Wolf Packs
Moving mountains.
In Tradecraft as well as War College we were taught different fighting strategies. The strategies are often developed from watching nature, particularly predatory animals in their natural habitats. Wolf packs are very structured, very well organized, their is a constant chain of command, and everyone obeys. When there is any deviation from the structured order, the entire pack jumps in to hold the dissidents accountable. There is only one voice in a wolf pack, that of the alpha. We were trained to be Super Alpha’s on the field, Sigma’s off the field. If you don’t know what a Super Alpha is, you will soon. I’m going to show you what one well trained operative can do, because that is my training. We don’t let invading forces come in and take over, change the entire system that allowed for such weakness to ever occur to begin with.
We we were broken down and built back up to become omniverts, in other words we were forced to learn to adapt to any situation. We were the people trained to either work in a team, or on our own. No matter what we had to be successful, otherwise death could be the penalty. Many who claim to have this education, training, and experience are completely full of it. It’s extremely rare, difficult to achieve, difficult to even pass the screening for, and it takes decades to perfect. I had no choice, my mentors and handlers literally designed the programs that were taught and deployed. They designed the screening methods, they selected candidates, and they determined who was assigned to go where. They were obsessed with turning my DNA into soldier’s DNA, forever, hence the breeding campaigns. We already were fighters, that’s why they wanted us, but they wanted to make sure it never deviated from their path, that’s where the social engineering came in. They underestimated us, we aren’t built for enslavement.
When wolf packs face their most challenging threats, they get into an endgame formation. Senior wolves take the lead, next are the children. The strongest stay behind in the rear for a vantage point. They can see what comes from all sides, and they protect the young in the middle. The most vulnerable, in other words, are sacrificed first. This was my mentors favorite strategy because he lacked imagination, I don’t . THIS is the strategy he chose when designing this insurgency. I ask why all of the time but it’s literally a rhetorical question, I know. I am silenced because I am a threat to this insurgency. I always have been, I always will be! I don’t believe in genocide, I never have and I never will. I Am my own alpha, I don’t need anyone's permission to tell the truth. I have ethics AND integrity and I won’t turn a blind eye to the suffering of any lifeform. I care about life, and I protect life. That will never change.
My handlers prevented me from sounding the alarm before now. Millions have already perished, the most vulnerable in fact. While we may take on animal spirits in times of battle for defense or during spiritual communion for the sake of enlightenment, we don’t need to maintain that strategy in everyday life. It’s a war strategy not a go-to move in order to secure power, shifting it away form those we deem “unworthy of life”. Yet here we are, living that experience because a handful of extremists with wealth, power, and deviant personalities decided they had the right to brainwash and deploy civilians and paramilitary units to attack American citizens on U.S. soil. Black America has lived this experience the entire time white people have been on American soil. Now insurgents turn their attention to any and all who refuse to obey their deviant commands. They are sick, they always have been. They could have just gotten help for their sickness, instead they spread disease in all of it’s forms to the entire planet.
My handlers were the ones who broke me down and built me up to be a fighter! I was an artist, a singer, and a spiritualist. That wasn’t good enough for them. Now, I am forced to reveal a part of myself that is usually kept hidden. My “fictive father” loved this side of me, he preferred it. It’s the rawest, deepest, most primal side of myself. He tortured me to bring it to the surface constantly. He set me up in the most extreme conditions all of my life so that I would be forced to repeatedly become whatever I needed to be in order to get the job done. Weaponizing my own mind, body, and soul against is by far the sickest thing he ever did. No one should live that way. Yet here we are.
When backed into a corner I will not lay down and die. I come out fighting, and he made sure that would always be true. One thing people are completely unfamiliar with are Omegas. Not the “overly sensitive” type that gets promoted on the internet as being weak, but the ones who put an end to all things that do not belong. We keep the balance, we restore harmony, we have one mission, keep the oath, win, come home alive.
We were nazi hunters, that is what our unit was trained to do. Since nazis want to rise up and attempt to take control not only of America on U.S. soil but also attempt to take the world then I have no choice but to respond. Since you feel inclined to constantly threaten me and my family. I can’t count how many nazi units I took out, it’s what I spent my developmental years doing. “We want to ensure that our young don’t get slaughtered in the battle” the told me, I’m still here! America is nursing nazi wolfpacks from its bosom every night, then they come out in the light of day and attack all who oppose them, particularly Black America. My family included. I have no choice but step into the light, it’s what I’m trained to do.
I have been underestimated all of my life, he is the ONLY man who ever knew me. He trained me to be as skilled as himself and even he knew I would rise above my “master teacher”. In fact he expected it, “the best students always surpass the master”. He dreaded it, he hated the notion of it, but he also loved it knowing that his name would live on in me. I hated all of it but weakness and quitting aren’t a part of my DNA, neither is treason. I loathe traitors and those that intentionally incite such behaviors, you got the right on with me! I Am who I Am and that will always be, America will come to know exactly who that is if you like it or not..
I have served this country faithfully my entire life, as did my father. We have been treated like the traitors while the traitors are treated like the patriots. On behalf of my father, my mother, my grandmothers, my entire family, I’m taking back what was stolen from us! Our names, our identities, our essence, our creations, our existence, every aspect of us. America can choose to do the correct thing and actually put down the insurgency, balance the scales of injustice, ad pay back what it owes from those it has stolen from. Instead, leadership remains in a “stranglehold”. No one is stepping up, so I do what I am trained to do, protect!
You can either be with me or against me, the choice is yours but I’m not stopping and you will most certainly reap what you sew. It’s not in my DNA turn away from such mass suffering. Why don’t you pull some of those black files files from the 80s and 90s and see if you can even catch a glimpse of who I am, if they still exist that is. I hear there are fires popping up and that’s typical. That’s happened to me my entire life, if there is no paper trail it doesn’t exist. But that’s just a theory, you may be able to redact me and eliminate my records but you couldn’t erase my memory enough to affect my training. That’s what muscle memory and PTSD are for. The more you traumatize me, the more I remember. Funny how that backfired isn’t it?
HONOR MY CONTRACT so that I don’t have to be ass out, on my own, fighting for myself, my children, my community, and my country on my own while leadership stumbles around in the dark as millions all over the world die from a pandemic that never would have been if it weren’t for corruption in government, as denied climate change rapidly destroys the planet.
True warriors NEVER swear a bad oath. A real warrior never breaks an oath, we live to fight another day. The White House UN Women I matter, you will come to understand if you like it our not! Shout out to Strike Force! I was literally the first one, in the first unit! Ask DC! He’s always been a hater because he is a misogynist, a bigot, and in the closet, but he has tells. Can you imagine how weak you have to be in order to be jealous of a child?
Everyone is playing chess and checkers while leadership is playing The Most Dangerous Game as my daughter was literally taught in school this week. I don’t play games, I win wars. It doesn’t matter if you keep me redacted or disbelieve, the truth will always be. If you did nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about! I don’t need violence, threats, coercion, hackers, or stalkers, flyovers, or energy weapons. I just need me and the truth.
Seriously, how the hell do you think I survived everything? It’s in my DNA.