!
So be it!
Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME Progressive Caucus UN Women
Anti-Defamation League Amnesty International Amnesty International USA
UN Human Rights Human Rights Watch Congressional Black Caucus