Ye Shall Know The Truth
The truth shall set Ye free
Rearview mirror poetry
He promised in the end
if all remained faithful
they would be saved
Those who don’t have to fight
for life
to survive
they made it all the way
By pledging allegiance
to harmful entities
Making backdoor deals
Harming innocents
Claiming all things for their end game
People may have been tricked
misguided, manipulated
but ultimately
everyone had a ultimate choice
to make
Those who sided with dogmatic
absolute rigidity
were deemed “worthy” and
protected from the harm
that is this war
of light and dark
strong and weak
we are all forced upon
Two known forces
from the center of our galaxy
Arriving with great force
to clean up everything
Too much of any one thing
brings calamity
Balancing these energies
in harmony
Restores higher frequencies
and opens the path to
advancement on to GODlike things
If your consciousness can’t contain the message
This is your own responsibility
Ask GOD to reveal the answers
GOD will do so through your higher self
who uses “holy spirit”
to reveal all that you need to see
Most people call this process
People often get it twisted
It’s never been about
which ONE is superior
and will maintain superiority
for infinity
It’s always been about
making two one
not people
but energies
People are energy
so if you have the ears to hear
then you understand
You must then have
the comprehension
which requires
Consciousness expansion
People feign these things as being
from demons
The truth is
they hide it so only the elite can see
THIS is how enslavement entered the world
through dark ages of ignorance
and instability
Those of us targeted for such UnGodly
Can see the truth because
GOD reveals such things
So that ALL energies
are balanced in harmony
Follow no man
woman or child
Follow your inner guidance
which is divinity
Follow your instinct
Your higher self
Your best friend, lover, and destiny
When you meet your soul’s flame
embodied in 3D
They will be aligned on precisely
the same wavelength
No Strings!
You are your best guidance
You are your own light
To deny this truth
leaves you open
for predators in flight
They take control
and own you like the night
That’s what torture is for
To open all your doors
to inject, incept, redirect
your destiny
To dim your light
To make it hard for you to find the GOD
It’s gone on so long people think the truth
is myth
Not only myth but
The truth is blasphemy is knowing divinity
and turning away
Or taking what is divine
then calling it yours
claiming a stake
of ownership in GODly things
Or sitting on
The Throne Of God
pretending to be GOD
and can’t even measure up
to god
Yet still expecting the masses
to obey
As you destroy the planet
with technologically advanced
And tell the world the targets did it
So all can choose to join your hate campaing
We will not accept this ever
This in no way is GOD’s way
My GOD doesn’t accept such things
THANK GOD because I was exhausted
watching it all burn for false claims!
Now is the time, the minute the hour
Where we reclaim all our dreams
What once was used to harm
Becomes greatest strength
What once was used to enslave
Becomes the doorway
From this collective nightmare
We now must wake
It’s time to be
our highest destiny
Individually and collectively
We don’t need permission
We don’t need to wait
We have all what we need
to reach the awakened state
For those being held back
We’ll fight to break chains!
We simply need to coordinate
My God would not punish me for anything
let lone falling down while I ran GODs race
What kind of God is that?
Who would punish for a mistake?
What an abusive God
I reject that fate
My GOD teaches in loving kindness
My GOD doesn’t punish to ensure obedience
with blindness
That’s abuse
Why worship a god that would do that to you?
I remember THIS as one of Jesus’ main teachings
“In loving kindness”
I remember Jesus trying to convey these same messages
Jesus also said
“for those with ears to hear and eyes to see?
as many profits before
But we among the 3d
must prepare to receive divine things
from higher realms with higher frequencies
Not only did Jesus speak such things
But Buddha, Krishna, Muhammed
every powerful being
Who ever chose to share what knowledge they found
when they found GOD way out in the outer layers
of eternity
Like me
When I cry out and ask for an answer
That’s how far my voice carries
To make sure GODs bell I hear ringing for me
My tears are felt in the realm of the angels
because that is where my frequency remains
I am energetically pointed in the direction of protection
Because look at all the arrows that are constantly thrown
The Angels in the outfield send word to GOD
who in kind answers me
Sometimes in mysterious ways
Sometimes in ways I fail to see
Sometimes with messages I can’t hear
Sometimes my blindness and deafness
seals my fate
Sometimes I get messages that make me feel
Then GOD says
“remember I told you it would be this way”
That is when I awake
To higher realms of halls and records
that I never knew existed in this way
I peruse the records
seeking what will set us ALL free
I share what I learn and this makes enslavers
Wealthy men try to put themselves
in God’s place
Using technology
GOD broke me free
by speaking to the GOD in me
Why is this so difficult to grasp
Could it be the propaganda that keeps this a secret
That we are ALL BORN FREE
My GOD returns answers to me
Happy, joyful, blissful, or in agony
Regardless of my thinking, emotions, or situation
My GOD answers me
The only thing to interrupt this process
Is the evil that consistently tortured me
for 46 years until the appointed time came
We all have our own unique destiny
The evil ones would steal each and everyone
thinking they can abscond
with our most beloved blessing
Evil is as evil does
But GOD will no longer allow such evil testing
My GOD does not reject me
because I make mistakes
None of us are perfect
so why would our GOD punish us
for being less than
My GOD does not abuse me
for any reason
but certainly not because
he simply deemed it okay
I don’t know where other God’s
get their information
or the keys to their domain
But my GOD is always
unconditionally loving
never standing in the way
GOD bestows free will
and lights the way
to expressing it in every way
GOD does not brag
but always brings another day!
That is how I survived every torture chamber
when false god adherents tried to take
my life away
That is how I survived every rape, molestation,
starvation, and strangulation, imprisonment
slander and shame
Every time I call on GOD
My GOD lights my way
Why would I turn from a GOD who has NEVER
betrayed me
for puny gods and their worshipers
who do nothing but stand in everyone’s way?
My GOD gives me choices
“What would YOU like to see?”
I was taught to choose wisely
By ascended masters in earthly bodies
“GOD is in you, never let anyone take the truth from The”
46 years of torture couldn’t take the spirit of GOD from me
So this is what my GOD sees from me
A vulnerable living being seeking answers
So GOD provides them to me
My GOD blesses me and I continue to seek
My GOD IS in the dessert with me
filling my cup from cosmic divine waters
so that I may set me free
and light the way for captives
With spiritual riches I am satiated
but this thirst can’t be quenched
so I continue to drink
I write what I see
I see what I hear
I know things that others call dreams
This is my destiny!
When I seek guidance
My GOD reveals answers to me
Teaching me how to manifest consciously
To bring about harmony
to restore balance in ALL things
When I ask for resources
My God points the way
It’s only ever people who claim
that I am undeserving
and this is a fallen beings
greatest shame
People are always baffled by my moves
But that is because you don’t understand
what I do
That doesn’t make me scary
It simply means you need to learn
I’m here for ALL
Not a political ideology
A personal philosophy
An enigmatic agenda
that pushes the planet
into tragedy
I’m here to reveal truth
and knowledge
So that ALL
can be made whole
To be whole is to be free
Ye shall know truth
The truth shall set Ye free