Whole Picture Poetry
The web is wide and deep
More complex
Than most anticipate
I’m still expected
To act as if it’s fake
Still expected
To accept
What abusers call my fate
There is no accountability
No transparency
No oversight
No support, aid
Respect for human rights
Respect for life
Protection for the entire population
Only some races “matter”
But we’re told race doesn’t matter
As we are told
Some of those
Deemed “lesser races” matter
But any of those
With melanin don’t
We’re supposed to ignore the inhumanity
The double standards
The abuse
The ethnic cleansing
We’re supposed to pretend we don’t see
That we’re not living a holocaust
Like we could ever forget
That we are enslaved
All of us in some way
Even those at the highest echelons
Of the wealth stream
We’re all enslaved
By systemic oppression
That feeds the elite
War now is right in their face
They are “shocked and appalled”
Because they claim
They didn’t see this coming
But they knew all along
In fact for decades
That is why
There was a massive wealth transfer
They were ensuring
They were securing
Their own selfish ego “needs”
So they don’t have to experience
Any form of inconvenience
What’s worse
At the top echelon
They are all Libertines
They live as they please
Taking who and what they want
Always at their leisure
Even when it means
Taking other’s bodies
In every way
They do it openly
But hide the facts
Then say it never happened
No one ever held accountable
They believe it is their entitlement
That we were born “inferior”
Therefore we deserve to be their prey
We’re expected to live this daily
Generation after generation
Absorbing all the blame
Saying nothing
Living the consequences
Of the heinous deeds
Of the most predatory deviants
This is hell already
There is no question of this
It’s not something WE create
Hell is the consequence
Of not breaking free
From others deviant chains
“The victim gets the punishment”
That’s what the men who molested
Controlled, and trafficked me
Always said
It’s not a mistake
It’s social engineering
They are the ones who engineered the chaotic mess
The gaslight is the worst part of all of it
There is no way to escape
Even those at the top
Made it there because someone made the way
Everyone says
“I got here on my own”
But that’s a manipulation
No one gets to the top on their own
Someone always has to make a way
If you did it on your own
It wouldn’t matter what hands were shaken
What room you were in
Who gave you a “chance”
Or who gave you a recommendation
If you did it all on your own
None of that would exist
Anyone at the top got a leg up
Everyone simply sticks to the script
To maintain the manipulation
I spent the first 3 decades of my life
Being controlled by powerful men
Who made billions
Ensuring certain people
Get to certain places
It’s called a “system” for a reason
This is why the analogy of the “matrix”
Is the best example
Of what the system of oppression is
It’s a social engineering design
To keep anyone not related
At bay
That’s literally 99% of the human population
But we’re supposed to pretend
That this is how life is was created
That nature or God or the universe
Created living beings to be enslaved
What a ridiculous notion
But being “woke” is the greatest “threat”?
I wonder if the elites see “woke” missiles
Threatening their reign
Or is it just a mirror image
Of raw power
Coming in hot
To level the playing field again
These are the questions of the 99%
Particularly those in the margins
The ones still being oppressed
Because of the color of our skin
Or our religion
Or the ethnic population we belong to
Or the place we were born
Or the place we currently live
The amount of money in our bank accounts
Or the fact that we aren’t as able as previously
Or perhaps society frowns upon some aspect
Of how we are living
Whatever the bigotry
Those of us experiencing it
Ponder things
Like why “some” lives matter
When we are told “all” matter
But clearly that’s not the case at all
It never has been
Most feel
It never will
Those shells flying around
The nuclear power plants
Are a clear indication
Of just how frustrated the entire planet is
But they were warned all along
They simply didn’t care
It’s most disturbing because it’s all been planned
This isn’t just another proxy war
This is THE war
Designed to change everything
Those of us targeted for ethnic cleansing
Obviously will not go down easily
Yet we are scrubbed from society
In every way
To hide the truth of what is happening
No matter
The truth always remains
The truth finds the light of day
The truth is
Regardless of who calls it fake
Or a conspiracy
Or a manipulation
The truth is anyway
That is why
In this universe
Some things change
But some things stay the same
People are suppose to grow
Not remain stagnant
Not eliminating populations
To hide crimes against nature
To experiment
To make sick men wealthy and powerful
That’s the reason the world is facing
We’re all so tired of the lies
The abuse
The mass graves
The wealth transfers
The oppression
But no one cares! UN Human Rights UN Women The White House President Joe Biden Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress
Yet we’re expected to “comply”
With our own ethnic cleansing
A world built on white supremacy
Can be described no other way